The hell you say!
(Politico) Senate Democrats will never vote to repeal Obamacare. But once the deed is done, a surprising number of them say they’re open to helping Republicans replace it.
“If it makes sense, I think there’ll be a lot of Democrats who would be for it,†said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).
As Republicans aim to make good on their years-long vow to quash Obamacare and replace it with their own health care vision, they’ll have to do something Democrats were never able to: Bring members of the opposing party on board. Enacting any substantive alternative will take at least eight Democratic votes in the Senate.
Why? Republicans can repeal it and replace it in exactly the same fashion as Democrats passed it, using parliamentary shenanigans.
Yet the GOP will have powerful leverage that Democrats lacked in 2009 – namely, a huge number of members facing reelection in hostile territory.
Twenty-five Democrats are on the ballot in 2018, including 10 in states that Donald Trump just won. The GOP is betting that many or most in the latter group will be under irresistible pressure to back an Obamacare replacement, if the alternative is leaving millions of people in the lurch without insurance.
Think those vulnerable Democrats do not understand just how toxic Ocare has been to Democrats? They can surely see that tally sheet showing how many seats at the federal, state, county, and local levels that Republicans have taken over. And these Democrats are more interested in retaining their seats and power rather than holding firm to their belief in this rat turd of a bill they voted to pass.

[…] seems that Democrats with something to lose are open to helping replace the train wreck that is […]
Of course they are. Even Obama has said he would love to see a plan for a better system. The problem is that Republicans have never proposed a workable plan, and repealing without a replacement plan would destabilize the insurance markets.
Then why was Nazi Pelosi and her gang of Bolsheviks in such a hurry to push, push, jam through their commie plan they didn’t have the time to attempt a bipartisan approach and instead LIRED, LIED, LIED by telling you stupid dumbass leftists “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”? Are all you leftists brain washed idiots?
First of all we had a workable plan but the leftists didn’t like it because it didn’t cover everybody. Well, hello neither does Obamacere. But at least you commies can get coverage for some illegal under Obamacare which was part of your goal. Not proposing a “workable” plan is better than what the democrats did: jam an unworkable plan down the throats of Americans all by themselves. It was your “democratic” rule. They had the majority and they jammed a shit sandwich on the American people then politely exempted themselves, their rich supporters, the unions (but I repeat) and their friends. All while shoving it up the working man’s butt. Thanks!
But somehow replacing the free market with a top down Soviet style insurance plan did not destabilize the insurance markets? So your theory only works one way? And all these insurance companies pulling out of states all over the country is not indicative of the destabilizing of the market by Obama, the perpetual liar in chief.
The text of the bill was available weeks before enactment.
That wasn’t a workable plan. People who were not covered would avoid medical care until there was a crisis, then they would seek emergency care. Emergency care is required under law, but only until the patient is stabilized. Then the patient is released, again without appropriate care until the next crisis. Treatable conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, would end up being debilitating and ultimately very expensive to treat. This resulted in high rates of healthcare inflation, as well as more people on disability.
Democrats actually had a supermajority in both chambers.
ObamaCare is a Republican plan based on a marketplace for healthcare insurance, first proposed by the Heritage Foundation, then adopted in Massachusetts by Gov. Mitt Romney. Obama thought that by adopting a Republican plan, he could draw bipartisan support, but the scorched-earth tactics of the Republicans upended that optimistic view of the political system.
Large complex bills such as ObamaCare often require course adjustments. However, unlike previous history (such as the Bush Administration’s prescription drug plan, the scorched-earth tactics of the Republicans prevented any sort of legislative fix.
Democrat Alcee Hastings on Obamacare:
“There are no rules, we’re making this up as we go along…”
Not sure what that has to do with anything. Clearly the Congress works under rules. Here’s the claim again:
ObamaCare is a Republican plan based on a marketplace for healthcare insurance, first proposed by the Heritage Foundation, then adopted in Massachusetts by Gov. Mitt Romney.
Of course you don’t.
Do a little research, fellas.
We’re more than happy to learn, but you have to do more than make grand gestures with your hands. Are you saying that Republicans didn’t propose marketplace exchanges for healthcare? Did you want citations? Are you saying Romney isn’t a Republican? Or what?
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