The People’s Republik Of California is at it again
California imposes more costs on everyone nationwide for absolutely no reason at all.
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) December 16, 2016
You might remember the name Tatiana Schlossberg from a post earlier in the day. She wrote this one, as well, though, she’s mostly just reporting the stupid news
Computers, long a symbol of the digital age, are now moving into a more earth-friendly future: California’s state energy agency voted unanimously Wednesday to approve new regulations for energy efficiency in desktop computers and monitors.
The rules, passed by the agency, the California Energy Commission, are the country’s first attempt to regulate the energy use of desktop computers and represent another step in the state’s efforts to drastically lower its greenhouse gas emissions to address climate change.
Of course. One might think “seriously, how many people still use desktops?” Individuals may be switching, both personally and professionally, but lots and lots of companies, and individuals, still use lots of desktops.
Because the state is home to one in eight Americans, standards put in place could become de facto standards for the entire country, and, when it comes to international brands, the global market.
What this means is higher costs for the rest of us, because manufacturers won’t make one edition for CA and one for the rest, and certainly won’t tell CA they won’t make any to uphold those standards.
Will the energy savings offset the higher costs? Think on how many computers, tablets, and smartphones are currently Energy Star compliant now. According to the article, only 6% of desktops and 14% of monitors. One of the things I look for is energy savings. Hard to find.

I’ll bet Tatiana has a lifestyle that, like all preachy Libs, is far different than what she wants for the rest of us. Time to get pics of her house, car, and general lifestyle choices so we can see if she really walks the walk.
Well, THAT didn’t take long! Do you know who this is? Why, it’s Caroline Kennedy’s kid! A preachy One PerCenter! Found it with a simple Google search.
Just look at her lifestyle! Parties, awards, banquets, high fashion, hairdos, feted at The Kennedy Center, traveling here there and everywhere with photographers in tow, and writing for a newspaper that uses dead trees. All those fossil fuels burned to keep this kid pampered and feeling like royalty.
Tobacco and oil lobbyist Steve Milloy spreads more junk science than just about anyone. Why would you cite him for anything, unless your objective is to misinform. Trump couldn’t decide if Milloy should be Surgeon General or Sec of Energy. Hahahahahaha
So new replacement computers are required to be more efficient saving Californians $370 million a year, and if adopted nationwide, $3 billion a year in electric bills.
The horror! Less CO2 and lower electric bills!
I guess all the cons will move out of California.
Except, of course, neither are true.
Less CO2 and lower electric bills! Sounds like a win win for CA. That Crooked Stevie Milloy ridicules it is reason enough to support it.
Except, of course, neither are true.
California-As said, the land of fruit and nuts.
“Predict” it will save Californians 370 million a year. If this prediction comes from the global warming people, you can be sure it won’t come true. If Californians kept illegals out, they could save billions a year.
Sure Jeffery, and if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor and if you like your insurance company you can keep your insurance company.
You never met a government lie you didn’t buy hook, lone and sinker.
It’s gonna save $370 million? Sure it will. And our premiums will go down to $2500 a year with Obamacare.
You leftists buy everything. What maroons! Hahahahaha. No wonder you liked Stinky she was noting but a liar and now your buying Tatiana Schlossberg’s lies. What is it about lying leftists that has you so enamored, Jeffery?
Did you even read the cited article or do you rely on Crooked Steve Milloy and Teach for your information? Hahahahahaha
Rev Stinky,
And you supported Lyin’ Donnie? I bet you believe Lyin’ Donnie will build a Wall, ban Muslims, deport 11 million, return government to “the people”, balance the budget and bring manufacturing jobs back to rural America. What a maroon. Hahahahaha
From that little guy who lied about serving in the Army during the Vietnam War.
I read the article Jeffery.
First, there is no guarantee that with the CA clean energy bill that any CO2 will be reduced. Secondly, with CA having to rebuild their grids to accommodate the new “clean” energy mandates, the bills won’t go down. They will go up to pay for the new construction.
