The Washington Post’s Roger Cohen has an interesting question
The Democrats’ panic over climate questions speaks volumes
Former president Bill Clinton used to say, “If you know what you’re talking about, you don’t mind talking.†And it stands to reason that if you don’t know what you’re talking about, you will panic and hide when you are asked to talk. Well, the very idea that the Trump transition team is asking for the names of the government officials who worked on specific climate matters during their time in government service has sent the Democrats running for the hills. But merely being asked for the names of those who attended climate change conferences and participated in creating or studying climate change policy has been greeted as a threat and sent liberals in the government and in the media into a frenzy. Why are they so hypersensitive? Obama Energy Department officials have said they will not name any of the staffers who worked on climate change programs or even attended any such meetings, with Energy Department spokeswoman Eben Burnhan-Snyder saying the inquiries from the Trump transition had “left many in our workforce unsettled.†Seriously? Asking who did the work around there is out of bounds? Again, the Energy Department is refusing to answer questions about who did what to formulate the policies that we now live with. They would rather go into hiding than matter-of-factly and proudly explain their work. Why could that be? It confirms so much of what Republicans suspect about the Obama administration. (Disclosure: My firm represents interests in the fossil-fuel and nuclear-power industries.)
Whew! That’s a heck of an opening paragraph! Anyhow, why are the so worried? What do they have to hide? Despite all the caterwauling from the Cult of Climastrology, when put into context, the questions asked of the DOE are not actually horrific and democracy ending, as we see from this Willis Eschenbach post, which features all the questions. Oh, and once Trump takes over, the DOE will have to answer the questions.
Perhaps it is because during the Obama years, work on climate change issues all started from a mandated conclusion: That manmade global warming was settled science and that it was bad and getting worse. Researchers quickly determined where the money was, and they knew the more alarming the study or findings from a working group, the better.
I have nothing to add to that. It’s the way the “science” of climastrology works.
All the hiding and panic speaks to a government that is out of control. How can it be that people won’t admit they even attended a specific meeting? It’s certainly the first time in my memory that one administration has affirmatively tried to hide their work from the next administration. So exactly what is it the Obama forces are hiding? Why have they gone silent in the face of a simple initial inquiry? There are plenty of safeguards in government to prevent retribution, so that isn’t really what this sudden fear is all about. And, the fact that scientists have “begun a feverish attempt to copy reams of government data onto independent servers†because they are worried about being denied “irreplaceable public data†also seems just a little paranoid and adds to the intrigue.
They do not want their data and methods exposed for the junk science they are. They don’t want their cushy positions of prognosticating doom on the taxpayer dime threatened.
Over to the Eschenbah article
This memo, as you might expect, is replete with acronyms. “DOE†is the Department of Energy. Here are the memo questions and my comments.
1. Can you provide a list of all boards, councils, commissions, working groups, and FACAs [Federal Advisory Committees] currently active at the Department? For each, can you please provide members, meeting schedules, and authority (statutory or otherwise) under which they were created?
If I were at DOE, this first question would indeed set MY hair on fire. The easiest way to get rid of something is to show that it was not properly established … boom, it’s gone. As a businessman myself, this question shows me that the incoming people know their business, and that the first order of business is to jettison the useless lumber.
Like I said, they’ll soon be required to answer the questions, starting January 20th. Team Trump will be digging in to the waste, fraud, junk science, cost over-runs, orphan departments with no accountability, and so forth, not just at the DOE, but other departments. Business likes to run smoothly, without the massive redundancy and such. Warmists had a good run on the public dole, but, that looks like it will soon end.

Why is the bloated Russian grifter hiding his tax returns? Why is he hiding from the American people?
Why did Jews hide from Hitler?
And President Obama told the bloated fascist to go fuck himself (Melania was “busy” with Monica Crowley) when fat fascist-boi, a nobody until Jan 20, if he makes to then, demanded a list of “wrong-thinkers” from Energy. This is the way fascists operate. Layer the natural willful ignorance of Republicans atop fascism and we have a toxic mix.
Since the time Trumpski got almost as many votes as his opponent, losing the popular vote by more than any president-elect in history, the right has dropped their guard and revealed their inherent fascist nature. Actually all decent Americans need to be infected with FDS, Fascist Derangement Syndrome, and be prepared to fight the fascists for America.
This time America’s enemies are within.
The Willfully Ignorant Teach lied:
This from a disinformer who cites Crooked Steve Milloy as an expert.
All data and methods are available.
All data and methods are available.
