…is sand driven way inland due to sea rise and extreme storms, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on 7 political lessons for Conservatives in 2017.

…is sand driven way inland due to sea rise and extreme storms, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on 7 political lessons for Conservatives in 2017.
We understand that Trump can’t control his supporters, but why are white nationalists, anti-semites so aggressively supportive of his presidency?
It is true that there are a number of anti-Semites who support Trump, but the official anti-Semitic party is the Democrat Party, which has been anti-Semitic for its whole history. Obama, himself, the Anti-Semite in Chief, as exemplified by his actions over the last eight years. FDR was another anti-Semite, as were LBJ (also a racist), Jimmy Carter, and both Clintons.
Anti-Semitism is an essential doctrine of socialism, because socialists demand that all people be the same and that there can be no separate identity for anyone. Self-identified Jews are simply intolerable and an offensive contradiction of Socialist Man.
I thought libs/dems/socialists ONLY believed in racial identities, divisively separating people into groups? LOL. Youse guys need to get your stories straight.
The fact is that white nationalist and anti-semitic ghouls have crawled out of the darkness to celebrate the rise of the new
kingpresident. They are upset that Trump tweeted “Happy Hannukkah”.How did the Neo-Nazis, alt-right, white supremacists ever get the idea that Trump was their guy? LOL
How did they become part of his coalition?
Maybe it was Trump’s campaigning against Latinos, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, African Americans, women and the disabled.
The only problem there Jeffery is Trump didn’t campaign “against” any of them.
If by “Latinos” you mean Mexicans, he campaigned for are common sense immigration policy and not rewarding illegals. What’s wrong with that? The same with all “immigrants”.
What Jews did he campaign against, the ones Obama just stabbed in the back?
He campaigned against allowing moslems into America for the reasons I’ve shown you that moslems shouldn’t be allowed into America.
If demanding that African Americans be treated like adult human beings instead od little childlike democrat wards of the state then Trump is guilty of campaigning “against” African Americans.
Yes, I can see how he campaigned against women. Exactly how? By hiring hundreds in his businesses and putting them in positions of power and responsibility or by not wringing his hands about a phony glass ceiling, and BS of unequal pay.
And of course “the disabled”. I distinctly recall Trump calling to euthanize the disabled, make chair lifts and Rascals illegal and ban mobile oxygen tanks.
You keep repeating the same old propaganda that helped you lose the election. A candidate has no control over who supports him now does he? But since you find it so reprehensible that people you don’t like supported Trump how about the CPUSA supporting Stinky? They have a lot more members than the KKK and Aryan Nation combined. How about BLM, the black racist version of the KKK and more dangerous since it’s supported by real live democrats and have resulted in the murder of cops? How about the moslem brotherhood who support terrorist attacks both here and abroad?
You have pointed out quite succinctly that you believe these ne’er-do-wells supported Trump because they are racists of one sort or another and believe him to be one also. Then you and the racists agree and you and the racists are both wrong and quite obviously racists yourselves. And you are inferring that any Trump supporter is a racist by association. Would that make you an anti American communist by association, or a BLM anarchist, or moslem terrorist?
Jeffery, you really need to stop dividing up Americans by race, sex, wealth and all those things that don’t matter. The left are the only ones who never see an individual, only a group of voters to be manipulated like a deck of cards. You need to stop calling people names, we no loner listen. It’s the same old. I told you just type: @#$%& and we’ll get it. Are you really that lost for ideas all you have left is name calling?
It’s impossible to have a normal discussion with you when all you do is insult our intelligence, renounce our religious beliefs, denounce our race and our nation, crap on our morality and challenge our motives.
Rev Stinky,
Per usual, you typed a lot of extraneous nonsense to avoid answering a simple question:
Why do you think the neo-nazis, anti-semites and white supremacists feel so comfortable openly supporting your president-elect?
Why do you feel so comfortable lying about serving in the Army?
Blow me, loser.
Okay Jeffery, I didn’t call you names and all I expect is not to be called any. If you’re going to act like a child with the “Rev Stinky” shit I’ll treat you like one: go fuck yourself!
I apologize if I hurt your feelings. I thought you liked namecalling, as you do it all the time.
Anyway, it’s de rigueur at the Cove. Don’t you read Teach’s posts?
I only call you names when you call someone names in your comments. You should recognize that.
