Yes, it is that kind of day which deserves a second post on the Trump winning, albeit along a slightly different line. Remember when Democrats chastised Republicans for saying “Obama’s not my president”? This came after Democrats said that about George W. Bush for almost 8 years, but really starting about the time of the Iraq war. I myself proclaimed in 2011 that Obama was Not My President. But, now we get
Just woke up to a delicious fresh serving off butt-hurt with #HesNotMyPresident & #ImStillWithHer.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 9, 2016
Yeah, we do
Thank you @HillaryClinton, you fought the good fight, but hate won. I'm still with you. #HesNotMyPresident
— Lesley Abravanel ???? (@lesleyabravanel) November 9, 2016
Well we just solved #Immigration issues because who the F wants to come here now. #HesNotMyPresident
— CheriLH (@CLherlinger) November 9, 2016
#HesNotMyPresident because:
1) He does not speak for me.
2) His prejudice disgusts me.
3) His ignorance disturbs me.
4) I live in the UK.— Tony (@GodfreyElfwick) November 9, 2016
Um, OK. No one is silencing. If that was the case, you wouldn’t be able to Tweet.
This keeps going and going and going. There are entirely too many to post.
Just imagine the butthurt on January 20.
And how many will stay home today, and possibly through the week?

A very hard election. Usually when the candidate I voted for wins I’m jubilant. Not this time. Trump, as I stated before, is an A-hole. His only redeeming quality was he wasn’t a crooked politician. Now he has the opportunity to become one.
I am very sad that the democrats were more concerned with getting power for their party than doing right by America and allowed such an obvious crook, criminal and liar to get their nomination. I’m even more disappointed there weren’t more democrats that were #neverHillary like the neverTrumpers. Seems the dems are more comfortable with corruption than with fowl language. That’s just stupid.
At least we won’t have to hear her squeaky voice give speeches any more. now she only gives speeches for $$$$$ just like her old man.
I’m not happy that Donald Trump won, but I’m absotively, posilutely overjoyed that Hillary Clinton lost.
BTW john, all the “experts” were wrong, again. All your PhD’s were wrong, again. All those people you constantly quote as being for or against this or that and they are better than we are because they are “experts” were wrong, wrong, WRONG!
I’d be willing to bet 97% of all climate scientists thought Killary would win and voted for her. But once again, all 97% of them were WRONG!
America was given the choice between an experienced, rather conventional center-left politician (albeit a woman), or a racist, ignorant windbag. Good luck with that!
What a wonderful and gracious concession speech Hillary gave last night. She showed so much class it was indeed impressive.
Her experience as a politician was evident for all to see.
Again I kept going back to that 3-5 percent in every poll that came out that said NO CHOICE but were gonna vote….they broke for trump.
As for Polls I kept watching two polls….
IBB/TIPP tracking had trump by plus 2 and last election it was crowned the most accurate poll done….
Secondly was that pesky LATIMES/USC tracking which concluded with trump by plus 3.
Everyone else was not on the same page…
Well, that certainly doesn’t describe Clinton, so who are you talking about?
Okay, NOW you’re talking about Clinton.
Happy days are here again
Would you like citations to where Trump has repeatedly and publicly denigrated Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims, blacks, and women?
“Would you like citations to where Trump has repeatedly and publicly denigrated Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims, blacks, and women?”
Sure, let see the “denigration”.
Be happy to oblige.
As for African Americans, Trump was a birther for years, claiming — against all evidence — that the first African American wasn’t really the legitimate president of the United States.
We’d be happy to provide more examples, if you like.
Gee Zachriel, you (all of you) seem rather upset about the results of the election.
Perhaps it’s time to move-on.
And anyone heard from John. I’m worried about his well being.
Suddenly, I feel an incredible urge to gloat.
A heartfelt message to the losers (and you know who you are)…
There is one common denominator among every every winning presidential candidate since at least 1980, and I’d argue since at least 1932. It hasn’t been party, it hasn’t been policy, it hasn’t been experience or incumbency. In every campaign, the winner has been the more charismatic candidate.
That might seem a stretch for Richard Nixon, but look who he faced in 1968 and 1972. Other than in 1992, both George Bushes faced wooden Indian candidates.
Those of us who argue on blogs like to talk experience and policy and qualifications, but none of those seem to matter, not against charisma.
