This will surely cause many liberals to feel the Wedgie Of Doom and stain their panty shields. Liberals women will probably be rather upset, as well
(The Hill) President-elect Donald Trump is tweeting about the Berlin Christmas market attack, arguing it represented a “purely religious threat.”
Twelve people were killed and 48 were injured when a man drove a truck into a crowded outdoor market on Monday. A 24-year-old suspect from Tunisia, Anis Amri, was killed Friday morning by police in Milan after he drew a weapon when approached by police.
Amri appeared to have posted a video prior to the attack on social media in which he talked about slaughtering crusaders who had come to kill Muslims.
“My message to the crusaders who bombard Muslims every day: With God’s will, I swear we’re coming to slaughter you, you pigs,†Amri sais in the message, which Trump referenced in his Friday evening tweets.
Trump tweeted out in a 2 parter (here and here)
“The terrorist who killed so many people in Germany said just before crime, ‘by God’s will we will slaughter you pigs, I swear, we will….. slaughter you. This is a purely religious threat, which turned into reality. Such hatred! When will the U.S. and all countries, fight back?” Trump tweeted.
On one hand, he is utterly correct. This is a religious threat from the hardcore Muslims, both the violent ones and the ones using our own modern societies, mores, laws, and founding documents against us.
On the other hand, Trump needs to be really careful to make sure he confines his remarks to those who are the hardcores, the Islamists, and not to drag in those who are not part of that movement. You want these people as allies, not radicalizing themselves.
Anyhow, what this means is that liberals will…..attack Trump and defend hardcore Islam, as you can read in the comments. Interestingly, radical Islam kills more Muslims than non-Muslims. It has a horrible record in the treatment of gays and women. Children are married off to middle aged men. The Islamists stand against virtually everything Leftists stand for. Yet, Leftists bend over backwards to defend radical Islam.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Jane LynchTeach ignorantly and belligerently typed:and then smartly, if not ironically types:
and next types utter nonsense:
Hang every terrorist by their testicles and let the crows pluck out their eyes, is what we say. But these vile terrorists no more represent Islam than Dylan Roof or Timothy McVeigh represent all of Christianity. The murderous terrorists use indiscriminate attacks on Muslims and others as an excuse and a tactic to advance political causes.
Many on the right argue that Islam itself is the cause, and that the 1% Muslim residents and citizens in the US are poised to overrun white Christians. Trump has done little to dissuade his followers of these beliefs – to be honest, he has fanned the flames himself.
Neither Dylan Roof nor Timothy McVeigh were motivated by our Lord Jesus. Neither yelled “Praise Christ” as they blew up the building nor were members of a theocratic state wrapped around a religion. Roof and McVeigh were in retaliation for the siege in Waco and Ruby Ridge and had nothing to do with their religion.
That 1% you miraculously pull out of your hat so you can ridicule those of us who Know and Study Islam is a myth, a joke and you know it. I’ve studied Islam for 25 years and I know Islam and there are three types of moslems: There are those willing to kill you; there are those who won’t kill you personally, but will help someone else kill you; and then there is the great mass of “peaceful moslems” who won’t kill you and won’t help someone else kill you, but do agree that you need killing.
You need to study more about Islam and stop taking excuses. Islam is at war with us, including atheist you. They are at war with democracy, republics, any religion other than Islam and all Western Culture. To coin a phrase, you can’t swing a dead cat in a Quranic reading room without hitting an exhortation to violence against non-Muslims. Your ignorance of both the quran and the hadith do not make you an expert in islam and neither does sarcasm.
Except, of course, that Roof and McVeigh were not sitting under a Christian teacher or attending a Christian church as opposed to Muslim clerics who do teach terrorism and rewards for killing others, etc.
Is there a case where a Muslim terrorist has attacked a gathering of other Muslims? If so, I am unaware of that.
Cause? Perhaps not. Unifying theme? Yes.
This is simply not true.
BTW Jeffery, what was the religion and belied system of the guy who just drove a truck into a crowd of people in Berlin?
Also, do you happen to know the religion of the people planning the terrorist attack in Australia on Christmas that was thwarted?
Were they Amish? Methodist perhaps?
As usual, your hatred of certain things takes the blame for the actions of people you support (such as terrorists) and tries to put it on people and ideas that you hate.
PEW international released a survey among Muslims…..
25 percent of all Muslims believe violence is okay in achieving their goals…..Yeah tell me that Islam is a religion of peace……
Its no different then Christianity of the 9th-12th century and the crusades….Its just they never stopped crusading.
