…is carbon pollution created hot snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on the new science of exercise.

…is carbon pollution created hot snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Maggie’s Farm, with a post on the new science of exercise.
Solving Health Care in America.
1. Everyone put on Medicare.
2. Government fully funds medicare.
3. Government reduces coverage from 80 to 65.
4. Increase medicare premiums.
5. Insurance companies provide supplemental rather than full health insurance plans paying the 35 percent Medicare doesnt pay.
6. Companies pick up this supplemental reducing their insurance exposure by 200 percent….currently employers are paying 10k-15k per employee…this would be reduced to roughly 5k per employee…making it affordable to hire.
The key to this is to paying healthy rates….not exorbitant rates to doctors, labs and hospitals….thus keeping everyone relatively happy…….THE ACA IS FIXING TO DESTROY HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA as it fully kicks in in 2017…which is why everyone premiums are going thru the roof….
To keep everyones jobs….a combination of private insurance, government insurance participated by patient, government and businesses will save healthcare in America.
There solved that….as far as those without a job……Medicaide will continue to exist but the rolls will be reduced drastically and the burdens on the states reduced by this plan.
Everyone gets a participation trophy…
And the GOP is totally retarded if they think that just allowing healthcare plans to compete across state lines is the solution they are as delusional as Jeffery thinks they are.
Healthcare costs what healthcare costs….there is no magic bullet for reducing healthcare expenses just by simply letting insurance companies compete….
Somehow the GOP thinks that Health savings accounts and competing insurance will suddenly make hospitals only charge 1 dollar for an aspirin instead of 10 or 15.
Even with competing health care plans and savings accounts….doctors and hospitals are still going to be gouging the patient and the insurance company.
think about it….why does it cost 10,000 dollars to paint your car? Because insurance will PAY TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS…so why would a rational painter charge 2500 instead of 10k?
Constructive compromise but impossible in the current political climate. Republicans control the government. Your idea of cost controls on doctors, labs, clinics and hospitals is anathema to conservatives.
All funding for healthcare comes from the workers – the taxpayers. The big challenge in the US is the overall rate of healthcare inflation (which has slowed, thanks Barack), but is still too high, especially when compared to other 1st world nations.
Again Jeffery you throw the entire obstructionist idea on the right. when in fact the left crammed ACA down Americans throats then pushed out till 2017 all the pain of the plan…..
It takes two to tango….Solutions are unattainable in the current atmosphere and that is why I find it refreshing that TRUMP is actually president…perhaps with his CEO mentality he might actually get some things done as he is not beholden to the GOP as much as HRC would have been vaselined up by the left PACs.
In this case Trump can buck the GOP……go straight to the American people and see what happens…..As for Ryan and Bitch McConnel I see their days either growing in power or ending soon…….they have a choice to make…fix it….for forget it.
With Trump willing to work with the left on Infrastructure and inner cities and trade……then how about a fuking bone by the left on tax cuts for corporations and fixing the ACA…..
Is that really too much to ask?
Dems and liberals would sign your plan today. The PPACA that got “crammed” down Repub throats was the best that could be achieved given conservative intransigence. Your plan wouldn’t get one Repub vote in the current House or Senate.
Good luck with Trump getting the House to move on anything. Trillion dollar infrastructure/economic stimulus, LOL. Further gov’t involvement in healthcare? Really? Help for inner cites?
You may be right, that Trump could go to the American people and toss out the House Repubs in 2018. The Senate is pretty firmly Repub for the next cycle.
My plan is really the solution to health care….It puts insurance companies in the mix to make money without going broke….It provides health care that affordable and it charges rather then subsidizes health care by the government….
Its a compromise on universal health care that includes health insurance companies and provides for affordable premiums paid mostly by employers that would be half what they are now….talk about an economy exploding into growth……
No one will sign off on it because both sides want the economy to continue along the lines that best suit their chances in 2018………
A few questions about your healthcare solutions:
1. Everyone put on Medicare. (Except those on Medicaid?)
2. Government fully funds Medicare. (What does this mean?)
3. Government reduces coverage from 80% to 65%.
4. Increase Medicare premiums…. (How much? Any subsidies?)
You propose cutting coverage and raising premiums. This could cut gov’t spending on healthcare but increasing the burden on citizens. Is that your objective, to cut gov’t spending? Gov’t spending on healthcare is not the problem – overall spending on healthcare is the problem.
5. Insurance companies provide supplemental rather than full health insurance plans paying the 35 percent Medicare doesn’t pay.
6. Companies pick up this supplemental reducing their insurance exposure by 200 percent (actually they reduce it 50% to 67%)….currently employers are paying 10k-15k per employee…this would be reduced to roughly 5k per employee…making it affordable to hire. (This cuts the employees total compensation by 5k to 10k – which would be OK since they are getting their healthcare through Medicare, but you’re raising their premiums – sounds like a win for the employer and a loss for the employee – would the out of pocket be higher for the employee?).
The key to this is to paying healthy rates….not exorbitant rates to doctors, labs and hospitals….thus keeping everyone relatively happy (Do you think doctors, labs and hospitals will quietly stand by as their incomes are cut? What mechanism will you use to cut these costs?)
…….THE ACA IS FIXING TO DESTROY HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA as it fully kicks in in 2017…which is why everyone premiums are going thru the roof….
To keep everyones jobs….a combination of private insurance, government insurance participated by patient, government and businesses will save healthcare in America.
There solved that….as far as those without a job……Medicaid will continue to exist but the rolls will be reduced drastically and the burdens on the states reduced by this plan. (Why will Medicaid burdens drop? Because low paid workers will be tramsferred to Medicare?)
The problem with US healthcare is that the rate of healthcare inflation is greater than the economy as a whole. In addition, not all Americans can afford healthcare and are left uncovered. Will you expand Medicaid to care for these people?
A few questions turned into you usurping my plan and changing it to your plan…..
go for it…its all yours sell it to your colleagues who are in the medical profession.