This kind of schtick has become more and more prevalent over the past few years, as Democrats apparently need someone to explain to them How To Act Civilized With Your Family And Friends On Thanksgiving (we see these recycled at Christmas, as well).
I especially enjoy the use of the angry pointing guy. It made me think this would be a Concern Trolling article making fun of liberals. Alas, no
It’s the holiday season, the point at which the real intensity of the sh*tshow that is 2016 will come home to roost between the roasted brussels sprouts and the pumpkin pie. Even if you have a family that entirely shares your views, it’s still possible to have an uncomfortable festive season as they hash out their particular ideas; but in this climate, it’s more likely than ever that you’ll be facing down opponents over the crisp tablecloth. Those relatives who hold anti-LGBT views, racist ideas, and idiotic beliefs they picked up from fake articles on Facebook will be empowered and out in force. How are you going to survive talking about politics with your family this Thanksgiving? Boundaries are here to help.
Political arguments during the holidays can, particularly in these times, seem like a good idea; if it’s not your job to convert one of your nearest and dearest to a better point of view, whose job is it? And that’s completely legitimate — but your duty to make the world a better place, one relative at a time, also needs to coincide with your duty to yourself and respecting them.
And Democrats need someone to explain this whole respect and civility thing. Here’s the overview of The Plan
- Figure Out What You Will And Will Not Discuss
- Vocalize Your Boundaries Beforehand — And Stick To Them
- Plan For Escalation
- Know That Some People Will Push It
- … And Have A Plan For When They Keep Going
- Have A Go-To Exit Phrase
- Monitor How You’re Feeling Throughout The Night
- Know Your Breaking Point
Number two is my favorite, where I can see liberals walking into the house and haranguing people right from the get go about what they refuse to be allowed to be discussed. Only in Liberal World do people plan out a get together with friends and family in this manner. It’d probably be easier for everyone if they just stayed home in their Safe Space bubble, playing with coloring books and watching …. well, is there anything on TV that a liberal can’t find something to complain about?

The same people who lecture theater goers (Pence), the same people rioting in the streets, the same people crying, throwing tantrums, ending friendships and worse presume to lecture us on how to behave after the election at Thanksgiving?
Then dig in…
WAH….WAH….WAH…..sayeth the cupcakes…..My world is the only world that matters……fuk them union guys looking for a job. Screw those people having to pay more for health care then their mortgage…..To hell with people who are sick and tired of getting a welfare check instead of a payroll check…….
All that matters is ME<ME<ME<ME<ME<ME<ME….and I demand that the Democratic party drop everything and cater to my need for my space and stuff….I cant take this……
Life is so hard….My mommie and daddy never told me I would face this kind of set backs in life….I always get a participation trophy….I always WIN!!!
WTF MATE??!!??
When Argentine President Mauricio Macri called Trump to congratulate him on his election victory, Trump asked Macri to address permitting issues relating to a delayed construction project in Buenos Aries.
Stay classy, Crooked Donnie, stay classy.
Trump Inc. = America = Trump Inc.
This is from a news report citing unnamed sources. However, there is this:
Macri spokesman Ivan Pavlovsky told Bloomberg that Macri offered his congratulations and the two talked about the U.S.-Argentina affairs and their own past relationship. Pavlovsky said he was in the room during the call and it did not address any real estate projects.
And statements from both people and countries:
Late Update 2:32 PM: Both President Macri and President-Elect Trump have denied that they discussed Trump’s building project during their post-election phone conversation.
Later Update: 2:48 PM: We received this statement from the Trump campaign: “Any reports alleging a discussion about personal business interests between President-elect Trump and President Macri are completely untrue. The Argentine President and his office have also refuted these baseless claims.â€
Even Later Update 2:53 PM: And now a full statement from the Embassy of Argentina: “That issue was not part of the conversation between president Mauricio Macri and president-elect Donald Trump. The subject both leaders talked about was the institutional relationship, and they briefly mentioned the personal relationship they have had for yearsâ€.
The reporter, Jorge Lanata, is a well known, leftist who has criticized Trump in the past.
