If you thought this whole advice for Liberals on “how to act like a civil adult on Thanksgiving” thing was just a miniscule thing, au contraire. I have numerous articles saved to Pocket, and may never get around to them all. Here we have the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists driving drunkily down the road
Thanksgiving advice: How to deal with climate change denying Uncle Pete
“Birds of a feather flock together,†so I am sure that nearly all of those reading this article accept the main findings of climate science. Yet many people don’t. Instead, they believe a variety of climate myths.
These include claims that the world isn’t warming; or if warming is occurring, it is natural and not human-caused; or volcanoes produce more carbon dioxide than we humans do. I know none of you believes these myths, but it seems that almost everybody has an unpleasant relative–call him Uncle Pete–who comes to dinner. Pete spoils the family mood by making these false claims, which he found on talk radio or the Internet. I’ll tell you in a moment why some of the most frequently repeated claims are just plain wrong. I won’t have time to cover all of them, and I recommend the website skepticalscience.com for the whole story. It’s a collection of the most commonly heard climate myths, and why they are all dead wrong. Skepticalscience.com is your key to refuting your own Uncle Pete.
Oh, good, send people over to a heavily partisan website for confirmation bias and talking points to annoy your family (no mention of how to keep from going apoplectic when they point out you drove a fossil fueled vehicle to Thanksgiving dinner).
By burning fossil fuels, we humans have taken over the role of deciding what the climate in coming decades will be. We are no longer passive spectators in the global climate change pageant. We have become the actors. Science provides convincing evidence that the heat-trapping gases produced by human activities are the main cause of the warming observed in recent decades. This aspect of climate science is very firmly established, going back to definitive laboratory experiments in the 1850s. Those experiments showed that carbon dioxide and other gases, present in small quantities in the atmosphere, have powerful heat-trapping properties. In recent decades, the fingerprint of the observed warming, such as how it varies with altitude and geography and season, matches the pattern that we expect from adding heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere. We’ve found the enemy. He is us.
Yet, strangely, members of the Cult of Climastrology mostly refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels. Weird, eh?
For many skeptics or contrarians like Pete, the climate change issue is not a science topic at all. For Pete, it is simply an opportunity for the government, and liberals and environmentalists, to make rules and regulations, to interfere with markets, and to diminish the personal freedom of individuals. For Pete, it is just one more way for the authority of the state to control the lives of citizens. This view has nothing to do with science, and no argument based only on science can change it.
Interestingly, every single policy prescription from Warmists reinforces that this is all about government.
Uncle Pete has a high opinion of the free market.
Obviously, that makes Uncle Pete a hater and he wants to destroy the Earth. Let’s jump back a few paragraphs
There are similar convincing refutations of all the other common climate myths. That’s why many studies have shown that about 97 percent of the climate scientists who are most active in publishing research on climate change agree that the observed recent warming is real and serious and overwhelmingly human-caused.
If you’re trotting out “consensus”, particularly the massively debunked 97% schtick, you’ve shown that this is not science, it’s opinion.

For some reason I think kindly, reasonable, common sensical Uncle Pete would be preferable to libshit psycho ass-slamming little grandpa jeffy.
Did you read the article?
As the scientists explained, the Earth is warming from CO2 that we humans have added to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
There are 3 facts contained in that simple explanation. The Earth is warming. From increased CO2. The increased CO2 is from fossil fuels.
Can you refute any of the 3?
You don’t have to argue, you just have to relay the facts.
First, the earth is warming naturally as it is want to do. So far they think it could be partially from CO2 among other things. It is caused by leftists overusing fossil fuels flying their private jets, driving their big cars and heating their many mansions. If we get rid of leftists we can solve glow-ball warming.
Now pass the mashed potatoes and shut up, bitch.
What natural process is causing the Earth to warm? No answer? Cat got your tongue?
The increased CO2 is caused by all of us burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and to power our cars, trucks and airplanes.
