We’re still trying to understand why the Trumpitistas and their comrades are still so angry. Trump won, Clinton lost, they kept the House, the Senate and will soon fill the Supreme Court with like-minded justices. Yet they still attack the Clintons, the Obamas, they deface mosques and synagogues, attack the media, TV shows, publicly taunt LGBTs, Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Arabs… in fact anyone who looks “different”.
Yet they still attack the Clintons, the Obamas, they deface mosques and synagogues, attack the media, TV shows, publicly taunt LGBTs, Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Arabs… in fact anyone who looks “differentâ€.
We know you are so upset with the election you are border line insane but please keep making stuff up and/or repeating ridiculous radical left “fake news”. You just make yourself look ridiculous and we will keep winning elections. You leftists are so stupid you can’t learn. Keep saying and doing the same things over and over…yeah, you’re crazy.
Just keep on remembering: we won Klepto stinky lost. Keep saying President Trump, President Trump. Get used to it.
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Awesome!!! Trump issued a pardon for nearly all of the 1500+ January 6 defendants. Six received commutations instead of pardons:…” Jan 20, 21:05
drowningpuppies on If All You See…: “Senator Marco Rubio confirmed as Secretary of State 99-0.” Jan 20, 20:39
Jl on If All You See…: “J still making stuff up about Jan. 6th? Say it isn’t so…..” Jan 20, 19:20
All posts here are my views. None represent my employer. If ye can prove me wrong, so be it. Ye can rant and rave at me, but be mostly polite to any other commentors. I will put up with quite a bit, but be mostly respectful to others.
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We’re still trying to understand why the Trumpitistas and their comrades are still so angry. Trump won, Clinton lost, they kept the House, the Senate and will soon fill the Supreme Court with like-minded justices. Yet they still attack the Clintons, the Obamas, they deface mosques and synagogues, attack the media, TV shows, publicly taunt LGBTs, Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Arabs… in fact anyone who looks “different”.
Shouldn’t they be happy?
Except, none of that happened. Get off the sauce.
We know you are so upset with the election you are border line insane but please keep making stuff up and/or repeating ridiculous radical left “fake news”. You just make yourself look ridiculous and we will keep winning elections. You leftists are so stupid you can’t learn. Keep saying and doing the same things over and over…yeah, you’re crazy.
Just keep on remembering: we won Klepto stinky lost. Keep saying President Trump, President Trump. Get used to it.