This is perhaps one of the most dishonest pieces you can possibly read from the Cult of Climastrology this year, and that’s saying something considering the entire issue is based on a bedrock of lies and falsehoods
What We’ll Lose to Climate Change in 2017
And you thought 2016 was a bad year.Climate change has become so severe and so obvious that geologists, who typically deal on timescales of millions of years, have hastily named a new epoch: the Anthropocene. Earth’s human-made sixth mass extinction has altered ecosystems even as other ecosystems have been more directly wiped out. The world has been thrown into fast forward and the whiplash will forever change how our planet functions.
It’s important to reiterate that the fossil fuel consumption that causes much of global warming is hardly the only thing throwing ecological systems into disarray. Humans also cause trouble by cutting down forests to make way for farms and cities, polluting air and water with toxic chemicals, and hunting and fishing animals to the brink of extinction or worse. Climate change is more than a CO2 PPM reading.
These human-caused changes are nothing new — we’ve been sculpting ecosystems for tens of thousands of years. But our population has grown so significantly and so quickly while developing tools of unprecedented power, that we’re altering the landscape at an outrageous speed. And when ecosystems are lost, they stay lost. Whatever we build and however we strategically reverse engineer livable spaces, what’s gone is gone.
Hyper-alarmist, and, apparently professional spinner, Jacqueline Ronson, then provides the things that will be lost
- Precisely 100 Feet of Alaska’s North Coast (yes, this is possible, but, it’s not anthropogenic)
- The White Rhino and Thousands of Other Species (the white rhino population was decimated due to hunting, not ‘climate change’. Many other species are in trouble due to mankind, but, again, not to Hotcoldwetdry, so, a falsehood)
- 1000 Square Miles of Surface Water (this is in reference to the Aral Sea, which she blames on ‘climate change’, even as she mentions the real cause, diversion of water for agriculture. There are other reasons, as well, such as poor management and Soviet policies)
- 1,000,000,000,000 Square Feet of Arctic Ice (Warmists keep making this claim, and now she’s yammering about the Arctic being ice free by 2045. She even claims “For every metric tonne of Carbon dioxide humans release, 32 square feet of ice is lost.” So, then how is the Antarctic growing?)
The Cult is nothing if not utterly dishonest.

An editorial in Nature, probably the most respected of the general science journals. They are based in the UK.
The author, while hyperventilating somewhat, differentiated between global warming based changes vs. alterations based on other human activities such as overhunting and draining aquifers.
It’s Teach that pretends the author blamed it all on global warming/climate change.
The Earth is warming because we burned fossil fuels and added a byproduct, CO2, to the atmosphere. The increased CO2 retained heat re-radiated from Earth back to deep space. Hence, warming. This warming is causing local climates to change and is impacting some human activities. This is not controversial in the scientific community.
Any impacts on human societies result in political battles over competing interests, and that’s what we’re seeing. Scientists and policymakers recommend reducing CO2 outputs and powerful fossil fuel interests and their supporters do not. The so-called “skeptics” like to pretend it’s a scientific argument, even arguing that 97% of climate scientists are intentionally misleading the rest of the world to either gain grant money to support their “faked” research or to work with the communists for world domination.
When you keep repeating this lie, we know that you have no clue what you are talking about.
97% of bus drivers think more people should use buses.
97% of apartment building owners think it’s better to rent than own.
97% of bridge toll takers are against automation of tolls.
97% of teachers think home schooling should be illegal.
IOW 97% of people making their money off of something are for that something. If you seek the truth ask the 3% who disagree why they disagree. There is your story, not 97%.
The truth is neither they nor you believe the lie. If you all did you would start a voluntary fund to collect money not demand taxes on others, stop using fossil fuels yourself and find a way to prove your “theory” and make it the Law of AGW.
And a o0Nighthawk0o observed every time you repeat this silly, over used bit of propaganda you drive more people away. It’s like you guys playing the racist/bigot/ismophobic/homophobic cards all over again and again. You overplayed that hand, we don’t listen any more. Ask Stinky.
Rev Stinky,
Later studies say 99%. Anyway Stinky, almost all scientists understand that CO2 is driving the current period of rapid warming.
Does it make sense to you Stinky that many thousands of scientists worldwide have conspired to fake data to make it seem as if the Earth is warming? Please tell us you don’t really believe that.
Your comment regarding proving a theory reveals your ignorance regarding science, but it’s a common misconception among the unsophisticated.
Since you brought it up, Stinky, I’ve asked several times of the Covian Deniers (CDs) to explain what they would consider proof of CO2 driven global warming, but they never answer. What scientific proof are you looking for?
What percentage of climate scientists do you believe are faking data?
What does that matter? If it’s 1% or 100%, if the whole premise of AGW is based on that faked data it is no longer scientific. It becomes fraud. Just look at that 97% lie you keep pushing. The data was manipulated and cherry picked to fit their preconceived notion. They abandoned science and went to fraud.
Since you brought it up, Stinky, I’ve asked several times of the Covian Deniers (CDs) to explain what they would consider proof of CO2 driven global warming, but they never answer. What scientific proof are you looking for?
A bogus and non sequitur staring premise in which to ask a question to get a valid response.
First of all co2 may or may not be driving global warming.
Secondly how do you explain the earth rebounding from an ice age in which ice was over a mile thick in the northern hemisphere. Co2 readings were in the low to mid 200’s during most of this time reference. Ice in Antarctica was up to 14,000 foot thick…or almost 3 miles.
Thirdly its been proven the data has been altered and that tricks are used to hide the decline….Hacked emails that destroyed HRC’s bid for the White House have also cast huge doubt on the validity of the AGW Climate Scientists message.
Fourthly if something is political then the facts need to be checked, rechecked and checked yet again.
Fifthly Whenever your dealing with a dynamic as mindboggling;y complex as The earths ecosystem you have to ask yourself(or should) what other variables are in play that could show any kind of warming that is above the norm.
I could go on and on with the questions…..but these questions are always shut down because the Science is settled and if you do not believe this science then you seriously risk losing your job to these NAZI’s.
Trump team asking for a list of Climate Truthers at Energy has them all terrified of losing their jobs….so much so that now they are going into hiding….This is wrong too…….But welcome to my world and the world of thousands of scientists who want to eat and feed their families who do not believe the science is settled.
Deniers claim they want proof and but never identify what that proof is.
You can look this up, but according to scientists the end of the last glacial came about because of cyclic changes in the Earth’s orbit. There is no evidence that that is occurring now.
This is simply untrue.
And they have. What facts are you questioning? Warming? CO2 levels? The source of CO2? The interaction of infrared radiation with greenhouse gases?
Many hypotheses have been forwarded, but there is little evidence to support them.
Do you have examples of people losing their jobs? Understand though that scientific jobs require understanding science.
Der Trumpenfuhrer demanded a list of scientists who understand science and President Obama told Der Trumpenfuhrer to go fuck himself. Well done. That fat fascist Trump may be able to purge scientists from his administration, because scientists ask questions, and Trump hates questions, but the nation will suffer.
Scientists are human and make mistakes and overstate evidence and have opinions.
Hard to discuss anything when the little lying guy starts his rant like that but that’s what he does.
Jeffery, in the true ignorant fashion of the left, can’t allow someone to disagree without affixing a pejorative to that person. You must understand, anyone who disagrees with a leftist MUST be sub-human, stupid, racist, bigoted etc.. Which is why they lost.
And the minute “scientists” become protestors they should have their funding pulled, permanently. They are paid to be scientists not activists or community organizers. If they spent more time proving their theory, which they can’t, maybe people who aren’t easily brainwashed like Jeffery would listen.
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