What you consider “denigrating” and apply it to everyone of that certain category, I consider a rash statement directed at a certain person in that category.
But I would sincerely like you to list every single time he denigrated Mexicans, the disabled, moslems, blacks and women. Sit home and make that list. Be sure it’s comprehensive. Then, shove it because it doesn’t matter one little bit, HE WON!!!
So instead of addressing Hillary’s racism, etc., you attack Trump.
Nice try.
Just for you Zachriel.
And to top it off the Bitch never gave a concession speech or a thank you to all the supporters that hung around.
Stay classy, Hillary!
Probably trying to gnaw through the restraints…
That certainly was odd to say the least. Podesta came out to tell the crowd that Hillary would make an appearance today, but when he took the stage, the networks started reporting that Clinton had conceded to Trump. Why not make the speech then?
It really doesn’t matter and in some ways, I can empathize with her position. At 7 PM you are ready to watch the returns and see a landslide victory for you. As the night wore on, each precinct, county and state showed that victory wasn’t going to happen.
I don’t like Hillary, but I can see her not wanting to be seen at that moment, especially when she could make the same speech in the morning. It’s odd, but it is not a big deal to me.
As for john, man, what a beat down and repudiation of all his positions.
Clinton in the White House? Nope.
Control of the House? Nope.
Control of the Senate? Nope.
Appointment of Supreme Court Justices? Nope.
Americans will elect a centrist like Hillary? Nope.
(Hillary a centrist???)
Reality crashed in hard on john’s cave last night.
The election is over, you can stop the lying and obfuscation. You can also explain why you voted for a criminal.
Mr Carver wrote:
It’s one of those things where she could have waited until the morning, which she did, then pushed it back from 0830 to 1030, and was then late for that. Trouble is, it made her look like a sore loser, to me, and I’d bet a lot of other people as well. Was she crying her eyes out? Did she have a medical crisis? Was she throwing a temper tantrum? Well, who knows? But it didn’t look classy at all.
What would the professional media have said had it been Donald Trump who lost, and he waited until after 1100 the next morning to make his public concession?
John could be out running Jeffery around to commit voter fraud. So sorry, too late! Hahahahahahahahahahahah.
I love it. Klepto Killary LOST!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha.
Horror of horrors! Trump might not accept the results of the election!
-Nov. 8th, 2016
Never mind!
-Nov. 9th, 2016
I can understand Hillary not wanting to make the speech last night. I really can.
However, once she conceded and then moved the speech from 8:30, to 10:30, to 11:43, that does come off as being a less than gracious loser.
In other words, I don’t have a problem with moving the speech to today. I have a problem with the shenanigans of the times and all that. It’s a subtle and nuanced point that doesn’t come off well in a post on a blog.
That being said, I think that we are already seeing the type of people Hillary attracted as supporters and the ability of those people to listen to and follow Hillary. The very acceptance of the election results she asked her folk to do went by the wayside.
Then again, I remember the violence after McCain and Romney lost. I am sure you do too.
When you say a judge, born in Indiana, can’t render a fair judgment, *because he is a Mexican*, that is the “textbook definition of a racist comment”.
Of course it matters. It doesn’t mean he isn’t president, but it does matter that he won by appealing to white nationalism.
We only post supportable statements. Which statement do you believe is in error, and why do you think it is in error?
Good point. Trump had said he would recognize the election results — but only if he won.
Uh, so Mexican is now a race…
Would you like citations to where Trump has repeatedly and publicly denigrated Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims, blacks, and women?
Thats okay Zach they joinned us in the Basket of Deplorables and of course we are all irredeemable.
However I would hope now that the election is over Im going to do the same thing that I did for Obama…..Every prez gets 100 days of respect by winners and losers….
my 170 plus days starts today because his 100 doesnt start till January……Perhaps yours should too.
After all when you delve into what he really wants to do….half his platform was stolen from the DNC….so Im not sure why your so obsessed with his racism when the first thing he said in his speech was he wanted to help the innner cities….
Just sayin…..
See above…
Perhaps he should have appealed to Black Lives Matter…
Zachriel-“a racist, ignorant windbag…” What is your proof that Trump is racist?
No, it’s the textbook definition of a mistake. To a pajama boy who needs his safe space it could be anything.
