In reality, this is nothing new. As state governments across the country saw more and more Republicans assuming control, much like we saw the devastation in the federal Congress of the Democratic party during the Obama years, they looked to enable citizens to uphold their 2nd Amendment rights
(The Hill) President Donald Trump’s election has encouraged gun rights advocates to mount a new legislative push in states across the country.
Legislators in more than a dozen states have introduced bills to allow residents to carry guns in the open, roll back licensing requirements for concealed weapons and limit the number of facilities where guns are prohibited. Measures in several states would allow those with licenses to carry firearms in schools, airports and churches.
Those backing more expansive gun rights largely embrace Trump’s claims — many of which are disputed by federal and local law enforcement statistics — that crime is on the rise and cities are plagued by a wave of what the president called in his inaugural address “American carnage.â€
Some of these ideas are good, some not so good. I see nothing wrong, theoretically, with requiring a license to purchase a firearm, nor a requirement for training to carry concealed. If one wants to carry on campus, training would be great. It breaks down when you realize that Democrats will eventually recover and win some elections, and then put a big monkey wrench in the works, causing problems for people attempting to obtain licenses and training and carrying.
Of course, in those few Democrat run states left, they’re looking for even more restrictions on 2nd Amendment Rights, which almost solely affect law abiding citizens, not the criminals who may use a firearm. Remember, though, Democrats say they’re for gun rights all the time!
The future of the war over gun rights may lie in a third bill introduced by Lucas, the Indiana Republican. That bill would grant a tax credit to Hoosiers who complete gun safety courses, or who buy security devices like a gun safe.
Lucas said he wants to encourage people to take gun safety courses, though “never in my lifetime†would he advocate a government mandate that they do.
“Money talks, and instead of paying people to [take gun safety classes], let them keep their own money and direct it towards firearm safety training courses,†Lucas said.
An interesting proposal. One can see the good and bad in it. The good, that people obtain training in the proper use, the bad that Democrats would now have all the information on law abiding gun owners they need to become problems. I am all for training. You do it to drive a car, you do it for you job, you do it if you’re into martial arts, etc. Sure, none are Constitutional Rights, but, wouldn’t you think a bit of training would be a good thing on a firearm, if only to make sure you know how to use it and what the laws are?
Meanwhile, we get a little bit of apoplectic fake news
The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that could block some recipients of disability benefits from buying guns.
The House voted 235-180 to roll back a rule that required the Social Security Administration to report people who receive disability benefits and have a mental health condition to the FBI’s background check system. The database is used to determine eligibility for buying a firearm.
Critics said the rule stripped Second Amendment rights from people who are not dangerously mentally ill, such as those who have eating disorders or mental disorders that prevent them from managing their own finances.
The National Rifle Association opposed the rule. While the group says it supports keeping guns away from the mentally ill, it said the determination about who is mentally ill should be left to the courts.
That rule was in place for a few weeks, and was never passed, or even submitted, to the duly elected legislative branch. This has obviously sent many liberals off the deep end. The best being Hullabaloo, with the catchy headline Making the country safe for white supremacy. You stay classy. Oh, and remember, as you guys were fond of saying during the Obama years, you lost.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Teach typed:
Even Patriots such as Teach have been brainwashed by the liberal gun grabbers.
What part of “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” do you not understand? Of course your laws forcing training on free men are unconstitutional.
Thankfully, our Gun Expert-in-Chief will restore our Constitutional right to possess whatever firepower We the People feel necessary to protect ourselves against the negro, mexican and muslim hordes.
Did you realize a 1986 law makes it nearly impossible to possess a machine gun?
“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” – except for machine guns???
Kinda like the 1st amendment guaranteeing free speech…
Like Berkeley.
The Berkeley incident was a set-up by Yiannopoulus to sell more books. The “rioters” were all right-wing plants and associates of Milo, not students. The university reserved a large auditorium for his speech.
That’s a theory that the left has put out that has already been proven to be false.
The left even published a play book on what they were going to do.
Jeffery is actually citing something said by Robert Reich, but even Reich said he couldn’t prove it. He was basing his accusation on the way the protesters looked.
Just more deflection and lack of accountability from the left.
Yep, the little guy like Reich, is spouting unproven bullshit that’s easily refuted.
The left has nothing left in the bag but lies.
Or New York…
Then there are reasonable limits to all our enumerated rights in the Constitution? Then we have no problem banning moslems under the First if they can ban machine guns under the second. If they can limit speech from shouting “fire” in a theatre then they can limit religion from yelling “Allahu Akbar” while killing non moslems.
Except of course, you can’t limit someone from yelling “fire” in a theater. There is no law that prevents it.
I’m popping bags of popcorn, just waiting for some lib rioters to try attacking people in a state where concealed carry is legal.
We’ll see on Sunday.
Well, we’ll find out on Super Bowl Sunday…
Well, we’ll find out on Super Bowl Sunday…
Jeffrey wrote sensibly for once:
Jeffrey is exactly correct!
Now, we used to have firearms safety courses in the public schools. I s’pose we could let liberal parents have the right to opt their children out of such things, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt to allow (not mandate!) public schools to offer firearms safety courses.
[…] With Trump win, states push more 2nd Amendment rights (Pirate’s Cove) […]