It’s the long awaited return of the Official Surrender Monkey Of The Democratic Party, and he and his friends will be highlighting all things surrender and nutty in the Democratic Party. Times were much different when he and his compatriots roamed the Internet, as it would be considered raaaaacist to use them while Mr. Obama was in charge. And, what does he come back to?
Well, during the Era of Obama, we were told time and time again how Utterly Important the rising stock market was, in order to deflect from the poor economic conditions throughout the nation. People dropping out of the work force, declining wages, low savings, rising prices, and so forth. The stock market was meant to say “All Is Well!”
Now that Trump is president? Well, the official propoganda organization of the Democratic Party, namely 90% of the Media Industrial Complex, has come to a decision
For most Americans, Dow 20,000 carries little benefit
While Wall Street celebrates yet another stock market record — surpassing 20,000 on the Dow Jones industrial average — many Americans have little reason to cheer.
Despite the spread of 401(k) retirement plans, the wealthiest 10 percent of households own roughly 80 percent of stock market wealth. The Dow’s 23 percent surge over the past year has benefited mostly investors who were already well-off.
The rising concentration of wealth at the top is one reason why the economy’s significant gains since the Great Recession ended 7½ years ago haven’t been felt by many Americans. Though the Dow more than doubled in President Barack Obama’s two terms, pay growth was stagnant, especially for people without higher education or high-tech skills. Discontent and anxiety about the economy’s direction helped fuel President Donald Trump’s election victory.
Now they tell us that things weren’t that great and the stock market was not that big a deal? Really?
Now, a major challenge for Trump is to help extend the economy’s gains beyond wealthier households and those in thriving large metro areas to struggling regions and many rural areas.
You can tell that the media Narrative is shifting in order to Blame the wishy washy economic conditions on Trump. There will be no “inherited from the previous administration” notion. The idea here is exactly the opposite of Obama’s time: what they made look great during his time will be made to look bad in Trump’s. When the first jobs report comes out, if there is slightly good news, Obama will be praised. If there is slightly bad news, it will be blamed on Trump. Heck, if there is any good news the Media Industrial Complex will find a way to complain about Trump.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is having its own little surrender meltdown
Democrats launch scorched-earth strategy against Trump
What began as a high-minded discussion about how to position the Democratic Party against President Donald Trump appears to be nearing its conclusion. The bulk of the party has settled on a scorched-earth, not-now-not-ever model of opposition.
In legislative proposals, campaign promises, donor pitches and even in some Senate hearings, Democrats have opted for a hard-line, give-no-quarter posture, a reflection of a seething party base that will have it no other way.
What they do not get is that Trump is not Bush, who they tried this on and succeeded. Trump will not lay down and let them run roughshod. He will fight back. He has zero problem naming names. The tactics he used during the primaries and general election cycle will apply now.
They’re in for a long, four, and possibly eight, years.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

To trumpcons, suddenly Executive Orders don’t matter, local control doesn’t matter, debt doesn’t matter, spending doesn’t matter, voter registration in multiple states doesn’t matter…
Nah, little guys like you who lie don’t matter.
Of course they matter Jeffery. Using Executive Orders to roll back other Executive Orders that authorized actions that should have gone through Congress is not a problem to those who believe the Constitution and separation of powers matters. You don’t believe that. Liberals hate the Constitution.
I presume that you are talking about the end of sanctuary cities.
No one except for liberals think that “local control” should mean putting people in harm’s way by ignoring the law.
The Supreme Court has ruled that immigration and enforcement of immigration laws is the purview of the Federal government. Conservatives were against the Federal government not enforcing the laws on immigration and supported states doing what the Feds refused to do. You and people of your ilk openly supported the Federal government under Obama not enforcing the law of the land. Now you want to say that this administration is wrong for enforcing the law and doing what the Court says they can.
Of course debt matters. That’s why a robust economy is important. Liberal policies are against such an economy.
Uh huh. Keep going down that rabbit hole.
It does matter and the fact that people who act illegally in this area are the same to you as those who have acted legally shows that you have a real problem with the issue itself.
There are documented cases where people have voted in two states. That is because the voter rolls are at best in disarray. Tell me Jeffery, do you believe that a person who is not a citizen should be able to vote? If that is the case, then why in states like California, Illinois, Maryland, etc, are non-citizens not only given driver’s licenses, but registered to vote? Does that not cause you to pause a bit?
