Democrats always look for some sort of equivalence when they attempt to protect the subsection of Islam which is increasingly violent in the name of Islam. Further, they are quick to blame all of Christianity, Judaism, etc, when something happens, while claiming that any attack by someone yelling “Allahu Akbar!” has nothing to do with Islam. So, we end up with this
(Breitbart) Almost seven out 10 Democrats believe Islam “encourages violence… about the same as other religions,†according to a new CBS poll.
The trusting attitude towards Islam is revealed in the February 2017 poll follows 17 tumultuous years of attacks against Americans motivated or shaped by Islamic ideology throughout the United States—from the 9/11 atrocity to the Pulse nightclub attack in Florida committed by an observant, orthodox Muslim man from a Muslim family.
Merely one-in-seven Democrats believe that Islam is more violent than other religions, such as Christianity, Mormonism, Judaism, and Buddhism. One-in-ten Democrats believe that Islam is less violent that other religions, according to the poll of 1,019 adults, which was taken Feb. 1 and Feb. 2.
In contrast, Republicans have a far colder view of Islam. Sixty-three percent of Republicans view Islam as  aggressive compared to other religions, and only two percent view Islam as more pacific than other faiths.
The specific question asked in the survey was “Generally speaking, do you think the Islamic religion encourages violence more than other religions around the world, less than other religions around the world, or about the same as other religions around the world?” So, the answers are not as bad as they appear, but, this is really an extension of Democrat beliefs that are pro-Islam and anti-every other religion.
Now, is all of Islam violent? No. Of course not. Democrats will make the case that other religions are all equally violent, because crime occurs. They’ll look and say something like “Dylann Roof is a Christian, hence, Christianity is violent!” Here’s the difference: most Christians (and Jews, Buddhists, Mormons, etc) are not committing violence in the name of their religion or as pushed by their religion. Roof didn’t commit murder as pushed by the Bible. The Bible would tell him not to do it. He wasn’t praising God will committing mass murder. They aren’t committing terrorist acts in the name of Jesus and Jehovah. Hardcore radical Islamists are doing it in the name of Islam, Allah, and Mohammad.
They are also doing things like honor killings, throwing gays from roofs, setting people on fire, stoning gays and women, making women 2nd class citizens, whipping women who have been raped, and so much more as told by the Koran, usually explained to them via the Islamic teachers and leaders, including those in the Mosques.
Democrats don’t get it, and don’t want to get it. For whatever reason, they’ve decided to put hardcore extremist Islam on a pedestal, most likely due to early 2000’s Bush Derangement Syndrome, even though Islamism stands against just about everything Democrats say they support, and is competing for authoritarian control the same as the Democrats.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

And our so-called president believes the American gov’t is as murderous as Putin’s Kremlin.
It’s understandable that fundamentalist christians defend the anti-Muslim, anti-gay, anti-abortion, racist acts of some of their worst members.
The entire fundamentalist, far-right, racist, anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-science, anti-government cult is a religion of itself. It’s a spin-off of normal christianity. Much like ISIL is a bastard child of Islam.
Just because Dylann Roof, Scott Roeder or Alex Bissonnette didn’t scream God is Great! doesn’t mean their religion didn’t motivate them.
Christian apologists insist that Islam itself is the problem. WRONG! Unyielding, unbending religious fundamentalism is the problem. The authoritarian political movements that arise from these cults are the problem.
Except, most are not committing violence in the name of their religion.
And there we have it: Jeff utterly refuses to acknowledge the violence in Islam, even when it is specifically limited to just that small portion, yet, has no problem blaming all Christianity.
Good use of the keyboard.
Democrats are woefully ignorant of most religion because the State is their god but they are particularly ignorant to the point of insanity or retardation about Islam. Even at this blog where I spent a lot of time laying out the words of the Koran and hidath and quoting from mohammad and several noted moslem clerics the exact nature I their own words Jeffery refuses to see.
There is ONLY ONE major religion that commands and EXPECTS it’s adherents to lie, steal and murder in its name and that is ISLAM. Period.
People of every religion commit crimes and even atrocities and some in their derangement may even believe they are being directed to do so by god. But that is a sign of their insanity not an tenant of their faith. With islam it is their faith as directed by mohammad that directs every move.
What Jeffery and all other leftists who are in the dark about Christianity vs Islam is that the Bible is written by men, not Go therefore it is open to something the Koran is not open to: INTERPRETATION. The Koran, the word of allah s DIRECTLY give to mohammad by Gabriel is NOT open to interpretation. The words are absolute. Whereas the entirety of Christian theology is the discussion of the meaning and interpretation of the Bible, Islam is the memorization and repetition of the strict adherence to every word written by the Koran without question or interpretation. When the Koran says lie to kafirs, cheat them, attempt to convert them but if they can’t enslave or kill them. Period. Word of allah.
