I’m sure you’ll notice what is missing from this list
Climate Action Tracker Outlines 10 Most Important Short-Term Steps To Limit Warming To 1.5°C
Scientists with CAT also warned that if one sector was to do less than the others — particularly the energy, industry, and transport sectors — they would leave behind a high-emissions legacy for several decades. They also point out that lack of action could result in a failure to set in motion the wider-system changes necessary to achieve the required long-term transformation.
The ten steps are as follows:
- Electricity: sustain the growth rate of renewables and other zero and low carbon power until 2025 to reach 100% by 2050
- Coal: no new coal power plants, reduce emissions from coal by at least 30% by 2025
- Road transport: last fossil fuel car sold before 2035
- Aviation and shipping: develop and get agreement on a 1.5°C compatible vision
- New buildings: all new buildings fossil-free and near zero energy by 2020
- Building renovation: increase rates from <1% in 2015 to 5% by 2020
- Industry: all new installations in emissions-intensive sectors are low-carbon after 2020; maximize material efficiency
- Reduce emissions from forestry and other land use to 95% below 2010 levels by 2030, stop net deforestation by the 2020s
- Commercial agriculture: keep emissions at or below current levels, establish and disseminate regional best practice, ramp up research
- CO2 removal: begin research and planning for negative emissions
Did you catch it? That’s right, there is nothing about members of the Cult of Climastrology going out and living the carbon neutral life. It is all about, and I’ll know you’ll be utterly shocked by this, the use of Governmental power to force these 10 things, because that’s the only way they happen. Force of government. This is why so many Skeptics note that this whole thing is about politics, not science. Virtually every policy prescription revolves around increasing the size and power of government. Rarely anything about personal responsibility.

Never gets old…
Actually, I noticed two things. First, this list has Ten steps just like the communist manifesto. Second, to fulfill these ten steps complete and total surrender of all freedom and sovereignty of the individual to the state is required just like the communist manifesto.
So basically AGW is an attempt at despotic dictatorship disguised as science and peddled as human salvation but it’s really a different version of the communist manifesto.
I guess when you ain’t got God this bullshit is all you got.
It has to be done on the government level because of the tragedy of the commons. It’s why there are laws against air and water pollution.
The tragedy of the commons is interpreted to enable the enslavement of the people and the cancelling of their inalienable rights? How about the interment of Jews and Gypsies? There is always an idiot willing to reach into his bag of tricks to thwart Liberty. Be vigilant.
Gods? There is no evidence of gods, LOL. There is much more evidence to support global warming than there is evidence to support the existence of gods. God, LOL.
Preacher man,
Do you consider all laws to result in “the enslavement of the people and the cancelling of their inalienable rights” and “complete and total surrender of all freedom and sovereignty of the individual to the state”, or are you just being a drama queen?
Did you feel that way about catalytic converters? How about zoning laws keeping your next door neighbors from raising goats for slaughter? Fascistic STOP signs at most corners? How about screenings at airports? Laws preventing women from getting abortions? Child labor laws?
Step # 11: Resrict NOAA and NASA from “adjusting” the temperature data, which conviently cools the past and warms the present.
Huh? How is requiring businesses to stop dumping toxic wastes in the rivers the same as the internment of Jews and Gypsies?
If there are scientific reasons for making adjustments, then your proposal would be anti-science. Adjustments are subject to peer-review, as with all credible science.