Now shut up and pass the pumpkin pie, cumbreath.
Looks like libshit psycho ass-slamming little grandpa is getting lit up…
Maybe he’ll man up and tell us why he lied about serving in the Army.
I’ll bet Uncle Petey didn’t lie about serving in the Army…
When are you coming to St. Louis?
5 years ago 97% of right-wingers denied that the Earth was warming. Now, few deny warming.
5 years from now 97% of right-wingers will claim they always said AGW was true, but the cure is worse than the disease.
Little libshit psycho ass-slamming grandpa who lied about serving in the Army,
Why should I?
Right wingers attack the science and scientists because they object to the potential solutions. It’s all politics, no science with the right.
Just be adults and admit it.
A lie.
Most disagree and still disagree with AGW.
Science believing conservatives know and understand the climate changes.
It is only science denying liberals who think the world is a constant temperature.
You’ve devolved.
Do you not think the Earth is warming? Really?
So, little libshit ass-slamming psycho grandpa who lied about serving in the Army,
Do you not think you lied?
And why should I come to St. Louis?
For that matter, why should anyone want to come to St. Louis unless they were forced to?
To get out of mommy’s basement?
So, little libshit ass-slamming psycho grandpa who lied about serving in the Army,
Clever, you answered a question with a question.
So why did you lie?
Did it have something to do with uh,… Don’t ask, don’t tell?
Was it gender identity problems?
New poll:
45% of Chump voters think white people are the most discriminated against demographic in US. LOL.
I hope you work your way through Anger and get to Bargaining soon Jeffery, you sound so deranged and unhinged you must be spitting when you type. Work your way to acceptance and let it go. You’ll feel better and save the rest of us from reading nonsense like: “45% of Chump voters think white people are the most discriminated against demographic in US. LOL.”. What is your source for that statement, a leftist blog? Or perhaps one of these guys:
I’m not your mother – do your own research (it’s a major polling firm).
Hit close to home? Do you think white Americans suffer significant discrimination?
Richard B. Spencer,
alt-rightneo-nazi, was describing yesterday how the Euro-Americans were victims of discrimination. Sounds like about half of Chump voters are white nationalists.It’s shocking to think there are that many Americans who think the white man is under assault. But people who are used to having unearned privilege always feel discriminated against when others demand their own rights. For example, many christians feel that removing government sponsorship of christian symbols is discriminatory.
Read what I wrote again Jeffery.
Scientifically, that is impossible. However, with age and or substance abuse, it is possible to lose one’s facilities such as the ability to read and reason. You might want to check into that.
Or have someone do it for you as you may not be able to understand what is written.
So the other day when you demanded citations, you dismissed the point because you couldn’t verify the source (even though they are plentiful.)
Now you won’t supply a citation because …
Oh yeah. Because you won’t do what you demand of others.
Just another example of your hypocrisy, as well as your lack or morals and ethics.
You haven’t been paying attention, so we forgive you.
Sounds like about half of Chump voters are white nationalists.
White people standing up for themselves and saying they matter makes them FACISTS…
Blacks murdering cops and marching in the streets makes them patriots….
Women who want abortions….patriots
Only White people especially the non college educated working MIDDLE CLASS WHICH THE LEFT PRETENDS TO GIVE A FUK ABOUT….. are considered Nazi, Facists, White supremicists when they constitute a very large percent of america and suddenly decide they have had enough of your type of bullshit..
When they stand up and push back…they become…… White Nationalists.
The Destruction of coal……Jobs gone….5 state budgets wrecked…..PRAISE THE AGW CLOWNS.
Regulatory nightmare….Jobs destroyed, people placed on welfare, SSDI and VA compensation to get them off the rolls and thus make unemployment look great…PRAISE the communist ALT LEFT OBAMA and his clowns.
Obamacare….written to fail, passed in the middle of the night by changing the rules…We have to pass the law to see whats in the law….We have to make all the ugliness apparent after Obama leaves office….you know like why premuiums are going up from 20 to over 100 percent after Obama leaves office….Praise the Supremely intellectual Progressives who know whats best for America.