It seems your acolytes disagree with your statement:
They feel all followers of Islam are evil, at the same time claiming that all Muslims think non-Muslims are evil. Fertile soil for the next round of crusades!
They think you support terrorism by not condemning all Islam.
In the 70s, 80s, 90s there were several hundred terrorist attacks in the US by conservative Christian anti-abortion terrorists. Bombings, acid attacks, arson, murders, death threats, bomb threats, trespassing, intimidation… the Army of God (not the Army of Allah) was a main perpetrator. Reasonable people understood that not all Christians were responsible – not even all fundamentalist Christians were responsible. Certainly, there was and is a conservative Christian subculture supporting anti-abortion violence although they would not commit violent acts themselves.
Blow me, loser.
Yep the janitor is most certainly a Muslim….for someone who is an Unbeliever he spends an awful lot of time talking about Christians, jews and Muslims…..
He obsesses over Muslims. He pampers them, coddles them. wants to protect them….wants millions and millions of them to sneak into the USA or be flown first class into all those states that let him down in November.
Yep Jeffery is most assuredly a Muslim infiltrator whose sole purpose is to make sure his fellow angry Muslims fulfil their mission of overtaking the west via outbirthing the existing cultures.
He rails at people who do not believe in global warming as an imminent if not 100 year from now catastrophe but refuses to acknowledge that same threat is just as real from Muslims who have declared a billion times that their goal is to assimilate the world into sharia law…..
Its people like Jeffery that are the real threats to democracy. give me a warmer climate or a prayer rug and a burqa? No brainer for me…..Not for jeffery.
No one said that Jeffery.
You have issues with reading.
We know that you support terrorism Jeffery as do most of the left.
We all know that followers of Islam are not all evil people. The problem is that why we on the right try to identify the those that are terrorists, you on the left cheer when the Islamic terrorists destroy, maim and kill.
What astounds me is in Jeffery’s zeal to make Christians who do bad things look like moslems who murder millions he forgets immediately what I took all the time to explain, with notes and references above in both the Koran and hadith as well as quotes by mohammad himself as the reason. Christians are not commanded by Christ to go kill people, even abortionists!!!! Is that hard for you to understand Jeffery?? That is the VERY reason ALL moslems are trouble, because it is their religion that does tell them to either convert or kill ALL non moslems.
Can you understand the difference Jeffery? If a Christian kills it is against the will of Christ and therefore a sin for which he may be doomed to hell. If a moslem kills ANY non moslem it is jihad to allah for which he will be rewarded in heaven.
If you want to keep going go study the Koran like I did for a decade then call me. Regarding the shooting at Pulse:
Proof asked, proof given in the words of their own Imams and mohammad himself and by their Koran. What more do you need to understand they HATE you and want to KILL you. You can holler “Praise Allah” all you want but as an atheist they have a very special and particularly gruesome end planned for you. Go read about it.
Are you puzzled by the over 1.5 billion Muslims who do not kill nonbelievers? If the Quran exhorts them to kill why don’t they?
I have worked with many many Muslims over the last 4 decades (many scientists from around the world train in the US – Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Shinto…). Some I liked, a few I didn’t.
Have you published your findings after spending a decade studying Islam? Did you interview Muslims?
Will you critique Teach’s statement:
We agree with Teach. Do you?
I have explained the MO of moslems to you Jeffery. I’m not trying to get into one of your “insult” contests but by you “knowing” a lot of moslems means absolutely nothing in THEIR scheme of things. As I explained up thread: “I’ve studied Islam for 25 years and I know Islam and there are three types of moslems: There are those willing to kill you; there are those who won’t kill you personally, but will help someone else kill you; and then there is the great mass of “peaceful moslems†who won’t kill you and won’t help someone else kill you, but do agree that you need killing.”
Why would I “publish” my findings? And yes, I’ve interviewed moslems. May of them. Why? Does my interviewing a moslem somehow force him to tell me, an infidel, the truth? Do you believe the moslems you knew told you the truth when you didn’t even take the time to read their books to see they are specifically told to lie to infidels to advance Islam. It’s called “Taqiyya”, lying to trick, kill or bring harm to non-moslems. Look it up. And I’ve studied Islam for over twenty-five years not a decade. I suggested you study it for a decade and get back to me.
No, I do not. You agree out of ignorance about the nature of Islam. I am under no such ignorance. I’ve taken the time to explore and learn Islam and I know for an Islamic fact no real practicing moslem will be the ally to any non moslem infidel. It’s against their religion Jeffery. You all need to understand that.
