Did you know that today is Penguin Awareness Day? Of course, this is all linked to ‘climate change.’
There’s lots more to that cartoon, good form and proper blogging etiquette keeps me from publishing it all. Hit the UK Guardian for the rest.
Of course, being the 20th of January, Gizmodo is horrified over what Trump has said about ‘climate change.’ A guy who made himself very rich by pushing anthopogenic climate change, Al Gore, has a message for Trump, namely that one person, meaning Trump, can’t stop the Cult Of Climastrology.
And, essentially being Day 1, what will we get?
Donald Trump’s presidency begins today, giving him the ability to act on numerous pledges he has made related to global warming. They include “canceling†American involvement in the Paris climate accord, reviving the coal industry and rolling back federal environmental regulations. If Trump follows through, scientists say it could have a profound long-term effect on the planet.
(LIberal) Scientific American is Very Concerned that the above might happen, because that would mean Doom. The question that begins today is “will Trump do the above?”

Absolutely do NOT listen to scientists on scientific matters. Instead listen to people whose salaries come from selling fossil fuels.
The Earth continues to warm from fossil fuel generated CO2. The Earth is not warming from trump’s Chinese hoax, from a warming Sun, from magic cosmic rays or from undiscovered undersea volcanoes.
Still can’t cite a source for that, can ya little guy?
I have absolutely no problem with Germany and France and Italy and China and Japan and the United Kingdom, and every other country in the world, deciding to keep their promises in the Paris climate agreement. If they want to impoverish their citizens, it’s not my problem.
I do have a problem with the government taking money away from Americans.
Are you OK with this? One of trump’s first moves (likely to reward cronies):
More to follow, we’re sure. The Republicans never miss a chance to redistribute monies from the working classes to the already wealthy.
That fee never took effect….Under obama they were charging the current rate for 8 years….he threw that in there at the last minute forcing Trump to cut it and then letting nitwits like you proclaim trump hates the working class by raising mortgage insurance……..
Such political witchery by Obama….he did this on several things before leaving office……
Just keep em coming Jeffery…….Did you hear his speech? he sounded like Bernie Sanders not Ted Cruz…..the left will be very comfortable with Trump after they see him in action.
Emphasis mine.
The FHA already allows qualified homebuyers to take out a mortgage with as little as 3.5% down, unlike the 20% down normally required for a conventional loan. The mortgage insurance requirement protects the taxpayers from the costs of default, and I see nothing wrong with making sure that the taxpayers are fully protected.
This is a protection for the taxpayers, not the “already wealthy,” and it goes to the FHA. The insurance program allows banks and other lenders to take a chance on writing a mortgage to lower-income Americans. It might have helped if you had done something really radical liked looked up the facts before writing about them.
Note: I have bought two homes with mortgages in my life, both times being conventional loans, with 20% down. We bought our retirement home with cash.
I read the text of the speech. Sounded pretty grim and glum, describing America as a hellhole. It was his campaign stump speech, filled with lies and exaggerations, but without his routine direct attacks on Blacks, LGBTQs, Muslims and Mexicans.
So you are OK with the government gouging an extra $500 out of Americans. Got it. As long as it is your tribe doing the gouging, you’re OK.
Little lying guy’s flailing away and gets knocked down everytime.

You lost, little guy, it’s over.
Jeffrey wrote:
It takes a leftist to see a program which helps lower-income Americans buy homes by reducing the down payment required from 20% to 3.5% as somehow “gouging” people by requiring adequate insurance on the mortgages.
The part you probably don’t understand. Before the crash, the home itself was a both necessary and sufficient collateral for the loan. Since the banks/mortgage companies wound up with so many houses they had trouble selling, the home is now a necessary but not sufficient collateral for the loan. Mortgage insurance is a necessity.
For someone as wealthy as you claim to be, you sure don’t know much about money and finance.
I read the text of the speech. Sounded pretty grim and glum, describing America as a hellhole.
LIke I said he sounded more like Bernie Sanders then Ted Cruz.
For someone as wealthy as you claim to be, you sure don’t know much about money and finance.
Hes just trolling….anyone notice John disappeared the day the election was over…..I guess his paid job was over after HRC lost….
Jeffery on the other hand is just a bored, lonely troll with nothing better to do then troll conservatives for their beliefs……inciting anger and then patting himself on the back…..
Guys like Jeffery are those guys that go into a bar….get everyone riled up and a fight breaks out and he leaves and goes to another bar while the other bar is destroying itself…..Its what trolls do on the internet…..
Jeffery is a troll:
In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroÊŠl/, /ˈtrÉ’l/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion,[3] often for the troll’s amusement.
Nah, he’s a little dick and not very intelligent to boot
Has Trump made any announcements about the camps for the leftists yet?
Your mom didn’t think so. She said it was a lot bigger than yours.
Then you did not read the same speech Trump gave.
I happened to listen to the speech and your description is way off.
So you are OK with the government gouging an extra $500 out of Americans. Got it. As long as it is your tribe doing the gouging, you’re OK.
So you’re okay with taxpayers being on the hook for failed mortgages rather than the person taking out the mortgage?
You really hate the lower and middle class by taking more money out of their pockets to pay for other people’s things.
Just to be clear, the Democrats had cared so much about this “gouging” of which Jeffery speaks by never implementing the planned reduction in mortgage fees while Obama was in office.
The plan was announced by the FHA on January 9th of this year and scheduled to go into effect on January 27, 2017.
If one assumes that Jeffery is correct and the insurance fees were “gouging,” than one has to place the blame on the Obama Administration for allowing the practice to happen for 8 years.
I am not holding my breath for anyone on the left blaming Obama for anything.
Once again you excuse trump’s actions by referring to President Obama. Why do you always do that?