The Editorial Board of the Washington Post, each of whom are far removed from the problems caused by illegal immigration and loosely vetted “Syrian” refugees, living in posh homes well away from those issues, is a bit upset. What they truly mean is that Trump’s immigration is against Democratic Party values
Trump’s politicized immigration acts are at odds with American values
IN A brief appearance Wednesday at the Department of Homeland Security, President Trump went out of his way to paint illegal immigrants as dangerous predators, making no distinction between the relative few who have committed serious crimes and the vast majority of an estimated 11 million who have led peaceful and productive lives in this country, in most cases for more than 15 years. Intoning the names of family members whose loved ones were killed by undocumented immigrants, he asserted their plight had been ignored, and ordered that an office be established at DHS to help the victims of such crimes, thereby adding social services to the department’s core security mission.
First, how do we know which ones will commit crimes and which won’t? There are more than enough stories about Dreamers being part of criminal activity. It matters little whether they have committed serious crimes: they are unlawfully present in this country, many of whom intentionally overstayed their visas.
It is fantastic how, suddenly, intoning the names of family members is seemingly a Bad Thing for the WPEB. They usually love having human shields.
Mr. Trump also made clear he is willing to throw billions of dollars at a problem that has mostly been fixed, paying for ostensible solutions that won’t do much good: construction of a wall and the hiring of 5,000 new Border Patrol officers, as well as many additional Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.
In fact, the nation’s southern border is already well staffed with Border Patrol agents, whose numbers have more than doubled, under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, since the Sept. 11 attacks. The number of illegal crossings is near a 40-year low. If the goal is really to make the border even more secure, better technology would be the way to go. If Congress goes along, a lot of money will be wasted, given cost estimates for the wall alone well in excess of $10 billion — but it won’t be the first time the U.S. government has managed to misspend vast sums.
Wait, I thought Democrats loved spending public money and increasing the size of government? And misspending it? It don’t remember all this caterwauling about Obama’s trillion dollar stimulus.
I will agree that there are better methods available, as the editorial says. There are certain areas that would be great for a wall, which could stop or slow down border jumpers, giving the BP time to show up. And, it’s really necessary to give illegals reasons to not come and not overstay their visas, like slamming companies with massive criminal and civil penalties, disallowing them housing, driving privileges, and other benefits. If they’re here on a visa, make companies and education centers responsible for tracking, and firing/kicking out when it expires, along with contacting ICE.
Far more damaging, to American principles and the nation’s standing in the world, would be actions outlined in a draft executive order, apparently awaiting Mr. Trump’s signature, that would drastically curtail the United States’ commitment to accept refugees from Muslim-majority countries in the Mideast, especially Syria, most of whom are fleeing terrorism. Such refugees should be subject to extensive background checks and other vetting before being granted U.S. visas — as they already are. But a blanket ban would compromise this nation’s long-standing position as a sanctuary for desperate and innocent people. As a backdoor way for Mr. Trump to partially make good on his proposed Muslim ban, it also would be an affront to this country’s status as an example of religious tolerance.
Interestingly, the vast majority of refugees brought in have been Muslim, not Christians who are being persecuted (and killed) in Muslim areas. I don’t remember the WPEB making a big deal out of Obama working hard to deport an asylum seeking German family, who were Christians and homeschooled their kids.
We’ve seen how well allowing all these refugees is working in Germany, Sweden, France, Greece, Italy, and the other EU nations, what with the rapes, sexual assaults, demeaning of women, crime, and so forth. People kicked out of their homes to accommodate the rapeugees, while women are told to not dress sexy and do not go out at night in their own neighborhoods.
As far as it goes, polls are back and forth. Some are supportive of a temporary ban, others are against. An August, 2016 poll has only 36% supporting the importation of the refugees. A Washington Post poll from June 2016 has 59% in favor, but, even the WP had to acknowledge that the phrasing of the question probably elicited higher approval than normal. Most polls run against the refugees.
Regardless, Trump won. We were told this time and again about Obama as he jammed his uber-leftist agenda. We’re more than happy to accept people who want to come to the US and be part of our great melting pot. From what we’re seeing, especially throughout Europe, is that these refugees want the Europeans to adapt to their beliefs and mores. And Europeans are starting to revolt.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Have you noticed how the liberals are suddenly worried about excessive spending?? A little late. Also, I really don’t like the media telling me what my “values” are. We don’t need illegal immigrants and certainly we don’t need Muslims.
Yes, the left is worried about a repub doing what they’ve been doing for years.
