By vexed, I mean apoplectic. Here’s the tweet, if you haven’t seen it
Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2016
This is what you call an “opinion.” Since it’s coming from the soon to be POTUS, it obviously holds a bit more weight, by, it’s an opinion. I personally disagree with it, holding the opinion that you should be allowed to burn the flag, and, if so, someone should be allowed to punch you in the face once without facing assault charges. That’s me. For the NY Times Editorial Board, it’s Defcon 1
It should be noted that the subhead on the front page reads “Why is the president-elect afraid of free speech?” Remember all those times the NY Times took Obama to task for when his IRS was abusing its power against Conservative groups? Or any of his other anti-free speech stances?
When Donald Trump, hand on the Bible on Jan. 20, swears to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, we the people will have good reason to doubt he knows what he’s talking about. Consider what he tweeted out on Tuesday:
“Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!â€
Here’s where we explain what shouldn’t need explaining. Flag-burning is constitutionally protected speech. The Supreme Court has made this clear, in a ruling joined by Mr. Trump’s favorite justice, Antonin Scalia. It’s popular to want to punish flag-burners — pandering politicians, including Hillary Clinton, have tried. But the First Amendment exists to protect unpopular, even repulsive forms of expression. As the Supreme Court said in a 1990 decision finding a federal law against flag-burning unconstitutional, “Punishing desecration of the flag dilutes the very freedom that makes this emblem so revered, and worth revering.â€
So, they go on in this fashion for awhile (the Washington Post Editorial Board is also having a snit fit, to go with so many other media outlets), ending with
He tweets, he posts, he incites. He trolls. He commands a global platform and will soon be America’s commander in chief. But it has to be said, and said again: This is not normal. It demeans the presidency.
We could play the “well, why weren’t you upset when Obama did it” game, but, hey, lapdog media. Let’s note one word: trolls. And consider something Newt Gingrich said
“[The Apprentice] was a remarkably popular show,†Gingrich told Fox News host Jenna Lee during the interview. “[Trump] understands the value of tension. He understands the value of showmanship. And candidly, the news media is going to chase the rabbit. So it’s better off for him to give them a rabbit than for them to go find their own rabbit. He’s had them fixated on Mitt Romney now for five or six days. I think from his perspective, that’s terrific. It gives everyone something to talk about.â€
Trump tweets, and the Democrats and their Compliant Media immediately jump to some sort of high level Moonbattery. Trump is most likely playing with them with tweets like the flag burning one. It sets them off on their chase for the white rabbit. Trump’s not going to attempt to get Congress to pass a law on flag burning. He won’t waste time with executive action. He probably sat around Tuesday and laughed at how easy the Leftist media is, and is getting a chuckle out of it today. A separate article in the NY Times shows some may get it
“Media would be wise to stop hyper-coverage of Trump’s tweets — they distract, distort and debase,†Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation, said in a Twitter post on Tuesday.
The historian Fred Kaplan declared, “It’s time to ignore his tweets,†echoing others who wondered whether Mr. Trump’s provocative statements were a deliberate effort to distract journalists.
But, most will take the bait. They can’t ignore it, and it’ll send them, and, more importantly, the opinion writers and editorial boards into Moonbat Level 10. Which will provide great amusement for us for years to come.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Air conditioning company Carrier said Tuesday that it had reached an agreement with President-elect Donald Trump that would keep 1,000 jobs in Indianapolis.
This is what Im talking about….You have to incentivize these companies from not leaving American….the ACA along with 35 percent corporate tax and high wages is NO incentive.
The fact that the ACA might go away, along with a reduced corporate rate was enough to keep Carrier in America.
The left hates this….because they believe in the Almighty tax dollar and cannot understand LESS sometimes means more.
If the Left and right Give Trump a chance…….
“In 2005, Clinton co-sponsored the Flag Protection Act which, while it did not call for the stripping of citizenship, made flag burning with the intent to incite violence or disturb the peace punishable by a year in jail and a $100,000 fine.”
As for demeaning the Presidency, that’ll be hard to do after Obama. The left is free to ignore Trumps tweets, youtube videos and everything else. Just as most people have learned to ignore the media.
Obama sends away jobs.
Trump brings them back.
And he’s still 2 months from
entering office.
What a horrible guy…
And Hillary will never be President.
There is no evidence to support your claim.
There is evidence that Mr. Pence guaranteed Indiana state monetary inducements to Carrier. It’s a fact that Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies, has several billion dollars in Pentagon contracts put at risk.
Carrier still plans layoffs, but they will keep a thousand or so good jobs in the US, for now. That’s a good thing. We’ll find out the costs later.
Obama sends away jobs.
Trump brings them back.
And Hillary will never be President.
That’s a good thing.
Give Trumpy a break. He’s just a common man and we shouldn’t expect to him to understand the Constitution.
