It used to be that all that cold and snow was just a part of the natural order, but, Warmists have decided that it is now caused by greenhouse gases which “trap” heat
The weather outside is frightful thanks to climate change and the polar vortex
With cold, blustering snowstorms battering the West Coast and thePrairies, you might be tempted to say “What global warming?”
But climate change may, in fact, be to blame for this oh-so-Canadian winter.
“Doesn’t global warming mean that we’re going to get warmer, shorter winters? Well, in some areas, yes, but it actually could mean we could see colder episodes,” Environment Canada senior climatologist David Phillips told CBC News.
It’s all part of a bigger puzzle that has to do with melting Arctic ice, extreme ocean temperatures, a travelling polar vortex and a weird, roller-coaster-shaped jet stream.