TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is something we’ll be seeing for at least the next 4 years, as, no matter what happens, the Left and their complaint media will find fault
(Washington Post) President-elect Donald Trump spoke Friday with Taiwan’s president, a major departure from decades of U.S. policy in Asia and a breach of diplomatic protocol with ramifications for the incoming president’s relations with China.
The call is the first known contact between a U.S. president or president-elect with a Taiwanese leader since before the United States broke diplomatic relations with the island in 1979. China considers Taiwan a province, and news of the official outreach by Trump is likely to infuriate the regional military and economic power. (snip)
It is not clear whether Trump intends a more formal shift in U.S. relations with Taiwan or China. On the call, Trump and Tsai congratulated each other on winning their elections, a statement from Trump’s transition office said.
A breach of protocol? Sure. Even some Republicans wet the bed on this. Now, apparently, Taiwan president Tsai called Trump. What was he supposed to do, blow her off?
Now, here’s the thing: while Obama has been president, we were told that he could talk to anyone he wanted. He’s the president! It was a good thing when he reached out! It was super duper awesome that Obama was going to not only talk to, but work with the extremist dictatorships in Cuba and Iran! Reaching out, opening up dialogue! Hooray! This was awesome! Great! Historic!
Trump talks briefly with the democratically elected president of Taiwan? Doom! Horrible! How dare he!
Seriously, this is apparently a Major Diplomatic Crisis! Has anyone asked China if the care?

The reason is because Clintonss actions match their stated goals, to raise money for charitable causes and to leverage their prestige and policy knowledge to advance those causes. For instance, their work on HIV has been crucial, working with drug companies to reduce the price of ARV treatment from $10,000 per year to as low as $100 per year, which now allows treatment to millions of people with HIV.
Please note the modal auxiliary.
In post-fact America, the new conservative movement (Trumpism) is working around the clock to manufacture new “facts” for consumption.
Much of what conservatives believe to be true is, in fact, false.
For example a Trump supporter from NC (has Teach been around today???), “investigating” Hillary Clinton’s pedophilia ring, shot up a DC pizzeria. Fortunately, no one was injured.
Covians: Do any of you think that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring out of a DC pizzeria?
Yet it was Comey’s statement and recommendation – not that of the investigative team.
Actually, several were.
Except there were other cases that involved the same set of circumstances. Furthermore, people in the military have been prosecuted for less of a violation than Hillary committed.
Nope. My statement is true. From Comey: To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
I agree. You should stop repeating what has been shown to be false.
Really? What you have provided is a statement by Comey which is not supported by the facts.
And once again Jeffery:
Yeah, those fake accusations from the right must be stopped because anti-Trump people would never stoop that low. (Even though Jeffery lies about Trump here.)
More examples of racism and hatred:
The police thankfully caught the culprit.
The South Jersey man charged with vandalizing three vehicles and a home in South Philadelphia the day after the presidential election was the ex-boyfriend of one of the victims of the damage, court documents show.
William Tucker, 58, of the unit block of Hemmings Way in Lawnside, Camden County, is accused of having spray painted three vehicles — one with the words “Trump Rules†and “Black Bitch†— and a house on the morning of Nov. 9, in the area of 6th and Christian Streets, at the border of Bella Vista and Queen Village.
Did we mention (because the article doesn’t) that Tucker was the ex-boyfriend of the women with the van and is black?
The “racism†from “Trump supporters†was actually simply a jilted lover but that won’t come out or be reported enough. Instead, the meme will continue of racism from Trump supporters.
So Jeffery, is it your contention that all blacks are now Trump supporting racists?
• FBI recommends charges against Chris Correa for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
• FBI recommends charges against ex-CIA chief Petraeus.
• Former federal prosecutor claims it’s likely that FBI recommends indictment on Hillary.
• FBI recommends no charges against Hillary Clinton.
The only thing that is different is that the FBI Director openly discussed the decision.
Comey testified that the decision not to recommend an indictment was the unanimous decision of the investigative team.
This is where you provide evidence.
This is where you provide evidence.