Secondly, for someone who gets caught lying a great deal, you sure do think others lie at every turn. It’s probably projection.
We get it. You don’t like people with whom you disagree. So you call them liars, make up crap about them. You even stoop to the level of attacking your own wife on the internet by calling her “delusional” and “weak minded.”
You are incapable of a civil discussion so you resort to childish taunts.
The fact of the matter is, that in this case, you and the article are showing an incredible lack of understanding as to the totality of CA’s energy problem.
Then again, you have said that CA has a great economy and a great balanced budget, but you don’t factor in the billions (and in some estimates a trillion) debt for the unfunded public pensions.
In other words, you don’t seem to have any grasp of business sense at all.
But you are good at lying and projecting your moral shortcomings onto others.
So the fat lyin’ traitor, now described by Russia as their “best spokesman”, now claims
hisPutin’s hacks were justified.Republican traitors Mitch McConnell and James Comey suppressed the CIA info on Trumpski’s and Putin’s hacking operation. But Republican traitor Comey DID release info on Clinton.
If we’re fortunate, this new information will further weaken this unfit, incompetent, fat, lyin’ traitor.
Of course in a dictatorship like Trumpski’s, his House minions will not investigate.
Thank Allah for the 2nd Amendment!
Another lie. Trump never said any such thing.
BTW – there is no evidence and no intelligence agency is saying Trump had anything to do with the hacks. So you have lied again.
As for the hacks themselves, all we have learned is that the DNC and Hillary’s campaign were even dumber than we thought.
One would hope that it would weaken Hillary. But you really don’t want that.
Hey, little lying guy, did you get all that misinformation from the Kos or Media Matters?
Oops, forgot…
LOL. Yes, Teach and his band of flying howler monkeys are soooo polite, honest and reasonable. If you can’t take it maybe you should reconsider dishing it out.
So CA is lying about their electricity consumption because you claim they have public pensions. Solid reasoning that. Your stream of consciousness ramblings is what a dumb guy thinks a smart guy sounds like. Hahahahaha
I don’t need to defend my wife from the likes of you; she can take care of herself against a syphilitic invalid like you. We’re tough Missourians. Aren’t you a pussy from FL, where old folks go to die? Hahahahaha
And you lie in every comment you type. But cons have to lie.
Sounds like little guy, along with the Moocher, is now feeling what not having hope feels like.
Or maybe it’s a Vietnam flashback.
We don’t lie and feel the need to make up crap like you do, Jeffery. That’s your whole spiel. You call people names, lie and then get even madder when your lies are exposed.
Apparently you still have comprehension issues. The argument that the article put forth and you repeated was that the regulations would decrease CO2 and lower electric bills. Neither will happen for the reason I stated.
You won’t believe that because you are so in love with CA and have heralded how great they are despite having massive budget issues.
It seems clear that you cannot deal with cognitive arguments.
Apparently from your comments about her, she needs to defend herself from you.
You are the one abusing her, not me.
Try harder, Jeffery. Your attacks only show how truly pathetic you are. Don’t forget that when you first came on to this blog, you were such a tough guy that you threatened to send your sons after me. You don’t even have the guts to do it yourself. Your “tough Missourian” talk is just that – talk.
Projecting again? Give it up, Jeffery.
Is “tough Missourians” some sort of code word for “abusive rapist?” Or is that some sort of code word for “delusional, weak minded women?”
Yeah, right. Of course in your little world, other people lie because the fact contradict your beliefs. You made several lies in this thread alone, got caught and then, as you usually do, projected your moral failings on others.
How many people still use desktops? Well, I do, because I hate laptops, I despise laptops, I abominate laptops! Everyone else in the house has a laptop, but I hate the keyboards, I hate the screens — too close to the keyboards — and I can’t use one at all if I don’t attach a mouse.
I have an iPad that my darling bride (of 37 years, 6 months and 29 days) bought for me, but 90% of my usage of it is as my Kindle.