Seriously, when aren’t they seething? When Obama won in 2008 and 2012, they still seethed. It’s what they do. Now, though, they are supposedly going to do it against the Democratic Party
(The Hill) The Republican civil war was supposed start this week.
Instead, a ferocious struggle has erupted on the left over the smoldering remains of the Democratic Party.
Liberals are seething over the election and talking about launching a Tea Party-style revolt. They say it’s the only way to keep Washington Democrats connected to the grassroots and to avoid a repeat of the 2016 electoral disaster, which blindsided party elites.
Progressives believe the Democratic establishment is responsible for inflicting Donald Trump upon the nation, blaming a staid corporate wing of the party for nominating Hillary Clinton and ignoring the Working Class voters that propelled Trump to victory.
Liberals interviewed by The Hill want to see establishment Democrats targeted in primaries, and the “Clinton-corporate wing†of the party rooted out for good.
They even want to establish a Tea Party style movement. In case they’ve forgotten, they tried this with the Coffee Party and Occupy Wall Street. Both of which are technically around, but, mostly ignored, because they were a bunch of unhinged cranks. Oh, and rapists, drug users, used violence including stabbings, shootings, and murder, along with attempted bombings. And liked to poop on police cars, doorsteps, and wherever they felt like it. Nutballs.
They pulled this same schtick back in 2004 when John Kerry lost, and what did it get them? Nothing. Because liberals are trained to be sheeple, and they’ll come right back to supporting whatever their Democratic Party masters tell them to. There will be no revolution, no remaking of the party. Especially since these nutballs want to move the party further and further to the left, closer and closer to a fully Progressive (nice Fascism) society.
The Hill reached former Sen. Ken Salazar (D-Colo.), who was in charge of Clinton’s White House transition team, as he packed up to leave Washington and return to his farm in Southern Colorado.
“There were people who felt left out of he economy over the last eight years who were never able to get back on their feet, blue collar men and women,†Salazar said. “Donald Trump was able to capture them in terms of emotion and sentiment.â€
“Democrats have not done very well in rural America and I don’t understand why that has happened. The broader question is how to have a Democratic Party that can attract those working men and women.â€
Democrats sneer at rural America. Everyone it is a rube, a hick, an idiot, a no-nothing. There is nothing but condescension for rural America. You can bet that the whole “Jesusland” and “Dumbfuckistan” talking points will crop up soon, if they haven’t already. The Dems are the party of elites. Hollywood, athletes, etc. They all feel superior, and cannot identify with the average working American. They really like to tell everyone else how to feel and act. And this will not get better. A default position is patronization, and people have seen through that.

“Democrats have not done very well in rural America and I don’t understand why that has happened. The broader question is how to have a Democratic Party that can attract those working men and women.â€
Thats because 85 percent of the democratic party hangs out in big cities and sneer at FLYOVER COUNTRY….elitism at its finest as embraced by Barak Obama who made fun of these people repeatedly.
Unfortunately for the Democrats there are a whole lot of democrats in flyover country that they have throw to the wolves with their fiscal policies.
Why really did HRC not do so well with her own party to the point she allowed Trump to win the election…she is blaming the Comey letters…..
How about this…….
The anger at obama by the Clintons and their supporters ran deep and long…..
and to top it off the Bernie Sanders group which is like 47 percent of the DNC got trashed by the ELITES OF THE LEFT.
Don’t underestimate the intent of what we are seeing across the country because it is an organized assault against DT. It began with Hillary’s forced concession speech – darned in purple incl her husband and his purple tie. It is financed by George Soros who teamed up with Hillary-Obama and the global elite who will not take the loss of Hillary’s bid for the white house ergo their ‘purple revolution’ where the ANSWER coalition also joined. These rioters are recruited via craigslist once again and meant to disrupt and/or destroy a Trump presidency on behalf of the global aristocrats that have trillions of dollars at stake at the moment.
They have also planned the implosion of the economy as a means to destroy and blame DT for it. There is much more to this than what the US Pravda reports – they are taking an active role in this as well.
…and the REASON he was able to do that is because you abandoned them, then spit on them.
Please repeat your mistakes next time!
Go ahead, start the revolution. I have sufficient ammo for the 6-1/2 minutes that would take.
We already had a revolution. It was last Tuesday.
Many, if not most, rural Americans in my beloved midwest spend their entire lives without meeting a Black person, an openly gay person, a Muslim or a recent immigrant. America, and the entire world, has become more “connected”, more educated, more technical, more diverse – and this hits at the heart of middle America. Rural America is 99% white and has been left behind. Small family farms are disappearing. In a town of 4000, the dream of a young man leaving high school, securing a good manufacturing job that lasts a lifetime that leads to a comfortable middle class life is gone.
Trump’s brilliant and intuitive campaign capitalized on the fears of that dying dream and he promised to fix it. Up to now, neither party has addressed this decimation of the white rural working class. Trump blamed Blacks, immigrants and city slickers for the gutting of rural America. He is on the side of the aggrieved middle class white man. He will get rid of job-stealing Mexicans, bring jobs back to small towns by placing tariffs on Chinese goods and making America more attractive to corporations by slashing their taxes.
“8.Many, if not most, rural Americans in my beloved midwest spend their entire lives without meeting a Black person, an openly gay person, a Muslim or a recent immigrant.”
Perhaps they’re lucky. If white Americans are so “left behind” why do people of all colors and religions and nationalities want to come here? To reedumicate us po’ white folks??
“America, and the entire world, has become more “connectedâ€, more educated, more technical, more diverse – and this hits at the heart of middle America. ”
There is no country on earth as diverse as America. We have people from every country on earth her. Diversity is our weakness. We are a white, Christian country and we are “diversing” ourselves into oblivion. Go make Japan, Angolaor Chile more diverse. They could use it. When you’re the best, diversity is adversity. What’s in it for us?
But here are some “immigrants Jeffery, yearning to breathe free:
And this makes you a white nationalist. And now you have the white House, the Senate, the House and soon a conservative majority in the Supreme Court. Let’s see how the majority of Americans who disagree with your hatred respond when you start oppressing minorities.
Do you blame non-white, non-Xtians for the inability of rural whites to compete in the global marketplace? Capitalists always find the lowest labor costs to maximize profits and return for their shareholders. Did Black, immigrant and Muslim capitalists minimize labor costs by moving manufacturing out of Kenosha, Springfield and Tiffen?
The world is changing and amerikan white nationalists refuse to recognize the changes.
Here’s the irony becoming apparent over the past week: Trump will push through progressive legislation that would be dead on arrival with President Clinton.
Huuge economic stimulus plan: A border wall, other infrastructure. Do you think President Clinton could get a trillion dollar economic stimulus plan through Congress, LOL? Trump will.
Do you think President Clinton could push through “amendments” to the PPACA, LOL? Trump will.
His economic stimulus plan (Porkulus) coupled with his massive tax cuts and a trade war will most likely increase the debt substantially and cause hyperinflation.
We can only hope he gets it all done before Nov 2018.
The one positive outcome for cons is his appointment of con to the Supreme Court. You may actually be able to overturn Roe v Wade!
Little nostradumbass at it again…
Things Trump won’t do: