…is carbon pollution created snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on super Trump guy Joe Walsh turning on Trump.
It’s snow week!

…is carbon pollution created snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on super Trump guy Joe Walsh turning on Trump.
It’s snow week!
Umm…don’t think so Bob.
That’s Nadejda Savcova from a shoot for Elle magazine.
It’s shocking and revealing, if not dispositive, that conservatives aren’t bothered by the Kremlin’s meddling.
It’s understandable that Trump would throw the US under the bus and support Russia in this regard. But conservatives?
The “meddling” as you call it was releasing documents that showed how horrible Hillary was. It’s not like people didn’t know that before. What is amazing is that liberals aren’t concerned about the illegal activities the leaks uncovered.
Just another day in liberal land where you blame conservatives but don’t accept responsibility for your own actions.
Also, I don’t see you being too upset with the DHS trying to hack into Georgia’s Office of the Secretary of State. Shouldn’t that bother you as well?
Oh wait. Georgia went for Trump. Nevermind. You’ll excuse that.
Face it Jeffery, you’re just slinging mud and hoping that something sticks. Instead all you are doing is showing your true colors.
Have you told your wife that she is delusional and weak minded yet? And that you called her that in a public forum?
On cue, Comrade gitarcarver defends the Communists. Our once most despised enemies are now conservative allies because they support your efforts to Make America White Again, to purify the nation.
Thanks for your confirmation, Comrade. The right is too transparent.
Flag thrown on the little attention whore/drama queen/lying guy
Did you say “Make America White Again” Jeffery? Exactly what color is America now? Let’s see, we were founded by withes, conquered and settled by whites, our freedom fought for by whites, our industry, art, culture, inventions, medicine, military and every other aspect of America is founded by whites. What is it that is so bad about whites that you hate them so much and hate being one so much? And what is it about this white nation that makes so many non-whites risk their lives to get here with us horrible, horrible white folks?
If you hate white people so much, leave. We don’t need “your kind” here anyway. We don’t like racists. And we don’t need heathen Ameriphobes.
I wasn’t defending you Jeffery. So I have no idea why you think I was defending the ideology you and the left support.
Once again, you just show yourself to be a hypocritical little troll.
Have you told your wife that she is delusional and weak minded yet? And that you called her that in a public forum?
Trumpski’s cabinet pick will undergo financial scrutiny that Trumpski avoided. Ironic, huh?