One of the things Trump and his supporters screamed about during the general election was about the nature of the media, and how biased they were. The way they spin things. We know this, we know they way they are shady and in the tank for Democrats, and will attempt to make Democrats look great and Republicans look bad. Now, they’re all pimping the notion that Trump has gone back on his pledge to repeal Obamacare. For instance
Donald Trump: I may not repeal Obamacare, President-elect says in major U-turn
Getting rid of the healthcare plan was among billionaire businessman’s biggest campaign promisesDonald Trump has said that he might not repeal Obamacare, perhaps his biggest campaign promise.
The President-elect performed the apparent U-turn after his meeting with Barack Obama at the White House this week, he has said.
Mr Trump is going to look at “amending” the Affordable Care Act, rather than completely repealing it, he told the Wall Street Journal.
“Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced,” Trump told the newspaper. “I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that.”
Oh, noes, doooooom! Really, though, this is just Trump being nice after a meeting with Obama. What Trump was specifically referring to are two provisions he favors: allowing kids to stay on their parents insurance up to 26 and insurers refusing to cover people with pre-existing conditions. At the end of the day, the GOP will push through legislation that will repeal and replace Obamacare, and Trump will sign it. There’s nothing wrong with keeping a few provisions, especially if there are things that the GOP preferred previously.
Then we have the prosecution of Hillary Clinton
Having called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman†and “crooked†during the campaign, Trump struck a conciliatory tone towards his former opponent in both interviews. The Wall Street Journal asked about campaign promises to appoint a special prosecutor to pursue criminal charges against his Democratic rival over her use of a private email server to conduct official business as secretary of state.
“It’s not something I’ve given a lot of thought, because I want to solve healthcare, jobs, border control, tax reform,†Trump said. The statement is likely to anger the president-elect’s core supporters, many of whom chanted: “Lock her up, lock her up,†at rallies during the campaign.
Nor should this be a priority. Fixing the problems in the nation, as he mentions, are. It would also look bad politically for him to go after Hillary after defeating her in a humiliating manner. She deserves to be prosecuted, and for the Clinton Foundation to be heavily investigated, but, it would be better if a President Trump stayed hands off. He doesn’t want to turn into That Politician. The best revenge on Hillary, Obama, and the Democrats will be to work hard to get things done.
But, sheesh, the guy hasn’t even taken office and the liberal media is already parsing everything he says and attempting to spin it in a negative manner.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Trump also said during the primaries that he was in favor of the prexisting conditions and letting kids stay on their parents program until 26-28 years old…..
Nothing to see here….Ryan and the GOP passed an repeal and replace plan that was put on Obama’s desk and vetoed….It contained those same two provisions…
It would also look bad politically for him to go after Hillary after defeating her in a humiliating manner.
the I hate HRC core of the party needs to realize what a horrible example this would set….
Besides the FBI is still investigating the foundation and if they bring evidence after january 20th then Trump might let the DOJ pursue that which would be sufficient to satisfy the core lock her up crowd.
Though the Reps hold a simple majority, Trump knows he has to get along with the Dems. The knows he can gut the bill to the title “Obamacare” and everyone would be happy. The guy is smart and will do the best, far better than any of the Dems.
One more thing. The opinion of the media used to be important. Now it seems like who gives a damn what they think or say.
Which happen to be the exact provisions that a real conservative would start off by cutting. Remember guys, Trump is (was) a New York democrat. He’s as conservative as Bush, Bloomberg or Christie.
Which happen to be the exact provisions that a real conservative would start off by cutting. Remember guys, Trump is (was) a New York democrat. He’s as conservative as Bush, Bloomberg or Christie.
This is where I lose my mind….what is the definition of a real conservative….right now you have the left saying well a real liberal woulda, shoulda, coulda….and in this sense the right elected a guy that was VERY CLEARLY A MODERATE AT MINIMUM and I said for a long time he is actually more Democrat then Republican.
