I will say, it would be great if the traffic in big cities, like NYC, was reduced, particularly personal traffic. But, that’s more along the lines of safety, less noise, fewer actual pollutants, and just the annoyance of that much traffic. Warmists, though, have their own ideas (via Moonbattery)
(NY Post) Â City officials have intentionally ground Midtown to a halt with the hidden purpose of making drivers so miserable that they leave their cars at home and turn to mass transit or bicycles, high-level sources told The Post.
Today’s gridlock is the result of an effort by the Bloomberg and de Blasio administrations over more than a decade of redesigning streets and ramping up police efforts, the sources said.
“The traffic is being engineered,†a former top NYPD official told The Post, explaining a long-term plan that began under Mayor Mike Bloomberg and hasn’t slowed with Mayor de Blasio.
“The city streets are being engineered to create traffic congestion, to slow traffic down, to favor bikers and pedestrians,†the former official said. (snip)
The goal of the jammed traffic is to shift as many drivers as possible to public transit or bicycles.
Who wants to bet that de Blasio fails to use bicycles, walk, or take public transit? Unless you consider city owned vehicles limo’ing him around as public transit. And you have to know that so much of this is due to Cult of Climastrology beliefs. Fortunately, he’ll be able to blame the mid-town issues on soon-to-be President Trump. As Moonbattery notes
Leftists instinctively disapprove of automobiles because they let you go most anywhere, whereas mass transit takes you only where planners have determined you ought to go, and bicycles don’t take you far. These preferences come packaged in global warming malarkey.
Remember, though, this is for you, not for Warmists themselves.

I noticed a traffic jam at the funeral procession of America’s second favorite communist (after Che) when the high-tech Russian UAZ 3151 military vehicle crapped out and had to be pushed to the cemetery.