The Michigan Trumpitistas hired a vote fraudster. Will Chumpy give him a pardon?
Martin Luther King – 1963
Funny how you missed this story, Jeffery:
Clinton campaign contractor caught in voter-fraud video sting is a felon who visited the White House 342 times – including a meeting in the OVAL OFFICE – but Obama’s spokesman won’t defend him
Will Obama pardon him?
Will Clinton pardon him?
She can’t pardon him because Hillary will never be president.
You do realize the fraud he was convicted of occurred in 2012 and had NOTHING to do with Trump, right? Or do you still subscribe to the now exposed “fake news” you guys have been pushing for years??
Trump will most likely NOT pardon this clown. And Trump will most likely not pardon that filthy smelly pig Crooked Killary after her conviction either. He may suggest she be put on house arrest so she can commiserate with her “friend” Huma, get drunk and talk about their pathetic perverted spouses. But she’ll never be president.
I hope Trumps Triumphant
CoronationInauguration is a spectacle to behold…..from her prison cell. Hahahahaha.And that’s a good thing…
Oh wait, in the future one should refer to that little guy who lied about serving in the Army as…
Jeffy Luther King, Jr.
gc typed:
Pardon him for what? Starring in another stoopid and doctored James O’Keefe video, LOL?
The Trump felon was convicted of voter fraud.
Rev. Toady typed:
And yet the Trump campaign hired him anyway.
white nationalistsTrumpatistas seem especially sensitive to any criticism of yourImperial Wizardflawless god-king these days.Poor Jeffery.
Reading is not his strong suit.
Creamer is a convicted felon, Jeffery. Or perhaps you missed that?
Do you think that a convicted felon who admits on tape to breaking federal and state election laws as well as inciting violence should be pardoned by Obama?
Do you think he should be pardoned by Clinton?
Sorry about that.
Clinton can’t pardon him because she will never be president.
And Hilary hired Creamer anyway.
And Obama gave Creamer access to the White House and its staff.
Once again, you hypocrisy and lack of morals comes to the front.
…along with his stupidity.
Creamer was not convicted of voter fraud.
He served his time. He paid his debts. Don’t you believe in salvation?
Rev Mohammed defends Trump’s voter fraudster for his 2012 actions, because it was so, so long ago.
The Trump campaign has shown a clear and sustained pattern of lawlessness. But that’s OK, he only received 2.5 million fewer votes than the loser.
In the past few days, Trump has been talking with David Petraeus, reportedly about the Sec of State position, even though Petraeus admitted passing classified information to his mistress. In fact he pleaded guilty in a plea bargain deal to avoid prison. He would be the first Sec of State needing the permission of his parole officer to leave his home state.
Donald Trump is considering an admitted traitor for Sec of State, and you’re worried about a minor political advisor of the losing candidate?
Don’t get us wrong, we wish Trump would select Petraeus, because even with Petraeus’ remarkable lapse in judgement, he is a significant upgrade over Trump’s picks so far. Hahahaha. No, seriously. He would be the first adult in the inner circle and would offer some comfort to Americans, who in general dislike their Presidente-elect.
What we can’t understand is the sense of panic exhibited by the Trumpatista. He won. He will be El Presidente. He will have his adult children to support him in the White House (or in NYC, depending on where he decides to live). And just as Trump hero Kim Jung Il passed the mantle to Kim Jung Un, Kim Jung Don hopes to pass it to Kim Jung Jr.
oop, almost forgot:
gc, Once again, your hypocrisy and lack of morals comes to the front. In addition, your mom dresses you funny and your dog poops in the neighbor’s yard. And your name is misspelled. In other words, as your god-king would say, you’re a loser.
You used to talk about issues, has Trump shown you a new way?
You defend Trump hiring a felon guilty of voter fraud by pointing other there to a man not convicted of voter fraud. OK…
In fact, this has become your modus operandi. “Oh yeah, but he did it first!” or “Oh yeah, her guy did some stuff too!”
We thought Trump was going to clean up DC, not do the same things (or worse) than others did. (We’ve understood this as a campaign lie all along, given Trump’s past ethical dilemmas, and inability to ever tell the truth.)
Do you think it was a smart/ethical move for Trump to hire a felon guilty of voter fraud? We will assume you think it was wrong. Do you think it was a purposeful hire, or just a mistake, perhaps a lack of due diligence?
And the little guy keeps bringing the stupid.
It’s almost like he can’t help himself.
Jeffery’s mental breakdown continues. Bouncing from one half-truth to the next, providing no correct context and just throwing crap out there to hear himself type. Poor Sugar Bear. Take solace in the fact that you can now use the little girls room by law, Jeffery. Nobody can keep you and your type out regardless of how mentally unhinged you become. While Klepto sulks with Huma in a pile of empty booze bottles and pees in her Depends, you slowly slide toward insanity. Bwaahahahahahahaha.