That’s right, the Washington Post Editorial Board used the occassion of Christmas to push immigration from war torn nations replete with radical Islam
Some lessons from Jesus, for all of us
FOR SOME years now, around Christmastime, there has been a pseudo-controversy going on — promoted if not wholly created by various talky people on radio and TV — about a “war on Christmas,†seen as a concerted effort by the disciples of secularism to eliminate or ignore religious elements of the holiday. Now, with a new administration coming to power, the war apparently has been won — by the righteous. “You can say again, ‘merry Christmas’ because Donald Trump is now the president,†proclaimed Corey Lewandowski, a former aide to President-elect Trump, who has himself voiced similar sentiments.
Yes, they also use their Christmas editorial to go down this route.
And much of the message in the Gospels does have such appeal. Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew, a product of centuries of Jewish thought and debate over the deepest questions of life. He is revered as a prophet by Muslims, and his teachings are respected and honored by millions who do not accept the idea of his divinity in any way. But these teachings are also often honored in the breach. This Christmas might be a good time to give a thought to passages such as these from the Book of Matthew:
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth, . . . . Blessed are the merciful . . . the pure of heart . . . the peacemakers.†Even more timely, perhaps, are these words of Jesus:
The EB then jumps into Matthew 25:35, which includes “ ‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’” Leading to
A few hundred miles north of little Bethlehem was the great ancient trading center of Aleppo, like Bethlehem a part of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus’ birth. Today much of the city is in ruins, thousands of its inhabitants murdered, maimed, dispersed to any place that will take them and to some that will not. Few of these strangers are being welcomed by our own country — fewer than by our far less populous neighbor, Canada, whose people have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to aid and support them. Blessed indeed are they, for understanding that the true meaning of Christmas is more than a jolly greeting.
That’s interesting. So far, Team Obama has barely welcomed any Christians from Syria or the rest of the Middle East. But, this is what the WPEB pimps for their Christmas editorial, bringing in Muslims from war torn areas who aren’t really even checked, and end up being young, fighting aged men. I suggest that any that are brought over be placed in the neighborhoods of the members of the WPEB.

I guess that I have a difficult time seeing the Islamists as meek, merciful, pure of heart or peacemakers.
The democratic Europeans have allowed in hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of Middle Eastern refugees, and if only a few of them have committed terrorist attacks, the obvious question is: what is the tolerable number of terrorists? I’m guessing that most sensible Europeans would answer, “Zero!” but German
FührerChancellor Angela Merkel obviously believes that the tolerable number is higher than than. Fröhliche Weihnachten!No offense intended, Teach, but I’d rather have them as a neighbor, than you.
We have a Bosnian Muslim family 3 houses down. No problems at all, so far. We’ve had discussions about tree trimming and their children and school.
“ ‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ â€
In general, your Jesus seems a lot less hateful than the ones now calling themselves followers of Christ. Why is that?
I am always amused when hateful people who do not believe in the Bible, Christ, or God try to tell others what it means.
The fact of the matter is that Christ never wanted to blow things up or kill people.
The same cannot be true of some immigrants.
The fact of the matter is that Jewish law, under which Christ lived, taught that visitors were required to observe Jewish laws, customs and traditions.
The same cannot be said of some immigrants.
The fact of the matter is that if those who seek and need shelter come into the US peacefully and willing to accept the US laws, we will welcome them with open arms. Those who do not, there is no Biblical or Christian teaching support for the idea that Christians or any country has to create a suicide pact to allow to be destroyed by others.
The fact of the matter is that while the left says “this is what the Bible says,” it is hard to fathom how the killing of children in abortion is accepted by Christ. Yet the murder of the most vulnerable is a tenant of the left.
The left likes to cherry pick but forget this admonition: in Romans 1:
So Jesus and God were incapable of foreseeing that nations might need to be careful with immigration policies? Were immigrants back then never criminal?
Your defense is that Jesus was naive and just couldn’t understand these troubling times as well as Trump does?
