…is a world turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on Nancy Pelosi and the Big Lie.
I forgot to mention yesterday that it is Latina Week on IAYS, which is probably a microaggression or something.

Seems John Lewis is not only a racist piece of shit but also a liar, but I repeat myself…
Air Force facing dire personnel shortage
Air Force chief: Service short 30,000 airmen
Earlier this year, top Air Force officials sounded the alarm about their thinning ranks — saying they were 700 pilots and 4,000 mechanics short.
Now they warn the problem is far worse.
Under the latest estimates, the Air Force says it needs 30,000 airmen in the next five or six years. Today, the Air Force has 317,000 airmen.
If the Democrats are so afraid of the Russian Boogey man…..the one their own INTELL people say is so dangerous to the world….they would fix the military….
The Marines cant fly, their forces are grounded and now the Airforce is grounding their fleets as well along with a navy that is smaller then it was in 1900.