Trump supporters have lost their Freedom of Speech!
But isn’t it fascinating that following Trump’s election the racists, neo-nazis, white supremacists and islamophobes suddenly feel so free to share their “insights” with normal and decent society?
Another Trump ally:
Asked what he wanted to see “go away in 2017,†Mr. Paladino answered, Michelle Obama, “I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.â€
It’s part of conservative DNA, just needing the “right” time to be expressed.
Thank you Jeffery if you’re serious. It’s not that name calling hurts my feelings, it’s just that as adults it’s hard to have a serious conversation when you’re dodging insults all the time.
By now you should have picked up on the fact I only call you names when you do so toward me. It’s really not my stile. Now I do call politicians names, public personalities and even historical figures, but not you. You’re not “Stinky”, Clinton is and as a politician she’s a free range target.
In fact, sociologists now view Trumpism as the Third Klan. The 1st Klan was the violent anti-African American circa Civil War vigilantes famous in literature and film. The 2nd Klan was born in the Roaring Twenties, eschewed violence and focused on Jews, Catholics, intellectuals and “foreigners” – the Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans who were victimizing white Protestant men. It was a response to the “moral decay” promoted by miscegenation, liberals, intellectuals and immoral foreigners.
Now the Third Klan is a response to the perceived victimization of white men by Jews, intellectuals, Mexicans and Muslims plus the “moral decay” promoted by gays, transgendered, Muslims, Blacks, “diversity” and feminists.
US consumer confidence climbed to 15-year high in December
Meanwhile the leftist “INTELLECTUALS” coin new phrases and make up excuses for why the left continues its descent into madness.
While the left obsesses with social issues….Trump rolls up his sleeves and tries to bring economic prosperity to everyone…..
Meanwhile back at the leftist concentration camps er universities….they are busy trying to create more code words to delegitimize Trump………….
IS it the Russians inspiring the leftist isolationists……Those pesky russians who just wont leave us alone….
Its gotta be the Russians….how else could people without jobs for 8 years dare to vote for Trump who is a billionaire BUSSINESS MAN and promises them JOBS………
Nope its got to be them Russians.
Blow me, loser.
US consumer confidence climbed to 15-year high in December
Thanks Barack! We’ll fight the neanderthals deadset on gutting what’s left of the working classes.
Yet American voters preferred the awful Dem candidate over
King KleagleTrump. There is still hope!And yes, the closeted male homosexuals in the Third Klan are panicking.
And you know how sociologists view losers who rant about closeted queermos, they classify those losers as tailpipe fuckers and grandson ass slammers.
You really should take your picture off the internet, little guy.
Actually Jeffery, all that klan stuff sounds like a bunch of academic mumbo-jumbo. Negative mumbo-jumbo at that. But it would have to be I suppose since it’s directed toward non leftists and academia knows those people are sub-human deplorables!What happened, alt-right isn’t derogatory enough for the Patricians? We plebs can’t be considered human after all, why we’re “on the wrong side of history” donchaknow?
Jeffery, where did you get the Third Klan stuff? What sociologists consider them that? Were these real sociologists or mail order type? And was there a 97% consensus among theses sociologists? Hmmmm?
Or are you screwin’ with us just to poke a stick? I’ll bet that’s it. You’re havin’ fun at our expense. Bravo. And you didn’t even need to get personal or nasty. You are getting better.
“alt-right” is a euphemism invented by the neo-nazi/ white supremacist intelligentsia to “white”wash their rejuvenated movement. They believe that conservative causcasian christians deserve to live apart from all others.
Neo-nazi? What, are there about a dozen of them? I haven’t heard a peep from those types in years. Please don’t tell me you’re trying to conflate white, conservative Christians with neo-nazis or white supremacists. Or do you actually believe because a person is white and a Christian and not a liberal somehow that automatically makes him a neo-nazi/white supremacist?
But if alt-right was invented by Nazis why would you, me or anyone else even use the term? Actually, I don’t use it because it makes no sense to me. I would have figured it was created by liberals because they are the ones obsessed constantly by race. In that respect there is little difference between them and your neo-Nazi types. Neither sees the man, only the color of the man. Seems the supremacists hate anybody but whites and the new mantra of the left is they love everybody but whites. Which I find odd because so many of them are white. Why would they hate and demean their own race?