So define conservative for me because if we start that battle guess what….ZERO gets done……yet again because party purity is more important then solutions for ALL AMERICANS.
Those two provisions are fine but need to be limited.
The child staying on the parent’s health insurance is ok but ONLY while living at home. As soo as they become gainfully employed then they should no longer be covered on their parent’s plan without some sort of family access charge.
The pre existing condition aspect needs to be limited to REAL pre existing conditions. Calling the insurance company and getting insurance after an accident should not be allowed.
Trump appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the Clintons and the Foundation should not distract him or the party from repealing the PPACA, building a wall (which Mexico will fund) or slashing taxes for the wealthy and corporations. If he feels strongly that Secretary Clinton has committed serious crimes he should do the right thing and pursue her irrespective of polls or politics. We are a nation of laws, and the nation would enjoy the distraction, much like watching reality TV.
Why should the federal government tell private insurance companies how to run their business? And really, Trump and the R’s are going to force private companies to cover a type 1 diabetic or someone with Crohn’s disease for the same premiums as a normal person? And they would force private companies to insure adults up to 26 years old while on their parents’ policies?? That’s hardly allowing the market to decide.
They should repeal the PPACA outright, abolish all state insurance regulations and let the companies sell policies across state lines. That should fix healthcare in the US. If someone is too poor to afford health insurance, maybe they are too poor to get sick. Isn’t it time we stopped coddling the ill? Wouldn’t America be stronger by just letting nature take it course? Over a generation the unproductive and sickly would eventually die off. Voila. Stronger America!
Day One: Repeal Obamacare. Start the wall. Appoint special prosecutor.
Day Two: Eliminate Medicaid. Send wall invoice to Mexico, 40% up front, payable in 30 days.
Day Three: Remove all gov’t subsidies to Medicare. No more general revenues. Medicare now has to be financed by the FICA tax and premiums. We’ll start trimming the FICA tax next year. It’s time for Americans to stop sucking the teat of the wealthy who built this nation.
Day 4: In 30 years or so, Social Security will only be able to pay about 75% of expected obligations. We have no choice but to cut payments now so we won’t have to cut them later.
Day 5: Off.
Day 8: Cut corporate taxes to a flat 15%. Corporations will start moving back.
Day 9: Cut federal income taxes (although the House wants a Flat Tax, which would increase taxes on the poor). Abolish the Estate Tax. Cut taxes on unearned income.
Day 10: Impose 45% tariff on goods from China, crashing the world economy but making America great again. Unless other nations impose stiff tariffs on US goods, in which case we may need bigger tariff on China. Discuss inflation with the Fed.
Day 11: Defeat ISIS.
Day 12: Off
Trump appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the Clintons and the Foundation
The FBI is already investigating the Clinton foundation. Secondly if evidence is presented of law breaking then the proper use of power is for the DOJ to call a grand jury to seek an indictment….there is no need for a special prosecutor because this would not fall under the typical guise of one party or the other in power corrupting justice by peddling influence.
Trumps tax plan calls for a 39 percent reduction of taxes on the middle class….and a slash of the corporate tax and and end to Obamacare… where does he talk about cutting taxes for the wealthy or raising taxes for the poor.
Additionally he has called on the USA to double the amount of infrastructure spending that HRC called for which will immediately put people to work but also rebuild the inner cities which will immediately put people to work.
However the GOP has lost their minds if they think simply making healthcare companies compete nationwide is going to make healthcare affordable…..they right is so out to lunch on healthcare its not funny….. Ive never had a problem with the principal of ACA its the mandates, penalties and forcing corporations or big business to HAVE TO PAY FOR ACA that has caused them to stop hiring and reduce work forces from full time to half time in order to bypass this law.
IMO….Health insurance has always been expensive….one of the reasons HMO’s came into existence in an effort by health care providers to lower their own costs to keep premiums reasonable because lets be honest who didnt go to the doctor in the 80’s for a hangnail and get an xray and blood work and a complete physical exam before he would even look at your toe…..