Never mind. I know that answer.
You Might Be A Democrat…..
If you’re more offended that Donald Trump once said the word ‘pussy’ than BIll Clinton getting blow jobs in the Oval Office by a 21-year old intern… You Might Be A Democrat
If you can listen to Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Lady Gaga complain about how Trump degrades women and not burst out laughing… You Might Be A Democrat
If you think a person’s gender is fluid but sexual preference is permanently fixed… You Might Be A Democrat
If you believe shouting down conservative speakers is ‘free speech’… You Might Be A Democrat
If you believe throwing rocks at police officers and breaking windows is ‘free speech’… You Might Be A Democrat
if you want to ban tobacco and legalize marijuana… You Might Be A Democrat
if you think requiring ID is racist, but thinking blacks are too stupid and incompetent to attain any ID is not. … You Might Be A Democrat
…if you think every man is a rapist, but if he puts on a dress your daughter is perfectly safe with him in a locker room… You Might Be A Democrat
If you think free healthcare is free… You Might Be A Democrat
If you believe Islam is a religion of peace, but Christians are intolerant hatey haters… You Might Be A Democrat
If you think a college graduate with a BA degree and a major in Women’s Studies should receive a starting salary of $100,000 a year… You Might Be A Democrat
If you believe your actual violence is protected free speech but my protected free speech is actual violence. … You Might Be A Democrat
If you think “piss Christ†is an important artistic achievement, but “piss Mohamed†is a hate crime, … You Might Be A Democrat
If you think kids can decide what gender they’ll be, but won’t let them decide what do eat for lunch… You Might Be A Democrat
They added more AndyG55:
If you think THIS TIME you have Trump.
If you think Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote means something.
If you think Hillary Clinton might someday still be president.
If you think the message of the future is Shut The Fuck Up Whitey.
(h/t JackStraw)
If you believe that cops are mostly corrupt and violent and racist, but you also believe that they’re the only people who should be allowed to have guns…
If you love to gloat about how “dumb” Americans are, while insisting that our public school system is perfect and can’t be improved (except by throwing more money at it)…
(h/t Prothonotary Warbler)
If you think “piss Christ” is an important artistic achievement, but “piss Mohamed” is a hate crime, you might be a Democrat.
(h/t Dave_in_fla)
If you voted for Ted Kennedy every time he ran, but wouldn’t vote for Trump because he said pussy, you might just be a Democrat.
(h/t Tammy al-Thor)
If you think reading the Bible in school violates the First Amendement but not inviting imams to get school kids to recite the shahada.
(h/t Insomniac)
If you think kids can decide what gender they’ll be, but won’t let them decide what do eat for lunch
(h/t josephistan)
It begins. The Russians have arrested hackers for hacking the US election and charged them with treason. The Directorate for Internal Security, FSBs internal affairs bureau, arrested Sergei Mikhailov, a deputy director of the Center for Information Security. This is an obvious admission that the Russian gov’t hacked US election and is prepping for trials to embarrass and further delegitimize trumpski.
trumpski’s friends don’t play nice.
So every one of trumpski’s EOs are strictly to counter Obama’s?
We know cons only imagine that Mexicans and Negroes, but not good white kids like the trumps, could cast illegal votes, LOL. Do you think the trumpski kids, son in law and the odious Bannon voted more than once? Who else voted illegally in support of trumpski?
When was the last strong con economy, LOL? Tinkle down economics doesn’t work.
In trumpski’s defense his idea of a trillion dollar make-work, economic stimulus program just might stimulate the economy. trumpski’s challenge is to figure out how to get the money into the hands of his wealthy elite supporters rather than those “undeserving” working class stiffs. He’s up to the task.
You’re kidding, right?
Can you show one voting machine that was hacked? Can you show one tabulating machine that was hacked?
Of course you can’t because there were none.
What is amazing is that you keep putting up this meme that the election was hacked but won’t look that there was actual voting fraud.
Well, since you loved everyone of Obama’s Executive Orders, it would seem that you must like that Trump is trying to undo the damage done through the same use of Executive Orders.
Certainly most of the orders have been to counter Obama’s.