So when a blinded-by-stupidity American says islam is no more violent than say Lutheranism that American is merely regurgitating the poor education and wanton propaganda of our school system.
And when those same Americans bring in moslem “boys” to infiltrate our country this is what they are bringing.
Anyone can look these things up but I assume leftists would rather continue to argue from the high perch of ignorant bliss. Leftists love them some muzzies because they both believe in the same goal: eliminate Christianity and their God and destroy Western Civilization. Just as those noted leftist socialists, the Nazis allied themselves with the moslem world so do todays leftists. Imagine their surprise should they and their moslem allies win and they wake up only to find a scimitar at their throat because the muzzies aren’t doing it for power, they’re doing it for ALLAH. Alluha Akbar!!
The People’s Cube ( has a fantastically funny “report” on some 10,000 jobs being offered by Hooters for immigrants to show support for Starbucks and AirBnB for not hiring veterans or unemployed Americans. Complete with “staff” photos!!
Here’s the rest of the same poll Breitbart (LOL) described:
54% want to keep Roe v Wade, 30% want it overturned.
51% oppose trump’s Muslim ban, 45% support it.
57% think ban against the U.S.’s founding principles, 35% think ban is in keeping with the U.S.’s founding principles
Surprisingly, 40% approve of trump’s performance and only 48% disapprove of his performance. Astonishingly, 84% of Republicans approve of trump’s “goat rodeo” performance so far.
43% approve of his handling of the Obama’s economy so far, and 37% disapprove.
The major flaw in your reasoning is your concept that American liberals favor Islam over christianity. We don’t. What we favor is religious freedom, just not at the expense of secular freedom.
Many fundamentalist christians have the mistaken notion that America is a formal christian nation the same way some nations are theocracies. America is not a christian nation; we are a nation of laws. We follow the Constitution, not the christian bible.
My personal belief (which is irrelevant) is that there is no evidence that gods, allahs, angels, demons, souls, heavens or hells exist. But I could be wrong. But in our America one can largely believe what you want as long as you don’t oppress others in the process. Snake handling, peyote smoking, hijab wearing, foot washing, prayer, Kosher butchering, all OK (within reason).
You and other Islamophobes have declared war on Islam.
Jeffery, in my 66 years I have never seen a liberal defend the rights of a Christian. Never. We all favor religious freedom, remember it was Christians that wrote the Declaration and the Constitution and they are based on Judeo-Christian law whether you like it or not. The entire concept of “freedom of religion” is a Protestant concept grown out of the Reformation. By not having an established State church the idea of secular freedom is secure. What most leftists and atheists (redundant) want is to eliminate all recognition of Christianity and our Christian roots from the public and from the education and ultimately memory of our people.
In “our” America you can largely believe what you want as long as you don’t oppress others too, and that includes oppressing Christians.
You almost made it through an entire post without name calling but you just can’t do it, can you? Anyone you disagree with you feel you must denounce and smear at some point even when I try as hell to be nice with you.
Jeffery, I am a bit of an amateur expert on Islam. I’ve studied it for 20 years. Knowing the truth and telling it to others does not make me an “Islamophobe” (BTW, you should look up exactly where that term can from, you’ll be enlightened)
Islamophobia is an allegedly irrational fear of losing life or liberty to Islamic rule merely because of the laws, sacred texts, and traditional practices of Islam demand the submission of culture, politics, religion and all social expression. It tends to afflict those most familiar with the religion while sparing the more gullible.
I have absolutely no fear of Islam, rational nor irrational. I also have zero respect for it as a cult and despotic theocratic criminal organization. I just completely understand what it is, what it means and what it intends to do and I tell people and as soon as they know that you know the truth they brand you as Islamophobe to deligitimatize the truth you speak.
The very fact Jeffery, that you don’t believe in gods, allahs, angels, demons, souls, heavens or hells is what makes you easy pickins and completely duped by this cult you do not understand. Your denial of council from those of us who do understand alludes me. If you have no interest in theology I quite understand. I have no interest in chemistry. But unlike you I am willing to listen when someone who does says “don’t eat that, it’s poison”.
BTW, I see no evidence that aliens exist but I still think there’s a pretty good shot they do.