The term “white nationalism” is the textbook definition of racism. What is “white nationalism” if not white people proud of their country? You find something wrong in that?
Then Mission Accomplished!! He Won !!
Thanks for playing. Now you can spend the next four years being irrelevant.
All your statements have obfuscation. Your group has obviously had a course in argumentation or rhetoric and you aren’t that good at it.
Like Obama said, you want something, win some elections.
By the way, Mexicans aren’t a race. “White nationalism” is an assertion, not a fact. Try just “nationalism”.
No, no Zachriel meant “White Nationalism” because if one is white and one is patriotic about his country one MUST be a racist and xenophobic. Because white.
Only in the twisted leftist mind could love and respect for one’s country, heritage and culture be construed as a negative. Of course that’s the same mind that construe’s murdering a baby in the womb as a choice so we can readily see the pathology of these people.
Oh, and BTW that “racism” only applies to whites loving a white country. If one is Japanese or African or an Arab or whatever and loves his country he’s just a patriot not a racist nor a xenophobe.
As I predicted a while back….If HRC wins the right will go home, gripe, complain and get up and go to work tomorrow.
If Trump wins the left will take to the streets, rioting and protesting….
Last night fox tried to interview several of them….all said they supported Bernie Sanders but voted for Clinton.
The first one used it to scream into the microphone something about trump should go grab himself in the pussy.
The next chick when asked to name 3 accomplishments of HRC claimed she was benefitting from HRC’s healthcare while then rambling on making almost no sense.
One chick interviewed by MSNBC said that people now must die for electing TRUMP….literally she said that this was a war and that people are going to die…..
Liam, I am shocked, shocked to see such people so full of love, compassion and deep abiding care as we know leftists to be, behave so badly. I have heard that many have pledged to flee the oppression of America by escaping to Canada, Australia and Sweden. Just a heads up, Canada and Australia have already stated they don’t want them and Sweden is concerned the American immigrants don’t have the stamina to maintain the “rape level” Swedes have become accustomed to under Shiite rule do to what Trump accurately identified as their “low energy”. Oh well, what’s a traitor to do?
Killary lost!!! Hahahahahahahahaah.
Additionally yesterday I was monitoring MSNBC, CNN and ABC to get a sense of how they were dealing with Trumps election…..
To a network this was…..
1. WHITE AMERICA’s LAST STAND….because 70 percent of WHITE AMERICAN VOTERS elected a white man vs a white woman it was racist in their minds.
2. White lash….not a backlash…but a white lash.
3. The black victim hood preachers rolled on to the networks proclaiming racism to its core…..In their defense they were also lashing out at the Democratic elites who shoved a democratic elite down their throats…..
4. The consensus among those shouting racism was the democratic party needed to move even farther left….because with the election of TRUMP the GOP has moved even farther right…not even realizing they have been so blinded by the MSM and DNC that Trumps agenda is as much left as it is right.
5. Everyone talked about how gracious Obama’s speech was but in reality his and HRC’s speech both were not conciliatory at all but laced with code speak that was a call to arms…..a demand for marches, protests and to FIGHT ON…till the right is beat once again into submission.
6. The very thought of spending even a dime on defense was blood boiling to these people.
and thru it all they were stunned, confused, angry, and every adjective to describe butt hurt in the worst way….and the problem is….they were all led to believe that the left had this election in the bag.
I for one turn off the channel at FOX news when that obnoxious, pompous Stirewald comes on thinking he has the answers to that…..he reminds me of kids coming for job interviews who have the book learning but no experience….so full of class room knowledge with little concept of how to put whats in their head to good use.
Pollsters got it wrong and to a man they are all defending their ELITIST POLLING because it is their jobs were talking about…..and when you talk to pollsters which I happen to know a few because we have a few employed….they will tell you that traditionally those interviewed in exit polls….lie to pollsters, are not sure why they voted the way they did and make stuff up to not make themselves look bad and lastly are much more likely to be democratic then republican….
And example of this is that 70 percent exit polled claimed trump was a bad man…paraphrasing here and yet 48 percent voted for him…..on and on it goes….
Elections and policy driven by polling is bad practice……It will never stop but I caution people to look to accurate polling such as IBB/TIPP and USC/LATIMES as a real indicator of what is happening in America….