Too damn bad.
As for the subject, the Washington Posts values are the values that are not American.
Moslem values.
More moslem values.
I can do this all day but just read the Koran. Moslems are the very antithesis of what America is.
I assume this little girl won’t mind having her clitoris and labia minora savagely removed with pinking shears, as allah commands.
All day
Remember, these are THEIR OWN WORDS, NOT MINE!
And there IS a law to keep them out. Used by a DEMOCRAT!
Are all trump relatives registered to vote in multiple states? LOL.
I have been wondering, can someone articulate the difference between Is!am and the KKK.
The reason I am asking is the obsession the liberals have with the KKK but they have no issue with Islam.
Now jeff is going to say something stupid about me being a racist. Just as he said somethig really stupid about the Trumps registration.
Sure dave. The KKK is a violent, oppressive offshoot of American conservative Christianity. Islam is an Abrahamic religion that has its own conservative,violent, oppressive offshoot(s), i.e., ISIL, al qaeda.
The KKK is to ISIL as Christianity is to Islam. It’s safe to say that all KKK and ISIL members are evil. It’s unfair and wrong to claim all Christians and Muslims are evil.
All religions based largely on myths and the supernatural believe their religion is superior to all others.
Happy to help!
Maybe little guy could tell us what religion BLM belongs to…
I’m sorry Jeffry but this is a lie and you know it:
The KKK as nothing to do with Christianity, conservative or mainstream, Protestant or Catholic, Fundamentalist or Evangelical. The KKK was originally started by Southern Democrats to establish white supremacy over the freed slaves. Period. Has nothing to do with anybody’s religion. You know that so you deliberately lied. That is why we will never get along. You know the truth but refuse to acknowledge it. I really expected more of you by this time Jeffery.
Your next deliberate lie was:
You know that too is untrue. I’ve given you quotes from the Koran, the hadith and several imams yet you refuse to recognize THEIR OWN WORDS. Islam means “submit” not “I love you”. The entire political movement which is what Islam is uses a barbaric 7th century heathen religion as a basis for it’s law. That “law” is called Sharia and it is what was called for in the name of allah by mohammed. Therefore, saying Islam “has its own conservative,violent, oppressive offshoot(s), i.e., ISIL, al Qaeda” is a lie. The entire religion is dedicated to converting or KILLING anyone who won’t convert. You and I have both known very nice moslems Jeffery but make no mistake when the islam murderers cut off your atheist head and my Christian head those “nice” moslems will wash the killers feet and serve them dinner. Or they will be next.
No Jeffery, no Christian sect supports the KKK while ALL moslem sects support jihadists. Therefore, the KKK is to the Democrat Party as ISIS is to islam.
You don’t know what is in anyone’s soul Jeffery. You neither know nor understand Theology and you seem to want to remain ignorant of the subject. That’s fine and it’s your choice but pleas don’t start telling those of us who have studied it for 60 years what it means because you don’t know.
“You do not ‘have’ a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.†– C. S. Lewis
Sorry, Hoagie, but I told you back when you first started commenting here that the little guy was a liar and a deceiver not to be taken seriously.
Glad to see you’ve realized what he really is.
Well drowningpuppies, I read what you said and I saw what you meant but I wanted to give Jeffery a fair shake on my own. For a while there we were doing fine then this silliness. Everybody in America who has had a lesson in history knows the KKK was a product of the deep South and the Democrat party. They were the slavers, they were pro lynching, they were Jim Crow, they were separate but equal, they were poll taxes, marriage licenses to stop interracial marriage and gun permits to stop “the negro” from owning firearms. None of that has ANYTHING to do with Christianity (in fact all of those would be allowed under Sharia but I digress). All of that had to do with politics, the Civil War, slavery but not religion. And if people who owned slaves were Christians it is also true the people who fought and DIED to end slavery in America were also Christians, mostly white and mostly Republican! It also would help to understand Christians did not invent the institution of slavery but we sure as hell did end it in the civilized world. And BTW, slavery is still practiced by those wonderful moslems and legal in those wonderful Islamic theocracies.
Here’s a moslem sex slave in the bidding block:
It’s not up for a debate, it’s an historical fact.
It’s also a fact I’ve spent decades studying Islam so if he wants to challenge me he’ll need to read the Koran, the hadith and the writings of imams and chalifa. Then he may be equal to the task.
Here is a “moderate” moslem for you Jeffery in case you forgot this incident. It occurred before the Obama “blackout” on moslem atrocities in the US.