Does it even need bear repeating of Hillary Clinton’s massive amount of ethical conflicts in the way she merged the business of the Clinton foundation with her job as Secretary of State? She used her position for pay for play. Her subordinates were involved in helping, and at least one of them worked full time for both State and the Foundation. She, and her family, made vast amounts of money while doing the business of the Foundation when she was supposed to be doing the job of Secretary of State.
But, now, in the Age of Trump
Democrats plan assault on Trump’s ethical conflicts
They’re eager to make Republicans uncomfortable with oversight of a president who ran on a promise to ‘drain the swamp.’Democrats are looking to create big headaches for Donald Trump over his unprecedented ethical conflicts.
In the 11 days since the Republican’s upset victory, the president-elect’s political opponents have hammered him for giving no sign that he will follow historic norms and really separate himself from his vast financial holdings. They’re baffled that Trump and his family are still promoting their businesses, especially on anofficial transition website, and they’re questioning how Trump’s son-in-law canlegally land a job in the White House.
Well, if it wasn’t this, it would be something else. They can’t complain about most of his (supposed) policies, because they know Trump won on those policies.
As the minority party, the Democrats can’t call official hearings or pump out subpoenas. Still, they are primed to birddog Trump’s administration if it’s caught doing government business that’s seen as lining the president’s own pockets. Even with their diminished numbers, they can run their own investigations, drown Trump’s agencies with requests for public records and inspector general reports, pepper his nominees with questions and just generally work to make Republicans uncomfortable with their oversight of a president who ran on a promise to “drain the swamp.â€
Two points. First, they didn’t bother doing this to either Nancy Pelosi nor Barack Obama, when they promised the same. Nor to themselves, because it was a Democrat promise. Second, as far as lining their own pockets, most Democrats, like most Republicans, have voted against things like recusing themselves from votes on legislation that would put money in their own pockets. They’ve voted against banning what is essentially insider trading for Congress. So many of them have made oodles of cash being career politicians.
Anyhow, it’s a long, long, long Politico article about Democrats whining that businessman Trump could make money overtly, as opposed to the way career politicians rake in the cash.
Of course, The Washington Post opinion secition is Very Concerned
How President Trump could use the White House to enrich himself and his family
For the past 40 years, every president has placed his personal investments and assets in a blind trust while in the White House, or has sold everything and held cash equivalents. President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that he does not plan to set up such a trust, which would require that his company be run by an outsider who has had no previous business relationship with Trump, and that there be virtually no communication between the outside trustee and Trump or his family during his administration.
Trump is not required by law to create a blind trust or otherwise divest himself of all business holdings, though many people who will work for him in the government will have to do so: The 1978 Ethics in Government Act exempts the president and vice president from its conflict of interest provisions, out of constitutional concerns about separation of powers.
So, he has no lawful requirement to do anything. The writer, Trevor Potter, is a Republican, who worked with multiple Republicans such as John McCain and the elder George Bush. He’s very much against Citizens United, and worked heavily with Stephen Colbert and his fake news show. He offers many ideas for Trump to avoid these conflicts of interest, and, let’s be honest, Trump should divorce himself from his businesses during his time in office in order to avoid those conflicts of interest. If he wants to drain the swamp, he has to start with his own administration.
But, while doing so, he should hit back at Democrats (and Republicans) for all their own conflicts, the ability to do insider trading, and essentially make lots of cash while doing the People’s Business.
Overall, though, the vast majority of elected Democrats should never speak of ethics, especially those who voted for Hillary Clinton.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

There were also taking bribes to make arms deals with countries supplying ISIS. Or the admission that Hilary engineered the Arab Spring to bolster her chances of becoming president. Or the admission that the Clintons cheated Sanders in the primary; or the confessions that PACs were coordinating with the Clintons to organize violence at Trump rallies. Or that the DNC and Hilary plotted over how to exploit deaths of black suspects in police shootings for political gain. Or how the media vetted stories with the Clintons and gave them debate questions in advance. Or Hilary’s meetings with Wall Street banksters and setting up insider-trading deals based on national secrets…etc.
