Why? Obviously, because of Trump. Liberty Unyielding’s JE Dryer runs a story with the headline BloombergBusinessweek floats absurd fiscal threat against Trump from California. It’s base on California Democrats having a hissy fit and threatening political war against the Trump administration or something. It’s worth the full read, but, here’s a good part which caught my attention
But there is one more point to be made. If it makes you thoughtful that there exists this robust fiscal, legal, and political relationship between a very powerful federal government and the individual citizen or company — a relationship the states can be effectively held hostage by — it should. Maybe, if the states don’t like what’s being accomplished through federal-level politics, they should have more to say about it.
That’s exactly what our Founders envisioned, in fact.
But that’s not what the progressive Democrats have wanted for at least 100 years. Every policy they have pushed — right up to and including their push to get rid of the Electoral College in this presidential cycle — has been designed to strengthen the central government, undercut the states, and leave them exactly where California is today. I.e., hoist on the Democrats’ petard.
Exactly. Now they seem to be interested in States Rights, especially that pesky 10th Amendment. Now that they are no longer in charge of either the Legislative or Executive branches, and are looking at one to three Supreme Court nominations for Trump. Perhaps I can interest California in repealing the 17th Amendment?

A spoonful of Trump and States rights will do these Far left Blue states some good….They might actually understand what the right has been saying for a 100 years….
the constitution was written to protect the states not subjugate them….but the left has also created a system by which the Federal government at a mere whim can simply dictate to the states their own will and basically tell the states to take a flying fuk……
Some healthy medicine coming up…..pay attention Jeffery.
Bears repeating again-Liberals are hypocrites? Who knew?
Monday morning links
Tame vs. Domesticated: How did a dog get on my bed? Not tame: Officials Move Closer To Delisting Yellowstone Grizzlies Iceland does not want tourists SNL Fake Ad Offers Liberals Their Very Own ‘Bubble’ to Live In UK Researchers: T