…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle creating heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the mental malfunctions of liberals.

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle creating heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Daley Gator, with a post on the mental malfunctions of liberals.
Around the nation, students are turning to the tools of toddlers as a bizarre form of therapy in the wake of Donald Trump’s election last week. Colleges and universities are encouraging students to cry, cuddle with puppies and sip hot chocolate to soothe their fragile psyches, an approach some critics say would be funny if it weren’t so alarming.
LOLOL……This is what America would look like with another 20 years of progressive Political correctness…….
You people are losers…..no other word apply fits this retardation to the nth degree.
Liam I am convinced that there is a pathology of narcissistic immaturity taken hold of the current generation. Something is deeply, deeply wrong when young adults who in all previous generations were starting families, building countries, fighting wars and bearing their own offspring are suddenly so immature they need service dogs, safe spaces and sprinkles when faced with a disappointment and when they live in their parent’s basements till 35 and think they should be on their parent’s insurance till 26. This is what leftist teaching, leftist ideology and political correct nonsense has brought our once great nation to.
Its an agenda to turn America into a version of the HUNGER GAMES CAPITAL…..all one has to do is look at the perception Hollywood had of the evil capital to realize this is where the degenerated ELITES are headed as they totally ignore the rest of the country and only see it as a tool for their bidding.