Maybe they should be talking about real—instead of potential—‘conflicts of interest’.
Since you deem Secretary Clinton’s dealing with the Clinton Foundation to be unethical, do you agree that President elect Pussy Grabber should abide by ethical standards at least that restrictive? The American people would be served well enough if the Pussy Grabber elect is at least as ethical as the Secretary.
It appears that the Pussy Grabber-elects companies, run by his children, are positioning themselves to make billions on international deals. Are you OK with that?
The Pussy Grabber elect has set two new precedents, approved by 47% of voters – candidates no longer need to reveal their tax returns and elected officials will be able to freely co-mingle their public activities with their private businesses/investments.
It is my understanding that Secretary Clinton lost the EC to the Pussy Grabber-elect. She was also investigated by the IRS, FBI and multiple congressional investigations and cleared.
Is it now your argument that anything the Pussy Grabber-elect does is OK because Secretary Clinton was ACCUSED of bad acts?
Why not just admit that your fascist won and you fully support any action he takes to enhance his (and your) political power? The truth may set you free. Or are you afraid the majority may disagree?
Or is it just too difficult for you to be honest?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions (2006) in a Senate speech:
“Fundamentally, almost no one coming from the Dominican Republic to the United States is coming because they have a skill that would benefit us and that would indicate their likely success in our society. They come in because some other family member of a qualified relation is here as a citizen or even a green card holder. That is how they get to come. They are creating a false document to show these are relatives or their spouses and they are married when it is not so.â€
We have a Senior Director who immigrated from the DR over 15 years ago and is a US citizen. He is the co-inventor of potential medicines currently in clinical studies helping cancer patients. He is ten times the man that is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions. America needs more men like my colleague and fewer like Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.
More from our Twitterer-in-Chief-elect:
After demanding that Americans apologize for questioning their government comes:
“very rude and insulting of Hamilton cast member to treat our great future V.P. Mike Pence to a theater lecture.”
Heaven forbid American citizens politely address government officials! The horror!
LOL. The most powerful thin-skinned “man” on Earth is demanding a “safe space” for his VP. LOL.
What’s next? Emotional support animals? LOL.
When the Pussy Grabber-elect is relentlessly booed everywhere he goes how will he react? When he gets a standing boovation at Yankee Stadium will he shut down the Yanks? Call in a B-2 strike?
Threatening twitterings aimed at private citizens, settling a fraud case out of court… what a guy.
He has already diminished the office and he hasn’t even been inaugurated.
Move along, nothing to see here:
Will President Pussy Grabber appoint impartial members to the NRLB? LOL. Or will they support The Pussy Grabber’s business interests against the unions? LOL.
As usual your “understanding” is wrong she was not “cleared”. They decided at this time not to prosecute. With any luck Trump will have her in prison soon. We need justice.
Then obviously your Senior Director is NOT who Sessions was talking about since: he did have a skill that benefited us, he is LEGAL and DID NOT create a false document to fake relatives here. So your entire premise, as usual, is a phukin’ lie. But I will agree America needs more men like your colleague and fewer like YOU!
President Trump will clear all this mess up and save America from the slime of the leftists. He will also separate his business from government something the Klepto Klintons did not want to do since their “business” was selling government secrets and access. President Trump actually owns a REAL business divorced from government. His sons can and do run his businesses. You, as a non businessman could not understand.
Killery Klinton….bwahahahahahahahahaha. Loser!
And of course, your understanding is wrong.
The rest of your rant shows how wrong you are, but you have no interest in discussion or truth.
Again, the prosecution and imprisonment of Secretary Clinton is just another conserv-o-wetdream.
You criticize her over thoroughly investigated and largely imaginary charges and ignore The Grifter-elect.
