Tuesday, Mr. Trump went to the NY Times building to talk with the DNC leadership, er, reporters and stuff, and had this to say
THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN, opinion columnist: Mr. President-elect, can I ask a question? One of the issues that you actually were very careful not to speak about during the campaign, and haven’t spoken about yet, is one very near and dear to my heart, the whole issue of climate change, the Paris agreement, how you’ll approach it. You own some of the most beautiful links golf courses in the world …
TRUMP: [laughing] I read your article. Some will be even better because actually like Doral is a little bit off … so it’ll be perfect. [inaudible] He doesn’t say that. He just says that the ones that are near the water will be gone, but Doral will be in great shape.
FRIEDMAN: But it’s really important to me, and I think to a lot of our readers, to know where you’re going to go with this. I don’t think anyone objects to, you know, doing all forms of energy. But are you going to take America out of the world’s lead of confronting climate change?
TRUMP: I’m looking at it very closely, Tom. I’ll tell you what. I have an open mind to it. We’re going to look very carefully. It’s one issue that’s interesting because there are few things where there’s more division than climate change. You don’t tend to hear this, but there are people on the other side of that issue who are, think, don’t even …
Now, Trump has specifically promised to pull out of the Paris Climate agreement many times during the campaign. But, as Allahpundit notes
It could be that he’s just being prudential. There’s no sense binding himself to a position on a major issue, campaign promise or no, before he’s been fully briefed and his cabinet’s debated it. Same goes for the Iran nuclear deal, which he’s also promised to abandon in the past buthas been coy about lately. He’s going to take his time before committing to a major unilateral move, particularly one that’ll anger American allies. Another possibility: The guy loves good press and enjoys pleasing his audience, and he knows what an audience of New York Times editors wants to hear about climate change. He couldn’t resist pandering to them. Put him back in front of an arena of 10,000 screaming fans and he’ll say something different.
The thing here is that I read that bit as being about not just rethinking the Paris agreement, but Hotcoldwetdry altogether. Is he playing coy or moderating his position? If he moderates on this, he’ll lose quite a bit of capital with the people who voted for him. He also told Michael Sheer, NY Times White House correspondent, that he would look at it, meaning the Paris agreement specifically, later in the meeting.
We also supposedly get this, but, it’s not in the transcript that I can find
Does Trump think human activity is linked to climate change? “I think there is some connectivity. Some, something. It depends on how much."
— Michael M. Grynbaum (@grynbaum) November 22, 2016
Despite his talk about hoaxes from China, I have no problem with this. I’ve written tons of times that Mankind does play a small part. We’ll soon find out what Trump really meant and what he didn’t. Will he solidify my election season belief that he wasn’t to be trusted, or will he do the majority of things he promised?
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Stop it. We never know what Trump will support or oppose at any given time. He’s a policy chameleon as he bases his behaviors on the affirmation he receives at the time. It’s always possible that he will develop a human conscience but unlikely – he’s not known for putting much thought into his actions. He’s a showman, a self-promoter, a carnival barker. As his mentor Roy Cohn told him (yes, THAT Roy Cohn), “There is no bad publicity”. Trump turns the knob of the typical narcissism and cynicism of politicians up to 11.
We will only know when he pushes ideas to Congress, he signs what Congress sends, by his exec orders and by his nominations. We suspect that he will consider as “losers” and “enemies” the over 100,000,000 Americans who will oppose his actions. This is how brutal tyrants always justify their actions, but it’s always possible that he will develop a human conscience – but unlikely.
He ran as a Republican because he thought he could win the Republican nomination against their weak field. He gauged the voter just right. His natural autocratic tendencies were also a good fit with the GOP voters.
As we’ve said, as bad a person as Trump is – as unfit as he is to be our president – the bigger issue facing the nation is our House of Representatives. Flat tax, privatize SS and vouchers, oh my! These cultist Ayn Randers want to reshape America to reflect a bad 1950s novel. Thank Allah they didn’t read L. Ron Hubbard in college instead.
And Hillary Clinton will never be President.
Sugar Bear twists and turns in the wind. His seething hatred of everything American out there for all to see. Poor Bear, he needs an ice cream. The loss of his favorite Nazi Klinton has him in mental stress. Relax little Bear, Trump is but a democrat in Republican disguise. Sooner or later the mask will fall away to reveal the Big Government Autocrat you will embrace. You’re such a hypocrite the only reason you hate Trump is the (R) after his name. He’s just like you. But with real money. But at least that scum bag Killery lost. Hahahahaha.
Ice cream is bad for climate change. All those carbon emissions from cows who produce milk.