After a recent attack I went on the web and read the from the moslem magazine Dabiq Issue 15 article “Why We Hate You†we can get a look into their motivations.:
There is more, much more but my point is we need to understand the nature of this enemy. It is a nature we have never come in contact with before. A country has not declared war on us. A country is not inflicting acts of war against us. A borderless dictatorship by theocracy with a legal code that serves as its religion is at war with us. I know it is hard for Westerners to understand this but we must or we will lose.
Islam is the millstone. It’s nothing more than the globalization of 7th Century A.D. predatory Arab tribal culture with a thin veneer of supremacist religion as its public face. If your plan doesn’t include constraining, undermining, or eradicating Islam, you don’t have a plan. What you have is a hope.
Since you think both Teach and we are wrong, what do you recommend we do in terms of our “Muslim” problem? We have some 3 million Muslim-American citizens and legal residents, many born here.
According to you, every one of them accept that all non-Muslims deserve to be killed, many won’t kill us directly but DO support other more devout Muslims killing us, and several are prepared to actually kill some of us.
Assuming you are right, is our Constitution up to the task of protecting the common welfare?
I don’t “think” you are wrong, I know you are and I proved it with moslems own words. How much more do I need to do before you pick up the Koran and the hadith and read it for yourself. I’m not trying to get into your face Jeffery, I don’t need this to degenerate into a name calling session. I’m just saying that you are good at certain things and perhaps expert at certain things as am I. Islam is something I’ve studied in an attempt to understand how and why a major religion would be so intolerant and down right evil and yet survive for so long.
I did not make this stuff up it’s there for all to see. As a matter of fact this is exactly what attracts some people to Islam. Islam does not believe in Nation States or Mans Laws and instead simply divides the world in to two parts ‘Dar es-Salaam’ the ‘Place of Peace’ where Islam and Shariah rule and ‘Dar al-Harb” the ‘Place of War’ where KAFIRS (unbelievers) rule and where ALL Muslims are OBLIGED to perform JIHAD , either by DECEIT or by VIOLENCE , until Islam and Shariah does rule.
Once that happens the KAFIRS are given three choices 1) Convert (or as they put it REVERT to Islam as they believe EVERYONE is born Muslim and only led astray by their parents and society) to Islam 2) Pay the JIZYA TAX and become Dhimmies Second Class Citizens in your own country 3) DIE.
Needless to say Feminazis, HOMOS , JEWS and Bruce Jenners and in your case most importantly ATHEISTS only get option #3.
Which of course means you cannot allow a SINGLE MUSLIM to come and live in your country if you value your FREEDOM. Even if that means changing the law or the Constitution itself. As has been said, the Constitution cannot be allowed to become a suicide pact.
Donald Trump was severely, criticized for suggesting that the U.S. should limit or temporarily suspend the immigration of certain ethnic groups, nationalities, and even people of certain religions (moslems). The criticisms condemned such a suggestion as, among other things, being Un-American, dumb, stupid, reckless, dangerous and racist. Congressmen and Senators swore that they would never allow such legislation, and our illustrious President called such a prohibition on immigration unconstitutional.
As Gomer Pyle would say, “Well, Surprise, Surprise!†It seems that the selective immigration ban is already law and has been applied on several occasions.
Needless to say Feminazis, HOMOS , JEWS and Bruce Jenners and in your case most importantly ATHEISTS only get option #3.
which again proves how segmented the Democratic party is and how this is a party of PACS that use other people for their own gain……….IF the Gay, Lesbian, Transgenders and all those who dont believe in god at all only understood the absolute intolerance of the Muslim FAITH towards these people….they would not be so tolerant in demanding they be flying in first class and resettled in communities all around the country only to then migrate to Muslim pockets….Ive seen this first hand personally happening……
There is nothing tolerant about the Muslim faith…..NOTHING…..the pretense that there is confounds the Left but the enemy of my enemy is my friend…….so Because the left is so full of those who despise Christianity because they oppose LGBT or abortion are so willing to embrace a religion who would literally MURDER these same people if they ever were to come to power anywhere……
The left is actually scary……They are irrational and have made a pact with the proverbial devil in order to have political power……The right no different but at least the pact the right made is with the economy devil and not actual murdering Religious Devils.
Assuming you are right, what is your solution to our “Muslim” problem? We have some 3 million Muslims in the US.
Do you have a policy recommendation for greatly reducing the risk we non-Muslims face from Muslims?
Laim – We neither oppose or support Islam or Christianity. Our position is that, based on our Constitution, the nation cannot favor one religion over another.
The solution to the Muslim Problem is:
Let me quote about JFK’s immigration policy and the book he wrote about immigration.