If he thought he could, Der Trumpenfuhrer would have all the scientists executed, but even he realizes that would upset all but the 46% he bullied and fooled. His next ploy is to harass them by smearing them, silencing them and forcing them out.
If America is to survive, Trumpism must be eradicated.
Also, Teach, – not sure who “Roger Cohen” is but the opinion piece you copied was typed by Ed Rogers, partner and top lobbyist for Haley Barbour’s BRG Group, a conservative lobbying firm serving the fossil fuels industry, Qatar and other clients.
Why were you trying to hide that?
Massage therapist Willis Eschenbach is certainly entitled to his opinion, just as we are wise to ignore his brain droppings.
It’s no surprise that Teach approves of fascist actions. All conservatives are fascist at heart.
Why were you trying to hide that?
You should seek medical help.
In the article: (Disclosure: My firm represents interests in the fossil-fuel and nuclear-power industries.)
YUP… Second rule of the SJW….
Double down.
And then project.
Thanks for the demonstration Jeff.
Wow. Were those three comments by Jeffery as insane to you as they were to me? It took the ignorant idiot two lines to injsct Hitler. Now conservatives, WHICH TRUMP IS NOT ONE, are fascists and would “execute” scientists. Jeffery is certifiably insane. Hahahahahaha. Lock him up in a rubber room before he murders his family or shoots up a church.
You really need help Jeffery. BTW, seems Stinky received about 5 million illegal votes. Those are my estimates.
There it is! It was only a matter of time before the deranged Jeffery projected his wish to murder his opponents like the good little communist he is.
Couldn’t win an election so now come the threats and “punishment” for disobeying our “betters”. Go screw yourself Jeffery. And take that lying, filthy, stinking hag Crooked Killary with you. Hahahahaha.
For some reason I don’t have enough giveafucks left in me anymore to read anything that little guy who lied about serving in the Army has to say.
All I need to read is his name and I know instinctively his comment is the same pile of shit that he’s written before.
But he is amusing and I don’t have to read the Kos or Media Matters to find out what the left’s talking points are for any particular day.
Perhaps our entrepid reporter Teach just made a mistake in misattributing the authorship from a right-wing fossil fuel lobbyist to a respected journalist.
This is why “real” Americans hate liberals. The uneducated Trump makes a dumb spelling error regarding an international conflict with China, and liberals made fun of him instead of supporting his bluster. It’s unpresidented that American citizens would criticize their
dictatorpresident to be!
I don’t know… Der Trumpenfuhrer and his minions said they would imprison Sec Clinton (Lock her up!) for criticizing El Presidente-erect, so it’s a short step to executing the opposition. It’s what Putin does. You all know if cons could get away with it they would!
China picks up a scientific drone and returns it and that tyro Trumpski is ready for WWIII – maybe he should STFU until he is inaugurated, if that actually happens. And he embarrasses the US with his dumbassery.
Buckle up America, if he’s inaugurated it’s likely to be bumpy 2 years.
Projecting again Jeffery. You really need to look in the mirror before you start accusing other people of being as racist, bigoted and hateful as your self. You do realize it is your leftist friends who murdered 200million people in the last century. Projection you little mass-murderer want-to-be, projection.
You are really batshit crazy now that the moslem and the Wookie are out, Stinky lost and a real American is in. You just hate you those damn white patriots. Well I’m the deplorable Stinky warned you about. Hahahahaha. You lost!
And I might add that little guy who lied about serving in the Army during the Vietnam War, just like everything else he spews, is also unoriginal.
Rev Snakehandler,
Trumpski a real American? Hahahahaha
Trumpski is the least American president-elect in forever. He is a globalist who uses this nation as the base of operations for his criminal enterprises.
He has shown little understanding of American mores, laws or Constitution (especially Article 12).
At least he has an authentic birth certificate and wasn’t born in Indonesia, taught in a madrassa and had a communist dad. That makes him a whole lot more American than McHussein O’Bama, the patron saint of Dopes and Change.
Apparently you loser leftists unable to deal with defeat are doing everything to create a coup. What’s net, having Trump declared incompetent or insane and unable to take office? I wouldn’t put it past you sick bastards.
What criminal enterprises would those be, J? Or does proof vanish into thin air like the proof of dire gw consequences?
Ironically, the Orangutan will meet his downfall in one of two ways, both Constitutional Amendments. Of course he IS packing the US Cabinet with individuals as morally perverse and as incompetent as he is.
Amendment 25 Section 4:
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
Amendment 2:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Trumpski University, The Trumpski Foundation…