Don’t lose your mind, Liam.
First, you take everything Jeffery believes and think the exact opposite.
There is no battle unless you stubbornly refuse to accept what a conservative is Liam. THE OPPOSITE OF A LIBERAL. There, was that hard? You seem to think that one must have a conservative view 100% of the time to be a conservative. It helps, but it’s not necessary. Only leftists berate their own for leaving the plantation. For example, one absolutely cannot be against abortion and be a liberal (we saw that with Gov. Casey) yet one CAN be pro abortion and be conservative.
If you’re American and don’t think America is the greatest country in history, you’re probably a liberal.
If you believe all cutures are the same, all religions are too and there are more than two sexes, you’re probably a liberal. If you believe taking guns away from citizens thereby leaving them in the hands of criminals and the government, the very two entities who have relentlessly murdered unarmed citizens through history, you’re a liberal (and an idiot but I repeat).
If you think Bush 41, Bush 43 or Donald Trump are conservatives you are definitely a liberal.
I hope that helps clear things up for ya. In the end, if you find yourself agreeing with Jeff, Zach, john, Obama, Killary et al, you’re a liberal. It’s not rocket science.
How will we pay for the highly progressive massive economic stimulus that Trump proposes? For a modest trillion dollar stimulus will we need to cut 1 trillion elsewhere or will we borrow it? Do you think that House R’s will go along? Will they suddenly go along with this progressive massive economic stimulus with an R president but not with a Dem? The failure to authorize adequate infrastructure spending post Great Recession kept millions of Americans out of work and hurt our GDP. Millions of Americans, many in Trump’s middle America, were hurt. Sounds like the R’s in Congress who allowed Americans to suffer should pay the price.
@Jeffery I would address your second post there but its obvious that its just filled with bitterness, distortions and half truths spun to represent lies….I remember in 1993 when Clinton won I was like OMG…and then he turned out all right….unless you take into account the blow jobs in the White House as making him evil somehow….other then that he was not a bad president….I didnt vote for him but the world did not end.
In 2000 I was glad Bush won….in 2004 It would not have hurt me had he lost considering he put us into two wars both of which I was oppossed too….Even Afghanistan I was opposed because in the end we did not get Bin Laden and we spent a decade there and a trillion plus to achieve almost nothing.
When Obama was elected the 1st time I was like OMG…but Ill bite my tongue and then I saw….he was not the lets all get along moderate he pretended but a far left whack job who was willing to do anything to get his agenda thru.
but somehow we survived 8 years of Obama….and Now we are looking at Trump….Those racist rednecks rioted in the streets when the 1st black man became president and yet this time we were being cautioned that the right would not accept the outcome after HRC won.
Pointing fingers…..yeah I would try pointing them to lefterly……….Because did you know that the current house of Representatives has 196 members and that 2/3rds of those are from THREE STATES? Talk about the left telling the rest of the country what to think, how to think and when to think it…..
Jeffery its time for some self reflection. Like Obama said you lose you pick yourself up, figure out whatchadid wrong and fix it…..
Thats what the GOP did….your turn now.
We can’t so let’s take that piece if leftist BS pork barrel spending off the table.
Only in the mind of a deranged leftist would a trillion dollars be considered “modest”. You Alinskyites won’t be happy until it takes a million bucks to buy a loaf of bread, will you?
So the trillion dollars went from “modest” to massive in the same paragraph? I do believe other “massive or modest” stimulus packages were passed, were they not? What good did they do?? If creating a billion dollars a day in spending debt is NOT stimulus then what do you call it?
Infrastructure spending was authorized or don’t you recall the Smartest Man In The World®
saying: “Well, duh, geeze, I thought there were more, ah, duh, shovel ready jobs, duh”? How do you have either the balls or the bull$hit to say we don’t spend enough? How much is enough? You sound like that dope Krugman that no matter how much is
spentwasted it’s never enough. BTW, there was no “great Recession” it was a recession elongated and deepened by the Obama administration and it’s still going on.