Um, ok?
Sydney, Vancouver mayors vow to fight climate change despite Trump
Cities around the world can combat climate change without national government support, the mayors of Sydney and Vancouver said on Wednesday, amid fears that a Donald Trump U.S. presidency could undermine efforts to limit global warming.
The two were in Mexico City for the C40 Mayors’ Summit, where nearly 50 mayors and deputies from around the globe will discuss environmental issues such as air pollution.
Glad they could take long fossil fueled trips to tell us this
“Denial doesn’t stop climate change accelerating so it’s even more important for cities to do their bit,” Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore told Reuters.
“An important message from Sydney to the U.S. cities is: ‘Notwithstanding a Trump–type government, you can get on and do an incredible amount,'” she added.
Cities are responsible for up to 70 percent of the world’s harmful greenhouse gases, according to a 2011 report by the United Nations.
Earlier in November, a group of 40 U.S. mayors sent an open letter to Trump stating that they would forge ahead in tackling climate change, even without his support.
OK, have at it. Go for it. No one is stopping you. A better question is “why haven’t you done all this already?” Why haven’t they instituted restrictive policies that artificially increase the cost of energy which will increase the cost of living for their citizens? Why haven’t they done away with the use of fossil fuels in their cities? And heavy carbon taxes? Sure, many have done it to a small degree, and many make noises, but, they won’t do it themselves. They want Everyone to be forced to engage in their cultish beliefs.
Besides, what can Trump do when it comes to foreign cities like Sydney and Vancouver? This is simply fake news based on Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Seems like an awfully small number to be discussing something that is supposed to be sooooo important.
More fake “news” that got Trump elected in the first place. If you can say anything about stupid leftists it is they do not learn from their mistakes. Thank God!
Who said it, dissing TheDon in the process?
“I would say that it falls to scientists, who work free of political, economic or ideological interests, to develop a cultural model which can face the crisis of climatic change and its social consequences,†he said, “so that the vast potential of productivity will not be reserved for only a few.â€
The Pope
You gotta love it when an avowed atheist tries to use a person he thinks is delusional and weak minded as an authoritative source.
Mud-wrestler 2,
Frankly, we don’t know the Pope, but he seems like a thoughtful, moral, progressive man. So unlike you.
But you raise an interesting point, likely not realizing it, that if The Pope actually believes in supernatural phenomena without the benefit of evidence can he reasonably evaluate science? It’s been our experience from attending a Jesuit university, that many religious intellectuals question the basis of their faith all the time. In conversations with Jesuit priests we came away thinking some were religious agnostics. Many come to an intellectual/emotional compromise, understanding there is no evidence of supernatural things but comforted by the possibility.
Certainly no believer in any of the supernatural-based religions has any physical evidence supporting their beliefs but that in itself doesn’t prove they are wrong. As religious agnostics (not atheists) we fully admit the existence of a non-zero probability of supernatural phenomena. We could be wrong! Angels, gods, demons, miracles, souls and spirits might exist, but to us it seems highly unlikely.
As the fable goes, when philosopher Bertrand Russell, standing before God, was asked, “Why didn’t you believe in me?”, his answer was, “Not enough evidence.”
We get it. Your objective is to destroy any person who disagrees with your exalted proclamations. We get it.
But whom do you trust more on climate change? The Pope or The Don? And why?
Or do you just prefer to wrestle in the mud?
You mean I am not a progressive leftist?
The amazing thing is that it took you this long to come to that conclusion.
And you raise a point without realizing it. If you believe that the Pope can evaluate science and make a pronouncement on it, you should also believe in his scientific based pronouncements on abortion being the taking of a life. But you won’t do that. You try to use the Pope’s “scientific” beliefs in one case and ignore them in others.
At least I, and others, are consistent in saying that the Pope has no authority in the matter and is speaking only as a man. You, on the other hand, tried to use his authority in a church to make a point – a point that get’s wiped out because you yourself don’t believe the Pope can evaluate science based on your support of the murder of children.
You got caught in a logical fallacy of appealing to authority and in your case, an authority in which you do not believe.
Once again, you have only shown yourself to be an intellectually corrupt, morally and ethically bankrupt and a hypocrite.
Actually that’s incorrect. There’s plenty of evidence, but it requires that a person examine the evidence as well as be willing to admit that they are not a god. That’s something you seem to be incapable of doing.
Destroy? How so? By showing their positions to be false? By showing them to be immoral and without any ethics? By showing they made a logical fallacy as you have done here?
The fact of the matter Jeffery is that you have shown that you are incapable of debating anything.
When you first arrived here you said that you were interested in civil discussion and the moment someone disagreed with you, you started into the childish name calling. When someone responded to a comment you made, you threatened to send your sons to attack the other writer physically.
So please, stop saying silly things that no one believes. Your history from your own statements shows that you are a liar, a rapist, and a wife abuser.
If describing you for what you yourself have said is “destroying” you, look in the mirror for the guilty party.
Please reveal said evidence. We’re willing to learn from you.
So now I’m a liar, rapist and wife abuser… and you wish to discuss things civilly. LOL Is that your idea of demonstrating my positions to be false? Hahahahaha