There’s no evidence that they did but evidence never matters to you.
Okay. I’ll play along. Let’s assume that they did. Let’s assume that there was fraud in the Trump total of votes.
Here’s the solution: LET’S FIND OUT.
Let’s look at voter fraud and see what we find.
OOOPS!! You and other liberals don’t want to do that. You don’t want to even look for any election fraud. You are happy to cast the idea that there was fraud in voting for Trump, but you don’t want to investigate. That’s probably because you know that the fraudulent votes found would have been more for Democrats than for Trump.
That’s the difference between people of moral character and you, Jeffery. You want to lie and play the troll without ever wanting to look at the entire issue. You only want to hate. I would offer that there is not a conservative on this board that is for voter fraud of any type. You and people of your ilk are only against voter fraud when you think that it hurt your candidates and your causes. Otherwise, in your mind, there is nothing to see.
Right before liberals start spending and stealing money from others. That’s when. And we just proved that liberal economic policies hurt more than they ever help, but you won’t see that. You see Obama and the Democrats as a success when in fact, their stance on the economy was a failure.
Thanks Republicans for the Great Depression and the Great Recession.
So when were these great times ushered in by conservative policies? LOL
Poor Jeffles.. we know you are in a great state of depression.
and being a far leftist, you will always be in a state of regression.
Depression and Regression.. the full extent of poor Jeffles’s soul.
GET OVER IT… you poor pathetic LOSER. !!
Wall Street deregulation, blamed for deepening the banking crisis, was aggressively pushed by advisers to Bill Clinton who have also been at the heart of current White House policy-making, according to newly disclosed documents from his presidential library.
The previously restricted papers reveal two separate attempts, in 1995 and 1997, to hurry Clinton into supporting a repeal of the Depression-era Glass Steagall Act and allow investment banks, insurers and retail banks to merge.
One of the huge knocks on GWB the younger was he never met a bill he didnt like….well Clinton rode the horse all the way to the collapse of the USA all the while garnering all this huge praise as being this enormous jobs creator….
Why do we have to continue to push this…….It takes both sides to destroy the country…….UNTIL HARRY REID SAID IT DOESNT and NOW….this is exactly what I said would happen…..HARRY REID WAS AN IDIOT and now you have Trump in the White house and the GOP owning both houses……..what did you expect.
Get used to it or move to California when they secede.
Yes, so far they are;
Again with the racist banter? What does the race of a fraudster have to do with the fraud? Nothing, unless you’re a racist. Jeffery, do you ever read what you type and see the racist tone to your words?
Now, do you have any evidence that Trumps “kids”, son in law and that “odious” Bannon voted more than once, illegally in support of Trump or are you just Bearing False Witness again? I do recall you once stating before the election:
I assume as a “white guy” Jeffery, your plan to vote for Clinton “several times” means you are willing and able to break the law and to disenfranchise other Americans the votes of whom you would effectively cancel. Not very honest nor patriotic.
I guess a growth of 1.6% for eight phukin years you consider a strong economy? You consider 94 million people out of the work force strong? 48 million on disability strong? Need I go on? The economy is not strong because taxes and regulations make it strong. Just the opposite is true and your failure to understand that I blame on the poor condition of the union run educational establishment. It’s not your fault, you just don’t know any better.
Now, trickle down economics (if that’s what you meant) does not exist and was a disparaging propaganda term used by Reagans enemies to discredit his economic policies. Economies do not grow down to up, up to down or sideways. They grow by free, unfettered not over taxed and not over regulated trade between free consenting partners. Trickle down was a very clever and effective anti-capitalist propaganda term used by mostly leftist Democrats to deflect the success of Reaganomics. It did its job by thwarting some growth thereby hurting the US economy.
That’s not hard to do since all stimulus programs by their very nature usually enrich the wealthy not the worker (case in point Solyndra, GM bailout). Who do you think the government gives the money to Jeffery, a Mega-bank or a plumber? A giant construction company or a roofer? Goldman Sachs or Two Men and a Truck?
That’s a big number!! Do you really believe that 94 million Americans are looking for work? Does that really make sense to you? Do the math. If you assume every man, woman and child in America should be working that comes to almost 30% of the population out of work and looking. That’s close to trumpy’s lie of 42%.
