Weasel words and cop outs and more prognostications from the Cult of Climastrology. Which “likely” means a prolonged drought for the U.K.
Major flooding in UK now likely every year, warns lead climate adviser
Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on the impacts of climate change has warned.
Boxing Day in 2015 saw severe floods sweep Lancashire and Yorkshire, just weeks after Storm Desmond swamped Cumbria and parts of Scotland and Wales. The flooding, which caused billions of pounds of damage, led to the government publishing a review in September which anticipates 20-30% more extreme rainfall than before.
But Prof John Krebs, who leads the work on adapting to global warming for the government’s official advisers, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), told the Guardian: “We are still a long way from where we need to be, in that there is still not a coherent long-term view.â€
Here’s an idea: instead of wasting money on silly spreading awareness, failed computer models, shrill prognostications and such, why not deal with the fact that climate and weather have always changed? They spend all their time Blamestorming mankind, when the same things have happened repeatedly, and will continue to happen regardless, because Nature Happens.
Increased flooding is the biggest impact of climate change for the UK, but the CCC has also warned that the nation is poorly prepared for deadly annual heatwaves, water shortages and difficulties in producing food. However, Krebs, who is stepping down from his CCC role after eight years in January, said: “There is still hope this country will make the progress it needs to make.â€
So, it’ll cause everything. Everybody Panic! Or laugh, because these people are as nutty as Scientologists (and, no, I don’t care if I piss any off. Long story, not mine, someone I know).
But he said: “We shouldn’t be complacent because those dissenting voices are well-organised, funded and persistent. One has to be strong in the message that the risks are so great that taking out insurance [by acting] now is well worth it.â€
Instead of messaging, why not try walking the talk?

The practical outcome from Denying the scientific basis of global warming is that you also Deny potential remediation. Why would you plan for flooding when global warming is a Chinese hoax?
Are you sure?
Tuesday morning links
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