My understanding is that your Pussy Grabber god-king won the EC? You disagree??
Shill, Jeffery, shill with ALL YOUR MIGHT!
Maybe, just maybe, if you repeat your blatant lies enough, someone else might actually believe them.
From the little coward who lies about serving in the Army…
Soldier on, little coward.
Please address just one of my lies directly, please.
A certain type of person claims that everything that someone on the other side says is a lie, without addressing the supposed lies.
That same type of person claims someone else is a criminal without discussing the supposed crimes in any detail.
I’ve given several examples of ethically questionable behaviors by the Pussy Grabber-elect, and offered supporting citations.
Clinton lost. The Queen is dead, long live the god-king. But that doesn’t mean his tiny feet shouldn’t be held to the fire.
Mr. Pence responded like a grown-up:
This response is in contradistinction to the childish, petulant rants of the naive Pussy Grabber-elect. Does TheDon have no little voice in his head controlling his toddler-like responses? This man-baby was just elected president! Grow the fuck up, Donnie! You’re embarrassing the nation.
he served in the Army and didn’t.
Do you have evidence to support GC’s claims?
As I’ve offered several times, I will fly you to St. Louis, house you, feed you and accompany you to the local police station so you can make your charges. I will even compensate you for lost wages from your paper route. The police will not have to look for me as I’ll be right there.
While you’re here I’ll once again explain my history with the US Army and why you’re a liar, based on your own typings.
Tell me when you and your mommy are coming and how to recognize you and I’ll pick you up.
Why not do it here and now, little guy?
Let me see if I have this straight. You are calling for President Trump to grow up” while using the childish term “pussy grabber”? And you can’t see how you project your beliefs on to other people? You need a doctor.
Are you chicken?
Or a little chickenhawk?
Do you find the term Pussy Grabber offensive? Thanks for letting me know.
Do you really think President-elect Trump will act more like a grown-up if I don’t mock him?
When can we expect you in St. Louis? Last chance.
No I don’t find it “offensive”. I’m not a leftist, I don’t get apoplectic over words. I find it humorously juvenile for an adult yet fully consistent with the mental development of a leftist. Carry on, little bugger.
Not really, but I do think you’ll be acting more adult. But acting adult seems to be way too far a challenge for any leftist and you’re no exception. So you go on and call him anything you want Sugar Bear, he’ll still be president and Klepto will still not be. hahahahahahaha
Good. I thought Pussy Grabber-elect gave him a bit more gravitas than he’s earned. But I’ll keep going easy on him until he makes his next horrendous move. It shouldn’t take long, LOL. Then I’ll think of something more appropriate. Grifter-elect? Child rapist-elect? We’ll see.
Hahahahahaha… great job voters. LOL. You hate libs, Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans so much that you elected Bozo’s understudy. The nation may survive even survive it. Jokes on you. Hahahahahaha
I’m sure you’ll outdo yourself on both immaturity and vulgarity. It’s the very essence of the left. You rave about how bad the things were Trump said to men yet print things here on the internet that can be viewed by ladies and children thinking you have the moral high ground. Wrong again.
You’ll never clean up your loser party until you clean up yourself. That’s why sometimes when I comment with you I feel like I need a shower after. Every time I see these posts of yours, this comes to mind:
Really? If what you say is so why then are the radical leftists rioting in the streets, destroying property, going on YouTube and crying their little eyes out, marching at colleges and spouting off like spoiled children at Broadway shows? Poor babies, didn’t get their way. The grown-ups took over and told you “NO” and now comes the hissy fit.
You keep saying the same lies about who we supposedly “hate” over and over and that is the stupidity that got you into this position. You really don’t learn past that propaganda base do you? Just calling people names is not an argument, a policy, a position or even a fact. You wouldn’t know what we Love or Hate because you’ve never taken the time to talk and listen without the name calling and screaming.