Open borders in which millions of Illegals flood into our nation…HIDE…fail to assimilate….force our states to begin teaching in two languages….See the start up of radical Movements designed to topple America as in La Raza and many other groups….Praise OPEN BORDER LIBERALS …..for they know whats best for us.
The Push back is this….Political Correctness is gonna die….Intellectual elitism will get this nation FUBAR’d….The SNOB known as Obama has nearly destroyed this nation no thanks to a dysfunctional congress.
Here is hoping that the GOP has the GUTS to actually do something but honestly I dont hold out hope…..
HERE IS WHY….Harry Reid did two things…Dodd/Frank and ACA….since that time the Democrats have literally seen their political fortunes flushed down the toilet…….
The GOP went to congress….they will do nothing…they will pass nothing and they will collect their paychecks and blame it on the Democrats…..
So cheer up Jeffery….your fears will not come true….the only thing that will happen for the next 2-4 years is the left and the right will shout at each other and in the meantime Americans will still not have jobs, have crummy healthcare and watch their jobs continue to flow overseas….
All because everyone is paralyzed they will lose their gravy train meal ticket if they do anything.
I disagree. Elections have consequences. The White House, Senate and House are in the hands of conservative Republicans.
This Congress will enact, with Chump’s support, much of the right-wing agenda. The Dems have neither the numbers nor the stomach to block the planned economic assault on the working classes. Both Rep and Dem elites want to see substantial cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
Taxes on the wealthy and corporations will be slashed.
Policies large and small will be enacted to benefit the wealthy at the expense of the working classes. Laws will be enacted to put women, gays, Blacks, Hispanics and Muslim “in their place”.
Healthcare will become the sole responsibility of each and every man, woman and child.
The Republicans have no plans at all (nor do Dem elites) to stanch the economic bleeding of the working classes. Wages will stay flat, state and local tax burdens on the working classes will necsssarily soar – services will be cut – fewer police, firefighters, street repairs, etc. Don’t get us wrong – this is not new – but will be a continuation and consolidation of the elite policies already in place.
The surveillance state will tighten its grip around the citizens.
A “bright” spot is Chump’s talking about infrastructure – but rebuilding takes 100s of billions – and where will it come from? In addition, huge increases in military spending does trickle down somewhat.
The conservative attack machine would have torn Senator Sanders to shreds (he has a lot of ghosts in his political closet), but most of his policy ideas would have benefitted the US working classes.
The Democratic candidate will have won the popular vote by a few million votes – in the last House elections Dems received more total votes than Reps. The consolidation of power by a sizable minority is progressing as planned. Repubs are smarter and tougher.
Whenever the privileged face losing their unearned advantages they cry “discrimination”!
And yes, white privilege IS under attack in the US and Europe, and white people are fighting hard to keep their advantages, their supposed supremacy. In part, you are seeing a “whitelash” as white folk sense they are losing their superior position in America.
The tipping point was reached decades ago in the old confederacy – in Dixie. In the rest of America, coupling (1) social liberalism overreach (social justice and all that pushing to make Blacks, LGBTs, immigrants and Muslims “equals”) with (2) a failure of rural America to adjust to fundamental changes in the economy with (3) modern and rapid communications (some are EVEN true!) showing how the wealthy elites control our government led us to this critical point in America’s history.
America was primed for either a true proletariat leader or a fascist dictator. How did we do?
We elected the proletariat leader.
If you missed that in the news, you really haven’t been paying attention as it was in all the headlines.
I hope you are correct, but the early signs are not good.
Fortunately, the proles get a chance to reset (if they so desire) in 2018 when all the House seats are up. A sweep for the Reps proves you right.
And Jeffery deflects on a discussion about the non science that is AGW to a discussion on racism. Good job. Typical tactics of an idiot with no way to back their stance.