Are there other major teachings of Christ, or other sections of the Bible you reject as no longer applicable to modern America?
How do you decide what is applicable and what is not? Gay love is verboten, but ignoring the plight of refugees is OK.
Jesus seemed pretty definitive about charity toward the less privileged. What were his positions on gay sex and abortion?
Jeffery, you are not the person to teach Christianity to Christians.
Now why on earth would a person who comments on Teach’s blog, that he pays for, make such a nasty and hateful statement? Why must you shit in the punch bowl at every party, Jeffery? Can’t you say something nice about your neighbor without denigrating someone else? Or do you have only so many complements to go around so like your concept of a zero sum economy if you give out a complement someone else must get a swift kick in the balls?
Oh, how tender and lovely for you. Then you are saying they won’t murder you, they won’t help someone else murder you, they just think you need to be murdered for Allah.
Therefore, no matter how many quotes from the Koran or hadith I provide, no matter how many Imams I quote in their own words, regardless of the qualifications of the people I cite or my own studies themselves, your Bosnian moslem neighbors are wonderful and you side with them rather than Teach? Even after the principle of Hijrah and “infiltration” principle of jihad was explained you fail to see the danger. And you say you have an open mind?
Frankly, I submit you have such a deep and visceral hatred of Christianity you are unable to see the real enemy. haven’t you noticed they don’t “immigrate” to moslem countries but rather to “Christian” countries? Why do you think that is Jeffery? A deep love of Bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches?
It’s their job to convert or kill non moslems whether you like it or not. Read their books for crying out loud. Read Sharia law. Read the Koran and hadith.
Tolerating Islam in the name of “freedom of religion” is actually the opposite of protecting religious freedom.
There is no such thing as “radical Islam.” There’s just “Islam,” and it is always our enemy. For 1400 years, and counting.
1. Warlord Prophet – There are many unpleasant, violent stories about the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, and most unbelievers are completely unaware of them. Brainwashed by the “Islam is peace†mantra, they naively believe he was a holy prophet like Moses and Jesus; a man of peace dedicated to serving God. In fact, Muhammad was a mass-murdering warlord who waged brutal wars against unbelievers. He also tortured criminals and enslaved women. In Islam, Muhammad is regarded as “the ideal man, the perfect example†and every Muslim reveres him.
So let’s ask: If Islam is a peaceful faith, why does it have such a violent prophet? Also, how can any Muslim who reveres his violent “perfect example†be regarded as moderate? Could I be described as moderate if I revere the examples of socialist mass murderers Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong? Islam the peaceful faith with a violent, murdering prophet makes as much sense as Christianity the violent religion with a peaceful, loving messiah.
2. War Zone – Islam divides the world into two houses: The first is Dar al Islam, the house of Islam, the lands where Islam is dominant. The second is Dar al Harb, the lands of the infidels, the house of war. It is the duty of every Muslim to strive to make Islam dominant in the world by conquering the lands of Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam. This is commanded by Allah in Surah 8 ayat 39 of the koran, a verse so important Muhammad recited it on his death bed. Such a division is clearly not a sign of peace and amounts to a declaration of war on all non-Islamic faiths.
So how do moslems obey Allah’s command? By waging…
3. Holy War – Islamic jihad has several forms involving the struggle of the individual to become more spiritual. But it also involves the fight to conquer Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam until religion beings solely to Allah. Islam calls this fight: “Jihad al kuffar wal munafiqeen,” the fight against the unbelievers and the hypocrites. History shows that Muslims have waged this holy war against unbelievers from all faiths almost non-stop since 622. (yes, Jeffery, non stop.)
This holy war of conquest involves more than terror and violence and includes building a mosque, attending the mosque to give worship, wearing the burka, establishing Islamic customs such as halal food, sharia banking, prayer rooms, washing facilities, observing Ramadan and celebrating Eid.
