A university enabled hissy fit
(The Hill) Hampshire College, a liberal arts school with about students 1,400 in Massachusetts, will no longer fly the U.S. flag on its campus.
“We hope this will enable us to instead focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors,” Hampshire’s president, Jonathan Lash, said in a statement.
A day after the presidential election, the college decided to lower the flag to half staff “as an expression of grief over the violent deaths being suffered in this country and globally,” Lash said, but that angered some students on campus and in the community.
Instead, the college will not fly any flags on campus “for the time being.”
Hampshire College is a privately funded institute of Leftist freakouts higher learning indoctrination, and can certainly chose to do this. It is vastly left wing, founded in 1970 on vastly left wing policies. It began a “reradicalization” project in 2004, becoming even more Progressive (nice fascism). In the wake of 9/11, the college voted against the War On Terrorism. This is not to say it is a bad college: the standards for learning are impeccable, by all accounts. They’re just loony lefties, as we can see by the above article.
Funny thing is, there is lots of anti-Semitism going on at Hampshire, just like on other left wing college campuses.

Teach typed:
Opposition to, criticism of, or protests against Israel’s policies regarding the Palestinians are not examples of anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism equals pro-terrorism but you knew that already.
They are to Israeli’s. But, being a leftist you would know more about anti Semitism than say, a Jew!
Rev Idiot,
We cannot be held responsible for the beliefs of others.
Do you really believe that any and every action taken by the Israeli government is always justified, e.g., their spying on US business and government functions? Have you heard of Jonathan Pollard? Was President Reagan an anti-Semite for allowing the prosecution of Pollard?
So every time a conservative has done something with which we disagree, you haven’t tried to cast all conservatives in that same light?
The problem is, of course, that the left not only hates Israel, but wants them destroyed. It is part and parcel of what the mainstream left believes.
Secondly, while you want to talk about the actions of Israel, perhaps you should read the linked article where students at Hampshire College we threatened, assaulted and had property destroyed for their support of Israel.
Is that what you would call “peaceful?”
I can observe two things with that response. First, the pleasantness of Thanksgiving is obviously over. Second, you lost the argument and decided to start calling names. Thank you, I win. Just like we did with Trump, you called us names and we won.
You are putting lying words in my mouth as usual you anti Semitic racist. Where in my comment did I suggest “every action taken by the Israeli government” was anything? Where did I mention the Israeli government?
As usual you are talking about things you know nothing about, but being a leftist you think you’re an expert. Thank God we put that slimy Killary away, too bad she’s not in prison yet. Hahahahaha.
Have you heard of Jonathan Pollard? Was President Reagan an anti-Semite for allowing the prosecution of Pollard?
Pollard was a spy you stupid bastard. It has nothing to do with: “Opposition to, criticism of, or protests against Israel’s policies regarding the Palestinians are not examples of anti-Semitism.” It has to do with espionage. Dope!
Good lord, morans. The claim was that there was lots of “anti-Semitism” going on at the college. The article offered no evidence to support that, nor did Teach’s rescuers offer any evidence. In fact, his rescuers changed the subject.
In fact, Rev Dumfuck missed the point entirely. If all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism, doesn’t that make you and Reagan anti-Semites? Yes, and hypocrites to boot.
There is a special kind of stupid for people who either can’t read or ignore what is right in front of their face.
From the article:
Yep. No anti-Semitism at all.
But at least Jeffery thought he was cute insulting someone by making up a name instead of actually dealing with the facts.
The little guy is certainly not well informed nor very intelligent.
Again, criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism. Even belligerent, loud criticism. Perhaps you should look up the definition.
And people claiming that others are anti-Semites isn’t proof.
Tens of millions of Americans claim that Donald Trump is a racist. Does that make him one?
Clearly that would be conditional on the basis of the criticism. Saying “I oppose the actions of Israel” may not be anti-Semitic. Saying “I hate Israel because it is full of dirty Jews” is anti-Semitic.
To some extent, I agree. It is the actions of the anti-Semitic people that makes them anti-Semitic. The mere claim means nothing. (Although it is interesting that you bring up Trump who you have claimed to be a racist without proof and expect others to join with you.)
However, where your logic (or lack thereof) occurs when anti-Semitic behavior is displayed by people, that the target of their words, behavior and actions can not say they are anti-Semitic.
People can make claims all they want. Actions determine the validity of those claims and in this case, it is clear that anti-Semitism is rampant at Hampshire College.