…is a pond that is shrinking from carbon pollution heat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Bizzy Blog, with a post on a law introduced to protect doctors who don’t want to do abortions.
I forgot to mention that that it is Blondes Week. And, remember, all IAYS posts are open to whatever you want to discuss.

Devos confirmed as SecEd.
Sessions to be confirmed tomorrow.
Suck it libs.
That link isn’t working, Capt. Teach. Why would we need a law to protect doctors who don’t want to do abortions? I thought slavery was illegal. Nobody can make a doctor do an abortion.
Should work now. Not sure why didn’t before. Looks like same
Yup, Betsy DeVos was confirmed, 51-50, to be Secretary of Education. But the real problem is that there is a federal Secretary of Education in the first place. There are a few necessary programs, which could be peeled off into other agencies, and then the rest of the department should be just plain eliminated. Education used to be, and should still be, a state and local responsibility.
Our esteemed host wrote:
Apparently it’s bleached blondes week! How ’bout real blondes week sometime?
I’d volunteer to check but you can’t even do that any more.
Bleach is bad for the environment, hence, bad for ‘climate change’, according to Warmist doctrine.
However, bleach is also used as a chemical weapon, and killing of humanity is Good for the climate.
A conundrum.