I have 6 grandchildren out of the workforce, and they make up part of your 94 million. My 90 yr old mom in law is out of the workforce and makes up part of your 94 million. I have several friends, relatives and former coworkers who have retired and they make up part of your 94 million.
Yes, many Americans were discouraged during and after the Republican Great Recession, and “dropped” out of the labor force. But the unemployment rate is currently under 5% after millions of jobs were added. Mean wages have even increased the past year. Let’s hope the economically illiterate trumpy and his band of deplorables don’t screw it up!
But Sean Spice was told by trumpy to tell the American people that the economy is more about feelings than statistics.
According to the Bureau December we had a workforce of 159,640 and 152,111 employed. Did you know the labor force now is nearly 40,000,000 workers greater now than at the peak of St. Reagan’s magic economy? In fact the largest workforce in American history was last September at 159,830 million.
The 94 million is out of work OR UNDEREMPLOYED………
Millions upon millions are now working 15-34 hours a week because of the ACA and the weak recovery.
but lets look at your numbers a second……160,000 are working
That means 160 million are NOT working……..
The real unemployment by Gallup who is in the tank for the left is 9.2 percent……..
The left wants McDonalds to start paying 15-20 bucks an hour because the Lefts idea of a job is 15 hours week at McDonalds.
If you really think the economy is healthy then you are as delusional as your Saint Obama…….even the Labor unions are fist pumping at what Trump is trying to do for them…..that tells me right there that the labor market is hurting and hurting bad………and the Fact WI and MI and PA WENT FOR TRUMP THE NAZI……
Yeah keep making your case the economy is in GREAT SHAPE.
Actually Jeffery I kinda just threw that out there. I haven’t believed any figures from the government for a decade. I’ve watched them cook the books, change the algorithms, mess with the methodology and just plain lie to our faces so long it doesn’t even phase me any more.
I am a guy of limited expertise, Jeffery. I’m not one of those guys whose an “expert” at every subject. I have a degree in economics and even though that was long ago I still am an “observational” economist. IOW, I watch what is happening more than rely on numbers. Why? Because “experts” look at charts and don’t see the 35 stores that closed in their neighborhood last quarter then make prognostications on those charts numbers based not on reality but rather on their politics. Economics is not politics that’s why a different word defines each discipline. Just as science is not theology for the same reason.
The only actual expert experience I have is in business. The retail restaurant business, the commercial real estate development and sales business and the financial services industry. I don’t know anything about medicine, science, engineering, geology, anthropology etcetera. Love to participate but I’m only guessing. OTOH, I’ve studied theology and specialized in islam and Christianity with the usual smattering of Judaism a dash of Buddhism, Hindi and others.
I do know when you state:
you are not being fully truthful. The population during Reagan was 225 million, that’s over 110 million less than 2016 (that’s without counting illegals under the radar) so it stands to reason today we’d have at least 65 million more workers if todays numbers were as good as Reagans.
Your instincts are correct. The number should be normalized to the population, OR more correctly to the working age population. Note that the proportion of our population passing into retirement age is increasing.
But my number is no more misleading than your and trumpy’s 90-something million.
Apply your instincts to ALL evidence though, not just that you disagree with.
This is a common tactic of the right: blaming the other guy for the bad, and attributing all good to your guy.
The expanding economy during the Clinton terms were Reagan’s doing! The balanced budget during the Clinton terms was the doing of Congressional Repubs! But 9/11 was Clinton’s fault! The Great Recession was the fault of Clinton and Obama!
NuConservatism is a mental disorder. White is black, Up is down, In is out, Lies are truth.
2017 is 1984.
And remember when unsecured telephones and email accounts were threats to America?
trumpy is still using his old unsecured Android phone and Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon are using the RNC email system.
No, and if you were honest, neither do you.
Which under the law they can do if they are doing non-governmental business.
You really need to either try to keep up or get some ethics off of eBay or something.
gc needs to stop smoking that wacky weed.
So little guy really did serve in the Army???

Why did the Little Butt Sniffer support a war he wouldn’t even volunteer to serve in?
So little guy won’t admit or apologize for lying about serving in the Army???
Wonder why.
Why didn’t the Little Guy Who Sniffs Butts volunteer to serve in a war he supported?