What, exactly, does this mean?
(Washington Post) President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace President Obama’s signature health-care law with the goal of “insurance for everybody,†while also vowing to force drug companies to negotiate directly with the government on prices in Medicare and Medicaid.
Trump declined to reveal specifics in the telephone interview late Saturday with The Washington Post, but any proposals from the incoming president would almost certainly dominate the Republican effort to overhaul federal health policy as he prepares to work with his party’s congressional majorities. (snip)
Trump said his plan for replacing most aspects of Obama’s health-care law is all but finished. Although he was coy about its details — “lower numbers, much lower deductibles†— he said he is ready to unveil it alongside Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,†Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.†People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.†(snip)
“It’s not going to be their plan,†he said of people covered under the current law. “It’ll be another plan. But they’ll be beautifully covered. I don’t want single-payer. What I do want is to be able to take care of people,†he said Saturday.
So, what kind of plan is it? As Caleb Howe notes, Trump said something similar back in September of 2015 in an interview with Scott Pelley, stating that the government is going to pay for it. So, what, exactly, is Trump pushing? He’s said before that he admires single payer. Will this be a government heavy legislative offering? He further talks about using the power of government to negotiate all sorts of things for health care, including medications, along with using the power of the federal government to bully companies.
I guess time will tell, and we’ll see if what many of the NeverTrumpers and those of us fence sitters were saying, namely that Trump is a big government, and perhaps a Big Government, type of guy.
Oh, and the Washington Post also notes
The objectives of broadening access to insurance and lowering health-care costs have always been in conflict, and it remains unclear how the plan that the incoming administration is designing — or ones that will emerge on Capitol Hill — would address that tension.
So, the very foundation of Obamacare was a bunch of mule fritters? That they could expand access and lower costs? Huh.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Just out from the CBO, based on repealing the PPACA without replacing it with universal healthcare:
The GOP has their work cut out for them. Since Repub’s claim that so many Dem voters are actually dead people, why are they so intent on killing more Americans?
Tens of thousands of Americans die prematurely each year from lack of accessible healthcare. Why increase that number?
Sadly, the only hope for the GOP is that trump, of all “people”, will save them from themselves. Sad.
Thanks Obamacare!
Remember that one?

Actually, the ACA has led to reduced spending on healthcare, and reduced the deficit.
Of course, troompatistas consider that to be Fake News. No one is to be trusted but Dear Leader. Sad.
That’s the thing about liberals, they just make up shit even when they’re proven wrong.
(eg., little lying guy)
Again Jeffery, you are saying PPACA (since Obama no longer wants credit for this mess) and then saying “universal healthcare”. PPACA is NOT health care, it is health insurance.
How do they arrive at these ridiculous numbers and why would you believe them? Why do they seem to have this deep craving to force everybody to carry health insurance when they know millions can’t afford it? Before Obamacare the poor were serviced. They still are. The only thing that changed is they forced a whole bunch of middle class working people to fork over tax money to pay for other people’s health insurance which they can’t use because the deductibles and copays are too high.
Why can’t you get it through your head “universal health insurance” cannot work for 330 million people of different races spread across an entire 3500 mile wide continent.
We report, you deny.
If you agree that every American has a right to affordable health insurance regardless of pre-existing conditions than you need to accept that we need a workable plan that will involve insurance for all and subsidies for many. Before there was the ACA we had over 20 million more uninsured than now.
We understand that NewCons object to any sort of common welfare except when it’s to their benefit. Did you know the rate of premiums increase is no steeper now than before the ACA? Did you know the rate of increase in out of pocket costs is no steeper now?
If the GOP wants to scrap the ACA and start over WHILE keeping health insurance available for the already sick, they better be prepared to invest at least $1 trillion a year in subsidies.
The easiest answer is that we require every American to participate, just as we do now for Medicare once you reach the golden age. Just like in other advanced nations, the US would be a giant insurance company, except in our case with a kick-ass military! In addition we’d need to streamline service and have policies to keep costs as low as reasonably possible, as other nations do now. And most of these other nations have outcomes as good as the US and for about half the cost per person.
Is this what trump had in mind the other day?