Is this the end of Los Federales sponsored climate change religion?
(Fox News) While new President Donald Trump was laying out a short version of his agenda in an inaugural speech, his communications team was busy rewriting the White House website with a slew of new objectives including scrapping environmental regulations it claims kill jobs.
Among the commitments was immediate elimination of the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule, two administrative regulations Trump’s predecessor, President Obama, considered environmental safeguards. Team Trump deemed them “harmful and unnecessary policies†that hurt the economy and said so on the official website.
Obviously, this sent members of the Cult of Climastrology into level 10 apoplexy, with none of them pledging to give up their own use of fossil fuels.
It gets even more fun (hat tip drowingpuppies)
(Climate Depot)  A climate of change! Perhaps the most stark contrast between the Obama administration and the Trump administration is on “global warmingâ€. The climate differences were visible today as the White House website was scrubbed of all references to “climate change†at exactly noon today just as President Donald Trump was sworn in.
Climate Depot statement: “Climate skeptics are thrilled that one of the very first visible changes of the transition of power between President Obama and President Trump is the booting of “climate change†from the White House website. Trump is truly going to make science great again and reject the notion that humans are the control knob of the climate and UN treaties and EPA regulations can somehow regulate temperature and storminess. Welcome to the era of sound science!â€
Anthony Watts has a fun screenshot of what used to be at Which is now essentially a “not found”. It’s not so much deleted as just moved to the Obama White House archives. Still, as Anthony writes, this is making heads explode.

Fox news reported this and then said that it was the Obama team that removed all of this…..Not Trump.
Do you think Trump’s up for a Nobel Prize next month?
Do you think Trump’s up for a Nobel Prize next month?
Sure and Hollywood will give him an Oscar during the next event.
I think why the left hates Trump and hated Bush was because they were like common folks…Bush was not fluid….often made grammar mistakes and seemed like he had a high school education when he spoke….Trump has doubled down on Bush….hes even worse grammatically and seem as if hes nothing but the typical alpha male.
Everything the left elitists hate about a man…Bush and Trump epitomize…..Alpha males who are grammatically challenged…..’
In their minds makes them stupid…….and they hate stupid…..
The left hates trumpski and disliked President Bush for largely the same simple reason: they both advocate policies anathema to liberals. In addition, trump is a human douchebag. President Bush misled America into a disastrous and unnecessary war in Iraq.
We like to think the right hated President Obama because they hated progressive policies; that the racist taunts were really just a way to further delegitimize his progressive Presidency.
President Bush and trumpski are both “alpha-acting males” who would have been nothing without their daddies money and connections. They’ve both lived the easy lives of boys from wealthy families. Any Black teenage boy could kick the crap out of either of these “alpha males” whose big “ball sacs” you admire. Common folk conservatives are authoritarian followers at heart and need authoritarian elites to lead them, protect them and to smite their enemies. That’s why they’re susceptible to tough-talking demagogues.
You are right about one thing – liberals DO prefer smart folks. Conservatives should too.
Any Black teenage boy could kick the crap out of either of these “alpha males†whose big “ball sacs†you admire.
This shows you have no clue….you think an Alpha male is someone that can beat you up….which tells me you have led a clueless life.
Here are our top 10 alpha male traits – these alpha male characteristics are common to all natural leaders, and naturally confident men. If you want to follow in their footsteps then see which of these traits you lack and adjust your behaviour accordingly; The Alpha Male:
Never Qualifies Himself: The alpha male makes no apologies, he doesn’t explain his behavior. he is completely comfortable in his own skin so he doesn’t need to. They don’t boast about their success or try and prove anything – again they don’t need to; they assume you will like them simply because other people do, but they don’t care if you don’t – they won’t chase after you for your validation, they don’t care.
Talks Slow: Notice when you talk to someone you look up to you will talk faster – Talking fast is a way to qualify yourself to someone – essentially you are scared they will stop listening or find some more interesting stimulous, so you get your point out quick so they will listen – it actually has the opposite effect, and it shows your lower status.
Doesn’t Look Around: He is the party and the focus of attention – he is unconcerned with what other people are doing.
Is The Focus of Attention: He is centrally positioned in the group, everyones body language faces him and is positive towards him – you can tell the alpha male of the group just by looking at them. Expect to be the focus and position yourself to be so, step up within your group and you will start to take on this dominant role.
Take The Glory: When you tell a funny joke they take it one further and steal the laugh, when you do something cool they congratualte you for it and give you their approval. When you have an idea they acknowledge it and add to it – giving their approval and tweaking the idea it becomes their own, and they get the credit for it.
Are Never Impressed: They can be self centered and unimpressed with the achievements of others. They are high achievers themselves and strive for success so they have seen it all before – it takes a lot, or a really high value to impress them – they have high standards on every level.
Enjoy a Challenge: They enjoy making friends with beta males, but with another alpha guy they often become “enemiesâ€. The alpha male needs to be the alpha at all times and will compete with another male for the dominant position – if he is really the alpha male he will enjoy this opportunity.