Any action that enables Islam to flourish and become dominant in Dar al Harb is jihad. Additionally, jihad is obligatory – fardh – on all moslems, you simply can’t be a moslem and not be a jihadist. This leads to a little-known core aspect of jihad you will never, ever see or hear in the mainstream media…
4. God Be Praised – When people in the West think of worship, they believe it involves visiting a church or temple, kneeling to pray, singing hymns and performing rituals such as vigils and Holy Communion. Worship in Islam involves much more. Any act that furthers Islam is considered as giving worship – ibadah – to Allah. All of the actions mentioned previously are considered ibadah.
But here’s the crucial difference: moslems who gang rape infidels, who beat up and steal from unbelievers, who lie to infidels about the nature of Islam also give worship to Allah. Devout moslems waging war in the way of Allah – jihad fisabilillah – who kill unbelievers by beheading them, bombing them, stabbing them, shooting them, mowing them down in cars and trucks are giving worship to Allah. Furthermore, they also believe Allah is acting through them. Meaning it’s actually Allah who is doing the killing, they are merely his willing instruments.
5. It’s The Law – Let’s imagine for the sake of argument that holy war is not a core tenet of Islam. No suicide bombings, no mass murders, no rape and enslavement of infidel women, no lone wolf jihad attacks. Could Islam then be described as peaceful? Unfortunately not, because Islam comes with its own legal system, the sharia.
This legal code is based on how Muhammad practised his faith and it controls all aspects of a moslem’s life. Under sharia, the punishment for apostates and homosexuals and atheists is death. Adulterers face being thrashed within an inch of their lives or even stoned to death. Female rape victims unable to provide four male witnesses to their violation are criminalized and thieves will have their limbs amputated.
As you can see, even without the horrors of Islamic terrorism, it still wouldn’t be possible to describe Islam as peaceful.
Which raises the question: Why are all Western governments importing millions of moslems, enabling Islam to flourish in the West and deceiving their own people about its true nature? In doing so, they’re endangering their own people and it’s innocents like Mia Ayliffe-Chung and Tom Jackson who pay the ultimate price. They’re not the first to be sacrificed to Islam and they most certainly won’t be the last.
So the next time a moslem shoots up a gay nightclub ask your neighbors why he did it. If they are truthful to you which as an infidel I doubt, you may finally believe them.
Already answered.
Please learn to read before making useless comments.
I have re-read my response and see no basis for your ridiculous assertion of what “my defense” is or was. There is no need to answer your fabricated charge.
In that you haven’t identified any that I have said do not apply, I can only surmise that you are either incapable or reading, comprehending or some other defect.
And the proof that I am ignoring the plight of refugees is where?
I would answer this question Jeffery but we both know that you aren’t interested in the answers at all.
It is comical that you, of all people, are trying to teach or show others what Christ’s love is about when you hate all that Christ embodies and the followers of Christ as well.
Teach can always block me from commenting. It is true that as a neighbor we’d rather have a peaceful Syrian Muslim refugee than a hateful conservative. Teach makes it seem as if having a refugee in your neighborhood is a fate worse than death. Do you not read Teach’s mocking, namecalling, hateful posts each day?
What policy do you recommend to deal with the 3 million Muslims living in America? Muslims who, according to you, will either kill us, help others kill us or just wish we would be killed.
What policies do you recommend to deal with these murderous Muslims? You keep neglecting to answer.
I’m not intentionally neglecting any part of your questions, Jeffery, its just you have a habit f peppering a whole bunch of statements and questions in one comment and I get bogged down. Sorry.
That’s a tough question to answer Jeffery. We probably have over 3 million moslems as the government never seems to get their numbers right. *One thing I need to correct though, the fact they will kill us, help kill us or agree we need killing is NOT according to me. That is, I did not invent that. It is actually what their holy books say and Sharia law demands. It is not my invention, my word or even my desires, it is theirs. I, as a Christian, would like nothing more than to coexist with moslems like we do with Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and just about every other major religion on earth. Of course they would need to give up their belief in moslem supremacy and conquest first, then disavow their terrorist founder and we can talk.
