Warmists totally want you to send a Christmas card to Ivanka Trump
Yet, Ivanka Trump, Politico reported, will make fighting climate change the signature issue of her tenure as first daughter. Good for her. Maybe she can talk some sense into her dad, the fellow who once tweeted that climate change is a Chinese conspiracy. (snip)
Oh, and I’m sending Ivanka Trump a thank you note for the unexpected Christmas gift.
Of course, Warmists have to have a Christmas ‘climate change’ rally….but not on the 25th, because they want to chill on their paid holiday that they’ll still rail against
In the wake of Conservative councillor Harvey Odze praising Donald Trump for calling climate change a “Chinese hoaxâ€, Hackney campaigners are to protest against the council “dragging its feet†over its £42m fossil fuel investments.
The event will take place at Hackney Town Hall Square from 2pm on 10 December, marking a year since Britain signed the Paris climate deal negotiated by 195 countries. (snip)
Payne added: “Santa’s arctic retreat is melting down – in some parts it is a shocking 20C above the norm. We’re calling on the government to stop retreating from the agreements it signed last year in Paris.â€
Funny thing is, a lot of 1st World governments are retreating from their utterly non-binding pledges. But, hey, picking a Christmas tree can be all about Hotcoldwetdry!
Did you know that choosing a real Christmas tree over an artificial tree can be considered an environmentally sound choice? Here’s why.
According to the Christmas Tree Farm Network, Christmas tree farms stabilize soil, protect water supplies and provide a shelter for wildlife. Christmas trees absorb carbon dioxide (a gas linked to global warming and climate change) while producing oxygen. How much oxygen? Just an acre of Christmas trees produce the daily oxygen needed for 18 people.
Not mentioned is that these trees are chopped down and then simply discarded shortly after Christmas. Sure, companies plant new ones and use the older growth, but, seriously, did we need the globull warming schtick? Though, props for calling it carbon dioxide rather than “carbon.”
Finally, let’s wrap up (until I look for more in a few days, because there are plenty available) with one anti-Trump Christmas carol (among many, not all anti-Trump, mind you)
To the tune of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”
Have yourself a warmer little Christmas/ Watch the high tide spray/ From now on to get back home we’ll have to wade.
Climate change is a Chinese hoax, says denier folks’ false lore/ Just you wait, till the Sunshine State is six feet from shore to shore.
Someday soon we all may be much wiser/ If the fates allow/ Until then we’ll have to paddle through somehow/ And have yourself a warmer little Christmas now.