Why? Because they understand how to properly poll America on issues….the rest of these are just collecting pay checks like lobbyists and PACS more interesting in giving results their bosses want then in giving the truth.
That was Paul Ryan’s words, but as it concerned the judge’s ethnicity, not his country of origin, it is an appropriate use of the term.
Trump has a long history of racist statements, including during the campaign, as well as a history of racial discrimination.
The interviewer cited above was giving Trump a chance to walk back his comments. Instead of that, he chose to repeat his previous assertion. That indicates it was not a mere slip of the tongue.
But when asked, you can’t provide an example, or defend your position.
The U.S. just held an election, and an unrepentant bigot won the presidency.
White nationalism is an ideological concept.
Not at all. There are many forms of inclusive nationalism, but Trumpism is almost exclusively a white movement, and Trump made numerous bigoted statements throughout the campaign.
The political left is defined by the advocacy of greater social equality, not necessarily by good behavior.
Try a group hug with yourselves, Zack. You might feel better.
Uh, no it isn’t.
Look it up.
And yet everything the “political left” does seems to be predicated on creating or maintaining social inequality and abhorrent behavior.
This is an argument that will be decided as Trump moves to help inner cities, works on bringing jobs back to the rust belt…..exports criminals and defunds sanctuary cities….all of this can be painted racist…
Racist because by rebuilding inner cities and providing better police, education and jobs, businesses and banks and infrastructure in these burnt out cities it also means more and more people get off the government dole……by its nature the comments will be look at how many less people are getting food stamps now as they get back their 40 dollar an hour jobs in Detroit and surrounding areas and Ford, GM and Chrysler decide to bring back jobs to America because its cheaper to build here then in mexico even with high wages and high benefits.
Deregulating small businesses will encourage job growth….removing and replacing Obamacare will be hard….but once businesses do not have to pay for insurance or pay penalites for not having insurance programs then you will see these people hiring as well.
Bringing jobs back to America….MAKING THINGS AGAIN….this has all been the leftist agenda….jobs being sent overseas is a leftist talking point…..Helping blacks….leftist talking point…..
trump has moderated his stance on exporting every illegal to exporting criminals who are illegals….Building the wall is going to cost 3 trillion dollars…..Mexico will pay for it….they just dont realize it…..How you ask? All that western union money being sent to Mexico tax free is going to be heavily taxed…….The IRS will audit Western Union, PayPal and other digital enterprises that have the ability to send US dollars to mexico….these taxes will pay to build the wall……
If Mexico doesnt want this to be taxed…then perhaps Mexico can solve some of their employment problems by helping the USA build the wall and pay for the wall…..
There are many things Trump wants to do that the left loves…..
To be trashing trump who is wanting to help both sides with issues that both sides are passionate about is about as middle as you can get………..
give the guy a chance…this is why every prez gets 100 days….I think the left might be surprised at just how left leaning trump actually is and how the right is willing to give in order to get a few things in return…..
REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMA CARE means people still have healthcare…its just works better for EVERYONE….
Repealing massive regulations helps businesses which help create jobs.
Building a wall provides tons of jobs…..
Infrastructure benefits the left with more and more union jobs.
Inner cities rebuilt helps Blacks have a better quality of life…..
More police in inner cities who are sensitive to the special needs of the inner cities helps the blacks and poor whites.
So much positive in store for America that who know….Trump might landslide it in 2020….as no democrat wants to run against him….
Give the guy his 100 days and lets see……..
I’ll give President-elect Trump until the 2018 mid-term elections. Of course, I suspect he will sign whatever extremist bilge comes out of Congress, so his honeymoon with liberals may be short.
If he doesn’t support the far-right House agenda he’ll be in big trouble sooner than that with his “base”.
Did you notice that Clinton got more votes than Trump?
Will the Republican House sign off on a $trillion infrastructure bill? $100 billion? Where will the money come from since they will also be clamoring for ending the Estate tax, cutting the top marginal rate and the unearned income rate and slashing corporate rates.
Will he sign a Flat Tax measure?
If the Dems take the House in 2018 can you imagine the investigations of Trump Inc?
Trump had fewer votes than Romney!
Zachriel wrote:
Remember this one, from now Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayer:
Apparently the left have no problem with believing that a person’s ethnicity can affect their judgements; it just depends on what way it affects them.