Despite all the caterwauling from Warmists, President Donald Trump (I wonder if Liberals will spell his name Tr***, like they spelled Bush B***?) is well within his rights to take the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement. I bet Obama’s wishing he had found some way to craft it so that the U.S. Senate had ratified it now, eh?
(Fox News) President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly looking at ways for the U.S. to back out of a landmark climate pact, which would defy an agreement to cut carbon emissions across the globe.
A source on Trump’s transition team told Reuters that the team was looking for ways to bypass the procedure to leave the Paris accord, which was agreed upon last December. Trump has previously stated his disbelief in global warming. Other global governments, including China, have expressed their reaffirming support for the deal.
“It was reckless for the Paris agreement to enter into force before the election,†the source told Reuters on Tuesday.
One of the alternatives he said was to withdraw from the 1992 Convention that was a parent to the 2015 Paris accord. It would void U.S. participation in the deal in a year’s time. Trump could also “delete†the U.S. signature from the deal.
Another option would be to simply ignore the provisions of the agreement, particularly those on redistributing US taxpayer money to 3rd world nations for “climate” stuff. For the most part, virtually every single country that was party to the Kyoto Protocol ignored their obligations, and only a handful actually hit their required CO2 targets.
But, it’s doubtful that Trump will take the soft route. We should expect him to simply issue a presidential directive which undoes the signature by uber-global elitist Obama.
(UK Guardian) Despite the threat of a US withdrawal, US secretary of state John Kerry said on Sunday that he would continue his efforts to implement the Paris agreement until Barack Obama leaves office on 20 January.
Speaking in New Zealand following a trip to Antarctica, Kerry appeared to take a swipe at Trump when he listed some of the ways in which global warming could already be seen. He said that there were more fires, floods and damaging storms around the world, and sea levels were rising.
“The evidence is mounting in ways that people in public life should not dare to avoid accepting as a mandate for action,†Kerry said.
So, you have a global elitist scooting around the world on fossil fueled vehicles telling us how dangerous Hotcoldwetdry is while positioning an agreement crafted by global elitists as a mandate for action. It was so important that it wasn’t even put up for debate by Obama and Kerry to the duly elected legislative body of the U.S. Many global elitists are thinking (praying, hoping?) that Trump will come around to their (global elitist) Warmist point of view. They surely have another thing coming.
And we’ll have a good laugh at the ensuing Cult of Climastrology meltdown when Trump negates U.S. participation in the Paris climate agreement.
Meanwhile, for a good laugh today
U.S. EPA employees were in tears. Worried Energy Department staffers were offered counseling. Some federal employees were so depressed, they took time off. Others might retire early.
And some employees are in downright panic mode in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory.
“People are upset. Some people took the day off because they were depressed,” said John O’Grady, president of American Federation of Government Employees Council 238, a union that represents thousands of EPA employees. After Election Day, “people were crying,” added O’Grady, who works in EPA’s Region 5 office in Chicago. “They were recommending that people take sick leave and go home.”
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Another reason, among many, for the Trump administration to get to work on decertification of public employee unions.
Au Revoir Suckers!
Getting out is trivial. Just ignore it. The whole point of all the climate deals is to get money from the USA. If we don’t pay the money, the whole thing collapses. It’s not a treaty. It has no authority.
You’re right Geneicviews, it’s not a treaty, it’s a shakedown.
Those people that took the day off just realized they are losing their jobs in the next 6 months.
If I was their boss they’d be done now. To quote a famous President: “You’re Fired!”