HB2 would probably have been repealed by now if the Charlotte city council hadn’t played a few games, which we learn far down in this article
(WTVD)Â Today’s special session follows a night of confusion after it was revealed that two parts of Charlotte’s non-discrimination ordinance still stood – which could have put a deal to repeal House Bill 2 in jeopardy.
Charlotte City Council met in an emergency session Wednesday morning and voted to repeal all of the ordinance. Council members said at the meeting that it was not their intention to try to pull a fast one on the General Assembly.
Which has led to
State Republicans have filed a bill in the Senate that calls for the repeal of House Bill 2, however the proposed legislation also bans any municipality from passing their own anti-discrimination ordinances in the next 6 months.
By “anti-discrimination”, they mean “not requiring all private businesses and entities to allow the gender confused to violate the privacy of members of the opposite biological gender.”
Democrats are whining and say they won’t vote for it. Doesn’t matter. The GOP has full and utter control of the General Assembly. We can probably expect HB2 to be repealed by the end of the day. And for Dem supporters of forcing the gender confused on people’s privacy rights to continue in 6 months.

The agreement was that Charlotte would repeal their local ordinance if the legislature repealed HB2.
NC Republicans are like Republicans everywhere. They only respond to force.