Don’t Answer Questions: They often give a non-sensical or a basic response to questions you ask them where you are trying for conversation, trying to find common ground, or trying for report – by asking you to “guess†they are controling the frame and leading the interaction and keeping their alpha male status.
Don’t Care About You: they are self focused, you are there to entertain them, but they are above you – he believes world evolves around him and everyone is there to help him, entertain him or sleep with him – as he chooses.
Can Show A Nicer Side and Get Away With It: This goes back to not caring what people think. he can be nice / genuine / down to earth if he wants to and on the occasions that he is he gets even more credit for it – he isn’t a geek trying to be nice for validation, he is a cool guy who has a down to earth side sometimes.
Is Comfortable In His Own Skin: Ultimately he is comfortable within his own skin, this is one of the the main alpha male characteristics, and if you can be comfortable in your own skin then everything else will follow. He doesn’t care what people think, he is assertive enough to give his own opinion, and he is happy and confident in any situation.
This article on alpha male traits was brought to you by Real Subliminal – try our Become the Alpha Male album today – this is not a miracle cure, but it will gradually rewire your mind to take on the characteristics of the alpha male, you will start to believe in the messages more and more and eventually you too will be a dominant alpha male.
Jeffrey wrote:
So, you’re saying that a black teenager could beat up a 70-year-old man? Well, quite possibly, though it might depend on circumstances; if Mr Trump could get his very large hands on a skinny teenager, it might be different, because he’s a big man.
Oh, so now you’re saying it’s brains, not brawn that matters. Trouble for you is that your oh-so-intelligent former President promulgated policies that didn’t work. As smart as you believe Barack Hussein Obama to be, the policies he came up with presided over the weakest post-recession expansion in history. His policies failed in the Middle East, leading to the creation of Da’ish, the loss of half of Iraq, the continuing carnage in Syria, Russian annexation of the Crimea and takeover of half of Ukraine. At home, his brilliant leadership took the Democratic Party from total control of the federal government, including a filibuster-proof Senate majority, to the loss of 1,030 total elective seats held by the Democrats at the beginning of his presidency, resulting in Republican control over both Houses of Congress, the White House, the majority of gubernatorial seats and state legislative chambers. It wasn’t just the South and Midwest: the GOP has an even split in the state Senate in Connecticut, of all places. Thanks to the Lieutenant Governor, Democrats will have the majority still, but the Democrats now have six state ‘trifectas,’ states in which they control both houses of the state legislature and the governor’s mansion, while the Republicans have 25.
Being smart doesn’t always mean that you are right, and it appears that the highly intelligent Mr Obama has been spectacularly wrong.
Tiny hands, fat butt trump would lose. He’s not physically tough, he’s a blowhard bully.
History will tell how President Obama did. Our last Dumb guy prez Bush, oversaw the greatest economic reversal since the Great Depression, invaded the wrong country killing and maiming thousands of young Americans and spending trillions of dollars.
We’ll see how the latest dumb bully recently installed as president does. We doubt it will be pretty.
One thing we do agree on is that rural whites, who have become economically uncompetitive over the past decades need help and support. We don’t know if it’s inherent (genetic) or cultural, but clearly the carnage of rural white culture is evident from the methamphetamine, heroin, oxycontin and suicide epidemics. Their disdain for higher education has come home to roost making them this new global economy.
Jeffrey wrote:
Are you kidding? Watch Donald Trump smack down Vince McMahon in the WWE!
Here’s the embed code, should our esteemed host decide to use it:
alpha male bullshit. LOL.
Did you mean to copy and paste the last paragraph too?? Mistake.
Do you think the young trump put this album on at bedtime and Subliminally became an alpha over the years, LOL? Maybe he an Vlad the Impaler Pootin shared the album. OMG, did you buy it too? Please, tell me you bought this in the 70s and have been listening for years. Please, make my day.
No wonder you were seduced by trumpski. News flash: it’s an act put on by an insecure man. It’s fake. A fake strut and a fake scowl from a “man” who surrounds himself with all the trappings of power that money can by. He’s a daddy’s boy and a game show host. And now he’s president. Thanks.
At least Liam didn’t lie about serving in the Army like you did, little loser guy.
We all seem to agree that trump is a douchebag of a “man” that abuses women, cheats vendors, lies incessantly, bilks “students”, doesn’t pay taxes, bankrupts businesses, violates the Constitution and bullies the weak. What a guy.
But you support his tough guy act and his policies. He’s the perfect NewCon superman.
Maybe if you stomp your feet and roll around on the ground if might help, little loser.
BTW, where aren’t you marching with all the rest of the little losing pussies in D.C., little guy?
Oh, sorry, you probably got tired of marching when you served in the Army.
OMG – 404 errors – Breaking News!!!
It happens whenever you ARCHIVE one website (Onama’s) and install a new one (Trump’s) using the same domain.
Dems understanding of technology goes a long way to explain their getting hacked (possibly by a Russian 14 year old)
Did you mean to copy and paste the last paragraph too?? Mistake.
Nope I put that in there on purpose so that it would be readily apparent that this was not my concept but rather the concept of a professional company who deals with subliminal concepts.