Oh my God, this is horrendous! What a horrible person! Let’s first start with this other lunacy from Salon’s abortionista Amanda Marcotte
With fake news spiraling out of control, what can real people do?
Fake news is a big deal. Recent research suggests that the proliferation of conspiracy theories and other urban legends, vaguely disguised as real news and disseminated widely on social media, played a significant role in helping elect Donald Trump as president.
Well, what can they do? Avoid Salon, for starters (of course, it’s just too much fun reading these wackadoodles), who engage in a bit of fake news themselves (shocking!) and Trump Derangement Syndrome
Women’s March on Washington barred from protesting Donald Trump inauguration
Trump’s Presidential Inauguration Committee has blocked access to the landmark Lincoln Memorial in D.C.
That’s a pretty specific headline and subhead, is it not? How about paragraphs 1 and 2?
Protesters who plan to descend on Washington in the days surrounding President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration next month will find themselves barred from the nation’s most famous public protest site.
The National Park Service, on behalf of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, filed a “massive omnibus blocking permit†securing much of the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial for Trump’s inauguration festivities, The Guardian reported on Thursday.
So, sorta the NPS?
The temporary ban mostly affects a planned march from the Lincoln Memorial to the White House on Jan. 21, 2017, the morning after Trump’s inauguration. The morning after the election, organizers began the Women’s March on Washington, which leaders say is an intentional nod to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 civil rights march at the Lincoln Memorial.
How dare Trump! Ah, but we eventually find out deep into the article, after most moonbats have tuned out and started tweeting in High Dudgeon
But organizers ran into permitting issues early in the planning process. The Park Service issues permits for protests on a first-come, first-serve basis and other protests had already received permits before the women’s march organizers applied. Now, the massive omnibus blocking permit has blocked at least a dozen other groups from protesting in the days after Trump’s inauguration.
So, they took to long, and the NPS said “nope.” So, not Trump’s fault?
Essentially, this same thing happened in 2008 for Obama’s coronation, and, too a lesser degree, for his 2012 inauguration.
As a sidebar here, the big issue post-inauguration is that the area is considered a construction zone, though, lord knows why it takes up to March 1 to clean it up….oh, right, government…., so, it would unsafe for anyone to demonstrate, so, blocked, because, if anything happened, they could sue. So, being ultra-litigious and overly cautious are things that Progressives love, especially when it empowers Government. Here? Hoist. Petard.

These people do realize that the nation is seeing them for what they are?
They can march all they want but everyone is wise to the fact this is a leftist organization sponsored by a billionaire to pretend they care about America…..especially women….
They only care about their agenda…..OPEN BORDERS…and USE WOMEN or any other group to push their message of fear mongering and hate.
Trump is tearing it up in Grand Rapids, Mi.
Isn’t it about time for Trump to receive the Nobel Peace Prize?
The Park Service issues permits for protests on a first-come, first-serve basis and other protests had already received permits before the women’s march organizers applied.
There you go, ruining a perfectly good argument with facts! Hater!!!
The National Park Service, on behalf of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, filed a “massive omnibus blocking permit†securing much of the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial for Trump’s inauguration
Saturday morning links
Image via American Digest The top 10 Christmas songs written by Jews Wyoming wind project may get permit to kill eagles This telltale tail shows dinosaur feathers in ‘exquisite detail’ after 99 million years Psychologist: Lying to Your Kids About