In place of the national origin quota system Kennedy, first in his book, and later as President,2 called for the institution of an immigration policy that judges all applicants on an equal footing. He suggested three basic criteria for admission of immi-grants to the United States 1) the skill of the indivi-dual immigrant, 2) the reunification of families, and 3) priority of registration first come, first served.
Remember we as a nation had a strict immigration policy that caused the JEWS in America to Embrace the left because of the Jim Crow type of immigration policy America had adoptes since the 1920’s.
In the American Jewish community, Kennedy found a natural ally on the issue of immigration reform. The shame and guilt of American Jews about their failure to do more to save European Jewry from the Holocaust still lingers today, and was all the more palpable so soon after the event. To this day, there is a strong feeling that, had it not been for the highly restrictive immigration policies of the US (and other countries), many of Europe’s Jews could have been saved. Thus, it is not surprising that in 1958 the ADL not only endorsed, but published Kennedy’s calls for a more liberal US immigration policy.
But….this is me speaking….what is so common is the unintended consequences of almost anything government does….as a result….Immigration has swung deeply from quality people….to beating hearts…..Which was never Kennedy’s intention…His top priority was in an expanded quota system that put great emphasis on the quality of the immigrant.
Secondly the rejoining of families…..So if you let Bob in then you need to let his family in……The left primarily seized on this and suddenly the quota system was replaced by a system in which infiltration becomes the norm…….Once here it goes back to JFK’s concept of reuniting families….
So to answer your question….returning to the basic premise of Kennedys immigration policy would be a great start…..
1. Quality of the Applicant….not just a live body.
2. Unification of families
3. first come….first serve….
this is a democratic plan not a gop plan…it was JFK’s plan……The thing that makes it work is Quotas.
If you only are allowing quality or skilled people into the country then it is much easier to vette them.
As for the 3 million Muslims already here….they are already here….There is no way to fix that….but bringing in quality Muslims in equal proportion is much less likely to lead to ISIS infiltration then some 18 year old kid whose never had a job in his life and wants to come to the USA from Libya to study to be an Airline Pilot.
Make no mistake….Muslims the world over have indicated that 25 percent of them are okay with violence to attain sharia law and world domination……..that is like saying today in America……80 million Americans are okay with Hanging Gays, or murdering Abortion doctors……That percent is more like 1 percent and those are loons….most of whom are probably being watched by the FBI and local law enforcement.
Thank you for answering.
and for new, legal immigrants:
Is this different from the current system?
Sen McCarran (D-NV) 1953
Yes its different….nothing about what Kennedy intended is actually being accomplished….first of all he had a quota system that was increased from 155k up to 210k per year……
Secondly today we are allowing ILLEGALS to take the place of FIRST COME>>>>FIRST SERVE by literally forcing the reunification of Illegals.
Thirdly Nothing about a good system is in place anymore….ICE is deporting nearly a million illegals per year…..people just streaming over the border…..
No longer is it about the QUALITY of the applicant but its the quantity…which the Democrats are going to rue the day for allowing….
Because as Trump begins offering these new immigrants HOPE in good jobs, and a much better life…..As he rebuilds our police and infrastructure and rebuilds the inner cities….THESE IMMIGRANTS are going to start turning out for the GOP and so are many Blacks, Latinos and other races…….
I as are most Conservatives have nothing at all against immigrants….we just see nothing good coming of allowing millions of illegals into the country…..especially allowing millions that only vote one way..but even despite that we adhere to Kennedys principal of QUALITY immigrants….not the current beating heart as the criteria for admission.
So yes without going into the typical rightie talking points which are rejected by the left……I will simply say this….when Trump begins helping all these immigrants and he will….UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF his presidency….and when suddenly hes getting 40 percent of the black vote and 40 percent of the Hispanic vote…..And democrats become even more irrelevant as they scream about where a man can stick his dick rather then worry about people EATING and have a QUALITY OF LIFE………
then yeah…..the democrats will rue the day they ever embarked upon this massive influx of illegals and the crushing of our current laws to garner much needed votes to keep them in power…..mark my words….this is the only damn reason the democrats will fight trump tooth and nail….and its why they are horrified as he attempts to ACTUALLY HELP THE DEMOCRATS BASE…mark my words…anything he TRIES TO DO WILL BE LAMBLASTED BY THE LEFT AS TOO LITTLE…not enough…..sucking up to miniorities….racist, homophobic or all those catch phrases they use on the Right today.
AS for your quote on Sen. McCarren did you not read what I quoted Kennedy as writing….???
Our immigration system was racist from the 20’s to the 60’s by allowing basically only WHITES from a small number of countries into the USA….It was Kennedy that opened up immigration to all races but it kept in place a quota system and a screening process…..
