Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is one of the leaders in the assault on Exxon, demanding all their documents in a stunning abuse of power in order to silence dissenters from the Cult of Climastrology. Exxon has sued her and the others involved, and she really doesn’t want to cooperate and transparent herself
(Inside Climate News) Without waiting for a ruling by a federal judge in Texas who has consistently sided with ExxonMobil, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey has filed an appeal to block her deposition scheduled for Tuesday.
Healey explained in a motion filed Thursday with the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals that a stay is warranted because the judge who issued the deposition order has refused to properly consider her arguments and has not ruled on her pending motion to stay her deposition.
That judge, U. S. District Judge Ed Kinkeade, had earlier sided with Exxon in its request to depose Healey. He said he suspected the attorney general’s climate fraud investigation of the company may be biased. (snip)
At the same time Healey appealed the deposition order, she also filed an appeal to toss out Exxon’s entire case that seeks to block her investigation.
The Warmists like Healey are more than happy to demand everything from companies, but, are very unhappy when the Public demands the same from them.
“Requiring the Attorney General to explain her investigatory rationale at this stage would make a shambles of the investigation and stifle her gathering of facts,” according to the motion to dismiss the case.
“The only likely outcome of the discovery that the court has ordered is an improper and vexatious investigation into privileged or protected information.”
Interesting. Healey, along with her fellow AGs, want privileged and protected information, and beyond, from Exxon and lots of companies, citizens, and groups in this matter, forgetting that it is the government that must be transparent and non-dictatorial. That The People are innocent till proven guilty, and that it is illegal to go on witch hunts. That The People have rights from abusive government officials.
What will most likely happen is that the judge will deny her motions, and she may very well decline to be deposed, leading to contempt charges.
Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

That’s the thing about lawfare;
It works both ways, if you have enough money.
Do the far right fascists really want to set the precedent of investigating the investigators?
Should Sec Clinton have gone to court to have the FBI reveal all their internal communications regarding her “case”? Was their collusion between Comey and the RNC?
Maybe so. Should all law enforcement be totally transparent at all stages of their investigations?
Healey is supposedly a public servant. As such, she should make all of her information public.
But Healey’s intent in going after Exxon is nothing more than political ambition out of control.
So defendants are now fascists? What a world the left has in store for us. Lawfare on the defendant based on his political beliefs. Perhaps we should just be exterminated.
The equality men can strive for is equality under the law but the left is so partisan even that would be denied.
Think of the legal terror Stinky would have caused. Thank the Christian God she was sent back to the rock she came out from and she’ll never be president. We dodged a bullet on that one.
When the investigators break the law, or there is an indication they broke the law, investigators should be looked into.
Jeffery seems to think that the investigation into Exxon which had no basis other than to punish the company is the same thing as Healy’s and her ilk own statements which establish more than probable cause into their illegal activities.
There is no evidence of that so there would be no basis for an investigation. Healy, on the other hand, appears to have broken federal law.
You mean that people under investigations don’t have the right and the ability to fight things as baseless accusations and subpoenas without basis.
Perhaps you missed that whole Constitution thing.