This has made Warmists very, very upset
(NY Times) President-elect Donald J. Trump has selected Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general and a close ally of the fossil fuel industry, to run the Environmental Protection Agency, a transition official said, signaling Mr. Trump’s determination to dismantle President Obama’s efforts to counter climate change.
I love the fossil fuels part, as if the NY Times doesn’t use vast amounts to gather the news.
Mr. Pruitt, a Republican, has been a key architect of the legal battle against Mr. Obama’s climate change policies, actions that fit with the president-elect’s comments during the campaign. Mr. Trump has criticized the established science of human-caused global warming as a hoax, vowed to “cancel†the Paris accord committing nearly every nation to taking action to fight climate change, and attacked Mr. Obama’s signature global warming policy, the Clean Power Plan, as a “war on coal.â€
Mr. Pruitt, 48, who has emerged as a hero to conservative activists, is also one of a number of Republican attorneys general who have formed an alliance with some of the nation’s top energy producers to push back against the Obama regulatory agenda, a 2014 investigation by The New York Times revealed.
As Oklahoma’s top law enforcement official, Mr. Pruitt has fought environmental regulations — particularly the climate change rules. Although Mr. Obama’s rules were not completed until 2015, Mr. Pruitt was one of a handful of attorneys general, along with Greg Abbott of Texas, who began planning as early as 2014 for a coordinated legal effort to fight them. That resulted in a 28-state lawsuit against the administration’s rules. A decision on the case is pending in a federal court, but it is widely expected to advance to the Supreme Court.
Sounds like Pruitt is a great pick The thing is, Pruitt hasn’t fought against environmental regulations, he has fought against ‘climate change’ regulations. The two are not the same.
This should make for some fun hearings.

Omigod! It’s like the Japs bombing Pearl Harbor all over again! What shall we do?
So AlGore must have made quite an impression during the meeting the other day.
Pruitt is a de facto lobbyist for big oil, even though he was elected to be OK AG. AGs typically work to protect the citizens.
But this is what you get when you lose elections.
No, this is what you get when you win!!!
Remember how the left employed the lawfare tactic of getting a friendly outside group to bring a lawsuit against government agency, and then have that agency not put up much of a fight because then the agency would be “bound by law” to do what the agency bureaucrats wanted to do in the first place thereby circumventing Congressional oversight?
The more the left hyperventilate, the better the pick looks to be able to return sanity to government.
Puzder for Labor may be even worse. Wife-beater (like Trump and Bannon), anti-labor, pro-management. Yep, TheDon sure is looking out for the working man.
Wall Street bankers, anti-working man CEOs, billionaire extremists, bigots and racists.
Unemployment under 5% and Dump wants a trillion dollar Keynesian economic stimulus + a massive tax cuts for the already rich and their corporations. Reagan/Bush nearly tripled the national debt and claimed that they charged the economy by unleashing business, LOL. Is that Dump’s plan? Will the Teabag House give it to him? And he wants to pick winners and losers in the economy. Carrier, yes (with millions in taxpayer handouts). Is this his plan for every company?
Actually, the Teabag/conservative movement will put up with almost anything as long as Dump takes America back from the negroes, spics, muzzies and queers. Debt? So what? Government control of businesses? Good! The rich getting even richer at the taxpayer trough? They deserve it!!
Conservatives have no core except ethno-nationalism. Dump reveals this in all its inglory.