SCREENING which the left claims cant happen today…..wrong…..we just have been so conditioned to believe it cant because ICE IS SO OVERWHELMED BY ILLEGALS….cloward and piven strategy of bringing down the system…..
Our immigration system is totally broken….its broken in the EU too and now those nations are starting to rebel against their leaders. And all of this is and was a result of the EU and America trying to assuage their guilt by not allowing JEWS to migrate away from danger during WW2….but as with anything….unintended consequences of their liberal policies have overwhelmed nearly every EU nation. France is falling into Chaos….Spain, Portugal and Norway and Belgium are on the brink of economic collapse because of it….
OK. So you think nothing can be done about the 3 million Muslims in the US now, many intent on killing non-Muslims.
It seems you support limiting the number of Muslim immigrants going forward, because they are not of “high quality”. Is this in line with Trump’s “extreme vetting”? Are there any gov’t criteria for admitting legal immigrants now, or is it just that they must have a heartbeat?
And Blacks and Hispanics will vote GOP once Trump makes America great again. Got it.
Liam, you like most Americans find it hard, perhaps impossible (to our own detriment) to understand the nature of Islam and the impact of the moslems in America. You began by saying: “The solution to the moslem problem is”, however I already explained the moslem problem which you ignored. Again, ” If your plan doesn’t include constraining, undermining, or eradicating Islam, you don’t have a plan. What you have is a hope.”
First of all JFK’s plan in 1960 is completely irrelevant to the problems we face today if for no other reason than the word “welfare”. The minimal support system back then were only available to American citizens (a common sense policy lost to the ages). Secondly, he was talking about “immigration” and perhaps even “illegal immigration” but when we talk about moslems we’re talking about invasion. At least that’s how they see it as The Hijrah. The willful immigration of a moslem to a non moslem country is always to convert that country or begin the process of jihad in that country. Any exception is apostasy an punished by death.
Why? Why on earth would an intelligent person even suggest such a stupid idea? Why would a country consider a communist from North Korea or a moslem from Somalia on “equal footing” with an Optometrist from Australia? How and why would that even make sense? How can people from non-Western based cultures be remotely on “equal footing” with people from countries with common roots to ours?
1. The skill of the immigrant. I can understand that but ONLY based on our needs at the time. We don’t need 3 million welders just because they are “highly skilled” in some bureaucrats handbook. The term “highly skilled” is both based on relevancy and open to interpretation. Two bad ideas when giving bureaucrats power. Perhaps we would be better off “putting out a call” like unions do. Have people apply for the job, those not skilled at it need not apply. (and won’t be considered, either).
2. The reunification of families. What has the unification of families to do with our needs as a country? A big fat nothing. Families can be “unified” anywhere, why here? Let them be unified as families back in their homeland. Our job is to unify people as Americans, not families which is also a reason why “an immigration policy that judges all applicants on an equal footing” is ridiculous. We should not be looking for foreigners who are equal, we should be looking for those who are exceptional.
3.First come, first served. Again, what has a system designed to speed-up Deli service got to do with immigration? Again, a big fat nothing! I’ve always believed that the more difficult we make it to vote the better quality voters we will get. Nothing has happened to change that point of view. I also believe that to be true for immigrants. Being allowed to immigrate to America should be an honor not an every day walk in the park. It should be dear enough to work for but not so impossible one has to work around it.
Sometimes I think you guys just either don’t listen or don’t bother to read up on the subject when you say stuff like that. “There is no way to fix that…. BUT”. So you’re saying by bringing in more moslems from the “religion of peace” who are bound by their faith to kill us and replace our government with Sharia Law (The Way) we will somehow miraculously be less likely to get an 18 y.o. ISIS kid?
I love how you say “quality moslems in equal proportion” like more of something bad makes it good. Tell me, what is a “quality moslem”? One who doesn’t kill you but teaches in a madrassa? An how do we know what “equal proportion” is? Do we count: One terrorist to the left, okay, now one non terrorist to the right? I’ve already explained “there are three types of moslems: There are those willing to kill you; there are those who won’t kill you personally, but will help someone else kill you; and then there is the great mass of “peaceful moslems†who won’t kill you and won’t help someone else kill you, but do agree that you need killing.â€
Equalizing out the three different types of moslems won’t help, it will in fact GROW the moslem population in a secular country. Can you spell Germany and France?
Again, †If your plan doesn’t include constraining, undermining, or eradicating Islam, you don’t have a plan. What you have is a hope.â€
Seriously? Your plan is genocide?