I have no idea what to do about the moslems already here. All I know is letting more in is counterintuitive. First we need to stop more from coming in. That can be done. After that I’m open to suggestions. I know FDR set a precedent by rounding up enemies of the state and putting them in detention camps but that won’t fly in America any more because the Nazis and communists ruined the idea by going a step too far and murdering them. Besides, FDR was a democrat and they can generally get away with cruelty without media scrutiny. They would crucify Trump if he tried that. But, being Americans I’m sure we can come up with a way of eliminating any threat we need to if we put our minds to it.
Really? I mean that’s your answer? So basically you’re saying you’re an ass hole, fuck Teach, live with it. You surprise me. I know you’re a bit of a wing-ding but I figured you for a tad more graciousness. Sorry, I was wrong again. Anyway:
First of all you said they were Bosnian, not Syrian. Now I’m not sure they exist anywhere but in your mind. Are they still moslem, or are they really Hindu? And Teach didn’t allude that to have a “refugee in your neighborhood” was anything. But when your Bosnian/Syrian, moslem/Hindu blows you up or murders your family then it’s really a tad too late to decide if Teach is a better neighbor.
Always remember about the three great religions,
Moses and Jesus went to the mountain top to speak with God, Muhammed went to a bat cave to receive his message from Allah.
I love it when people pretend to be amateur theologians……not. Jesus also said that if you love me obey my commands. He also said that if you would follow him you must take up your cross and follow him. he also said that not one jot or tittle of the law and prophets would pass away until everything is fulfilled. In essence, you can’t pick and choose like a buffet. If you sign on for the good stuff, you have to sign on for the hard stuff. That means not giving stuff like unsanctified mercy, which today we call enablement. The kindness actually lays the groundwork for making their whole life better, not just a temporary fix for the knee jerk need at the beginning. Funny thing about liberals, they want to do the easy parts at the beginning, but then they want to forget about it when it gets hard.
Sorry to confuse you. I was not referring to my Bosnian neighbors, I was talking about Teach’s vile opposition to Syrian refugees and suggesting they should move into the WaPo EB neighborhoods.
My point was that I would prefer them to Teach as a neighbor.
Thank you for your honesty regarding the 3 million here.
Should the US accept any Syrian refugees?
Doubtful. You’d barely know I was there. I’m actually pretty darned quiet.
And it’s not because I’m planning a jihad massacre.
J can’t seem to rid himself of his drama queen ways- Teach’s “vile” opposition to Syrian refugees. It’s not vile, it’s just opposition.
Yes, the oppressed and often murdered Christian Syrians who really are refugees in the true sense. And being Christian they actually can and want to assimilate to our culture, not change it. They want to escape religious persecution and they can’t escape to another moslem country. Which also begs the question as to why moslems need to come to Europe or America. What’s wrong with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Morocco? Why don’t moslem countries accept moslem refugees?
Displaced Syrians:
Turkey……… 2.7 million
Jordan……… 1.3 million
Lebanon……….1.5 million
Iraq………….1.1 million
Saudi Arabia…. 420,000
Germany……… 600,000
USA…………. 16,218
Muslim nations have taken in many of the refugees.
Regarding Christian refugees:
16,218 too many.
Just where are these 16,218 refugees, most of whom speak little or no English, and few of whom have no skills, other than manual labor, which translate to the American economy, going to find jobs? We have admitted 16,218 welfare recipients!
In that case why is America taking any moslem refugees? We don’t need them and they don’t like us.
St. Louis has some 70,000 Bosnian Muslim refugees who have moved into south St. Louis revitalizing a run down section of the city with restaurants, shops and other small businesses.
The US had an influx of millions of hard-headed Germans in the mid 1800s and millions more of dimwitted Italians immigrated just prior to WWI.
When did your family immigrate to the US?