There are so many things you leftists believe that are simply not true. I hope Crooked Killary looks good in orange. If the old drunk lives that long. Hahahahahaha.
Yep, little coward once again can’t backup what he types…
Give me your flight number and day and I’ll meet you at the gate.
What’s the matter, little tough guy?
Please explain to all your fans here your history with the Army.
You said, as a lonely scared teenager, you signed up in 1971 during the Vietnam war…
So? Once again, little coward, what was your MOS?
You didn’t say. Do you think that Trump’s tweet about a broadway musical made the office proud? Hahahahahahaha.
Yes you have it partly right. When do you land?
Now it turns out the Pussy Grabber’s trophy wife doesn’t find The People’s House up to her standards and is not moving into the White House. What a clusterfukken mess this white trash family is turning out to be. Some people say she is still turning tricks in NYC, but I doubt that’s true. But who knows, she broke our immigration laws already.
That’s because I hadn’t read the tweets of either side until I read what you wrote above. I just investigated and have to say his tweets neither embarrassed nor made proud the office. Was it supposed to?
I did notice that in the usual lying, hypocrite style of the left, they PROJECTED their racist actions on to someone else:
Once again a group of anti-white racist leftists have the balls to accuse someone else of their own vile beliefs. Leftism is a mental disease, bread from propaganda, grown in ignorance and spread by vile hatred.
Thank God Trump sent that Crooked Killary a packin’. Hahahahahah.
Here’s what you need Jeffery. A society of people just like you!
As per usual, you didn’t support your claim with any evidence. Have you looked at the cast photos from “Hamilton”? Lots of white faces there.
Where did you get your information?
Our incoming President won the election just 12 days ago; whatever separation he will have between his existing business empire and his official duties will take some time to set up.
Maybe we ought to see what he actually does first, before criticizing. But remember: he’s already a billionaire, and he’s 70 years old: he doesn’t need to cheat at this point.
Your lack of an explanation confirms you lied about serving in the Army, little guy.
Thanks for proving to us that you’re a liar and a coward.
Next time do your own research like I did. I’m not your mother.
Typical leftists, unable to internalize the Great Founding Fathers were White, male Christians, they attempt to turn history into a lie to suit their propaganda. All you leftists are is lies, lies, lies.
Drowningpuppies, Jeffery said he joined the army in 1971? But did you ask WHICH ARMY?
You don’t interact with the superwealthy enough – they each don’t want enough, they each want more than the other guy. It’s about winning, not money. You think Trump ran to help the nation, LOL? It’s all ego, power and recognition. It’s not the money they want, it’s the recognition that they have the most.
The little chickenhawk lied and got called on it.
Then he denied he wrote it.
Then he got really nasty.
Now he’s into his little chickenshit dodging mode.
Like most conservative christies, you are not trustworthy. That’s why we insist on evidence.
We also understand why you want to change the subject from Pussy Grabber’s embarrassing tweeterings.
If I were to produce a show called “King” and cast Tom Cruise as Martin Luther King, Johnny Depp as Jessie Jackson and Sofia Vergara as Coretta King do you think the critics would “praise” me as “groundbreaking” or call me a racially insensitive racist and drive me out of business for belittling the historic image of a great African American leader?
Once again you’re belied by projection and ignorance. It’s because I’m a Christian and a conservative that I am trustworthy. When one is morally centered and politically just, being trustworthy becomes automatic. When one is of weak character, low morals and Godlessness he is far more likely to be a cheat and a liar. Crooked Killary is a case in point.
If you don’t trust me Jeffery, it’s because I shouldn’t trust you.
The irony of “Hamilton” is that he owned slaves and was anti-immigrant.
Imagine that.
Did you really just assert that you “interact with the super wealthy” enough on a personal level to know exactly what motivates every single one of them including Trump?
Nah, you didn’t. Even you can’t be that far removed from reality. Hahahahahahaha.