This means that a left leaning, Trump hating reporter who was not in the room when the call was made says something that people who were there deny. The leftist hate of Trump and the US extends deep to the point where people will lie and say anything.
Those people have no morals or ethics.
Wow, Trump et al deny a crime. Surprise, surprise. Trump also denied defrauding thousands of students. Trump is known liar. Sounds like pay to play to us.
Face it, the accumulation of so many allegations can only mean Trump is Crooked. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, right?
Fortunately for Trump, Congress will not investigate him until the Dems take over the House in 2019.
He’ll keep Comey on at the FBI.
Meanwhile Jeffery, the stock market soars. Somebody seems to like America’s prospects. Not the leftist racists, but somebody loves the fact: Crooked Killary Lost!!! Hahahahahaha. She’s home in her mansion paid for with stolen money from the poor getting shitfaced drunk.
Terrific if true…
Fuck yeah!!!
Thank you, President Obama! Let’s hope President Chump doesn’t screw it up.
If we’re lucky the Chump stock market will increase as much as the Clinton (tripled) or Obama (doubled) stock markets.
Hope it’s not like George W’s negative stock market.
Typically with Republicans the stock market goes down and abortions go up.
So any accusation against Trump – even one where there is no evidence – must be true?
Is this a new standard for you? After all, there was actual evidence that Hillary broke the law, yet you supported her.
Face it Jeffery, you got caught posting a lie. Again.
At least be an adult and admit it.
Kick and scream all you want, Chump got caught abusing his power. This is not about Secretary Clinton, she lost the election. Chump won.
Crooked Chump has been caught repeatedly trying to capitalize financially on his election. Now he’s trying to bully Americans into not criticizing him for it. His next move will be try to suppress criticism using the power of the State. He’s a fascist at heart.
Good luck with that.
I mean after all hes just gonna emulate the Obama White house and do whatever the hell he wants anyway….and then bash the press and call them liars…
By the way….do you know their is no conflict of interest laws regarding the president and VP….
Trump can do whatever he wants….thats got to be making heads explode all over the progressive universe.
Good luck with that.
For all the Trump properties around the world… who will protect them from terrorist attacks? They will obviously be a target for hatred of America.
Should the US pay? Or (LOL). Will Trump be beholden to the foreign countries where he has his properties?
What a mess.
Then you should be a Republican since you hate Wall Street and love killing babies.
You conflated the Dow Jones with Wall Street financiers. How ignorant of you.
If you are against abortions why do you support Republicans? One reason we support Dems is BECAUSE they systematically reduce abortions.
This proves that conservatives don’t care about fetuses, but only wish to control women.
Are you actually advocating for attacks on properties held by Americans Jeffery?
Are you directly paying for the security around your house and business? \
You aren’t. but the hypocrite in you wants others to do what you will not.
Most people would see that moral defect and try to correct it. You won’t because you are not an adult and lack morals and ethics.
We’re not convinced that many terrorists (besides db) reads the Cove.
My properties are in America and I actually pay taxes. Many of Chump’s properties are overseas. Should the US taxpayers be forced to pay to protect his properties in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, when Chump refuses to pay taxes?
And if the Saudi gov’t agrees to invest millions each year in protecting Chump’s personal properties, does that present a conflict in negotiating with the Saudis?
Just keep moving, nothing to see here. Grifter working.
Every country is responsible for protecting the lives and property of the people within them. You do realize that, don’t you? I have property in Bermuda, Hong Kong and South Korea and those countries have a duty to protect it just like we have he responsibility to protect foreign visitors and their property.
Why don’t you get a life and worry about something you understand.
Really? Stop being naive. No one gives a shit about your properties. Are the Malaysian taxpayers obligated to provide above and beyond protection to a Chump hotel? Station guards at every entrance maybe? Stop and frisk everyone entering? Actually, you’d be nuts to stay in a Chump property overseas these days.
If indeed the Malaysian taxpayers decide to protect Chump properties at all costs, what would they expect from presidente Chump in exchange?
What a mess.
Il Douche…
How soon before he starts wearing a generalissimo jacket?
I think I have your answer.