…is evil meat from evil carbon pollution releasing pigs, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Hillary, Trump, and the outrage.

…is evil meat from evil carbon pollution releasing pigs, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Hillary, Trump, and the outrage.
What I see is a cook who is seriously vulnerable to grease splatter!
trumpy throws America under the bus in defending Putin’s murder of enemies.
Does trumpy believe the US gov’t has assassinated critics? We know he considers it “no big deal”.
BTW, Oleg Erovinkin, the Russian agent said to have helped MI6 agent Christopher Steele compile trumpy’s embarrassing Russian prostitute dossier was recently found dead in a car. Steele is in hiding.
trumpy doesn’t just condone political murder, he admires it.
Yep, loose shoes never killed innocent people.

We bet you have even better jokes than Earl Butz’s racist one about “coloreds” wanting nothing more than loose shoes.
Someone with your stature in the white supremacy movement must have more to share about “the coloreds”.
Can you name the innocent critics that President Obama had killed? (We’ll concede Anwar al awlaki.)
Our current so-called president is also known as loose pussy (’cause his pecker is so tiny, get it? LOL).
Oh, so little guy is neither a racist or a bigot.
Maybe trumpy has a hard time borrowing money because he’s such a high-risk borrower, what with all his bankruptcies. But in fact, this is just another trumpy lie, to enable him and the GOP to redistribute monies from the working classes to his Wall Street buddies like Jamie Dimon. Just another reason the rich will continue to get richer at the expense of working stiffs.
Loose Condom,
Can you name the critics that President Obama had killed?
We can broaden the search: name any American critics that the gov’t has had killed.
Maybe our so-called prez Loose Pussy can disclose this info. After all, by falsely claiming to the world that America kills its internal critics, he’s done more to harm America’s global reputation in the past few weeks than even Dick Nixon and LBJ combined.
Here’s a short list to get you started:
Paul Khlebnikov
Anna Polikovskokaya
Alexander Litvinenko
Natalya Estemirova
Anastasiya Baburova
Stanislav Markelov
Boris Berezovsky
Boris Nemtsov
My mistake, those are just a few of the Kremlin critics that Loose Pussy’s hero, Putin, has had killed.
The entire list contains the names of over 100 journalists assassinated under Putin.
We get it. The juvenile trumpy thinks this signifies strength, as do those who voted for him. NuCons (followers) would have no problem with the “disappearing” of journalists critical of their NuCon leaders.
Whom did President Obama have killed?
You’re seriously equating the accidental killing of civilians in war with the deliberate government assassination of citizens critical of the government???
Don’t get us wrong, many of President Obama’s “sterile” drone attacks and the killing of hundreds of non-combatants were abominable and counterproductive. But conservatives excuse these killings as just part of war and the price that innocents pay for being in the vicinity of bad guys (some knee-jerk Obama defenders make this same argument).
The assassination of US citizen Anwar al-awlaki by Obama was unprecedented and wrong, as was the killing of al-awlaki’s 16 year old son a few weeks later, and the killing of al-awlaki’s 8 year old daughter by Trump recently. What kind of country kills the children of its enemies? During his campaign Trump famously crowed that he would kill the families of terrorists.