Your statement, “The only variable in the facts is the person who broke the law,” was false. Administrative sanction is not criminal in nature, and this does not contradict the FBI decision to recommend no charges in this case.
gitarcarver, continuing this discussion is worthless. Zachriel has arrived at the “it depends upon what ‘is’, is” moment. Further posting is self flagellation. Be happy in the knowledge that Crooked Killary will never, ever be President of the United States.
Good things do happen to bad people gitarcarver, and Stinky will be a billionaire, she’ll be free (at least for now)and she will never again catch an STD from Bill. That happens. But I guarantee Stinky will be dead a lot longer than she was alive so there is that. And never President.
Note the modal auxiliary.
Acting in an unreliable and untrustworthy manner is more likely to lead to being considered unreliable and untrustworthy than otherwise.
Rev Stinkpuss,
All that’s asked is that you provide evidence to support your outrageous claims. Your opinions on Secretary Clinton may be justified, but neither you nor your minions ever provide evidence to support your claims.
Your unsupported opinions carry no weight.
Therefore, we are left to rely on the conclusions of the FBI and federal prosecutors.
Yes, please go on…
You are so cute. You’re still all hysterical over the election. I love it. You can’t even begin a comment without acting like an asshole. What’s the matter sniffles, too upset to act adult?
Anyway, I don’t have to provide evidence, I’m not a prosecutor. And I don’t need evidence to support my opinion because it’s my opinion. Obviously you know it’s true which is why you get so upset.
Say “President Trump” three times and take a Motrin, you sound like your period is hurting again.
Stinky still will never be president. Hahahahaha.
Rev Nosferatu
Good. We are all justified in ignoring your obviously ignorant opinions.
Based on what? Evidence supplied by you or your minions? Hahahahaha
It’s getting dark… time to close your coffin.
Come back when you have evidence.
I could show you pictures and it would never be enough evidence. You’re mind is corrupt just as Stinky’s soul is. You refuse to see the truth even when this corrupt grifter and her Slimy husband have been investigated for decades. You remind me of the mindless, soulless people who still believe OJ Simpson is innocent. You know she’s corrupt. You know she’s a traitor by breaching security. You know OJ murdered his wife and Ron Gold. You just CHOOSE to live in your fairy tale land of denial like a spoiled child.
Liberalism is a contract with mediocrity that protects its practitioners from ever being more than political children. Help!, you have fallen and you can’t get up.
And the filthy thief will never be president. Never, ever! Hahahahahahahaha.
Rev Blind Eye
Do you have pictures of Secretary Clinton committing crimes???? You should share them. In fact, if you have actual evidence of the Clinton’s abusing their positions we’ll agree with you. But your “feelings” that they are criminals is just not enough.
We were and are convinced that OJ Simpson murdered those two. We may be wrong, but doubt it. The evidence was pretty convincing to us. But sometimes juries (and voters) get it wrong.
But you are wrong about Trump. The filthy thief IS our president-elect and will be our next president, most likely for about 2 years before he quits or is impeached.
Are you guys still going on about HRC…..the fact that her group is demanding recounts in 3 states ensures that Trump will now go after her……….she is toast….her and bill Clinton both are gonna end up in jail.
I guarantee I’m not wrong about Stinky or Trumpie. She’s an unindicted criminal and Trumpie is a New York democrat leftist and always has been. Just watch. Now he wants a trillion dollar infrastructure program. He sounds like Obama.
The only good news is that Trumps coattails got the Congress, the states and soon the court. That and that Stinky will never, ever be president.
Oh, and Killary is a thief. I do hope she does time but she probably won’t. Loretta Lynch cut that deal in the plane, on the tarmac, with Bill. They are all crooked and cover each other’s butts.
Rev Stinkpot
Do you have evidence to back up your guarantee?? Hahahahaha
If the Tea Party wants a far, far, far right justice nominated they’ll do as Trump wants.
In all seriousness, do you think that Hillary Clinton was involved in a pedophile ring?
You’re claiming that the President-Elect will abuse the legal system to exact retribution because his opponent in the election supported a legal recount.