First, Islamophobia is a condition caused by…followers of Islam. From the title “Democrats feel other religions as violent as Islam.” They feel, but they don’t think. Don’t we all remember Christians trying to kill over cartoons, or Christians massacring Olympic teams, or throwing gays off buildings, or demolishing over 125 churches of a different religion, or committing over 30.000 terror attacks worldwide since 9-11 killing thousands, or displacing over 100,000 peolple of a different religion in Iraq, or committing over 45 terror attacks in the US since 9-11 with literally hundreds more stopped before they took place? Oh wait- those were Muslims.
The “christian as victim” trope in the US is tiresome. Every American president has been christian. 70% of Americans are christian.
When minorities in a dominant culture start petitioning for equal rights, the dominant culture always feel discriminated against. When gays (whom you routinely name-call as fags or homos) insist on marriage equality, fundamentalists claim that they’re victims, that gays getting married insults their religion. When public school districts stopped conducting christian prayers, christians became victims. When public schools insist on teaching science (e.g., biological evolution), christians become victims.
It’s only “tiresome” because you are not a Christian in a constant fight to live what he believes a religious life without having “secular” nihilists forcing him to perform acts he deems sinful.
And that changes forcing an order of nuns to disobey God how?
Where do you come up with that? I know of no Christian who wants to deny minorities their rights. I also know of no fair minded person of any faith or color who believes any minority should be given any more or any preferential rights over anyone else even the majority. Nor should they.
Gays always “marriage equality” they could always get married. I’ve know several gays who were/are married. What was advocated was changing the definition of marriage. After 10,000 years of human experience suddenly legalized sodomy is a phukin virtue. Bull.
When prayers were forcibly stopped yes, Christians were victims. But more importantly the kids were victims. There is absolutely no good reason a few minutes can’t be set aside for prayer and reflection. What is everyone so afraid of? Accommodating a few pious people? An when public schools insist upon EXCLUDING other views of creation again, what are they hiding? Why are they afraid? Why can’t kids learn that billions of people believe God created the universe? Will that some how ruin their growth by expanding their minds with other ideas?
Our Constitution, based on Judeo-Christian teachings and traditions and the result of Protestant political and social thought from the Enlightenment forward forbids the establishment of a federal religion. It did not forbid state religions however. That’s why Pennsylvania was the Quaker State and Maryland was official Catholic and several other states had an “official” religion. But since they were Christian, at no time was a theocracy considered or imposed. So all your fears and protestations lay unfounded yet the secular religion deems itself the state religion and forces the rest to comply. Hardly seems fair since we created the country and the laws. I completely understand not wanting kids to be brainwashed into some religion by schools. Can you understand that we also don’t want them brainwashed against their own faiths by secular schools that refuse acknowledge religion exists? From our point of view atheism has become the state religion.
There is a theory that God created the universe. There’s also a Big-Bang theory and a Theory of Evolution. The one thing they all have in common is “theory”. You don’t believe in all those sky angels and demons and all just like people all through time haven’t believed in things they couldn’t see, like germs and viruses, but they were there they just couldn’t see them. And then one day they did. Your time to go to the next level isn’t here yet. It too will come.
As I said…
The article didn’t reveal when William Christopher Gibbs converted to Islam…
Georgia White Supremacist Under FBI Investigation After Ricin Found
Hoagie typed:
Scientific theories are based on evidence. There is evidence to support the Big Bang, evidence to support evolution, evidence to support AGW. Scientific theories without evidence are not scientific theories. Bigfoot is not a theory. ESP is not a theory. What’s the best evidence to support the myth that Allah or God created the universe?
Perhaps you are correct that supernatural beings may yet be revealed by scientific methods, but until that time it’s prudent to not force others to live their lives as if there are supernatural forces controlling all. As I say often, I may be wrong. Few, if any* are arguing to eliminate the free practice of Islam or Christianity, just that individuals who don’t believe not be forced to support the practice. But neither should nonbelievers be forced to walk on eggshells to avoid hurting the feelings of believers.
*Do you support banning Islam in the US?
I never stated God was a “scientific theory”. As a matter of fact I previously made the point to you that you were conflating theology with science. And you are correct, scientific theories are based on evidence, often leading in the wrong direction and often bad evidence. Evidence itself is not proof. However, the discussion of theology, philosophy and even parts of economics are presumptive, theoretical and unprovable by todays standards. That in itself does not make them untrue any more than evidence alone makes a scientific theory true.
I don’t know if you are making a concerted effort to remain ignorant of theology or just don’t understand the concept. I realize great minds from Aristotle to Thomas Aquinas to Einstein himself wrestled with theology. The object of theology is not to prove science nor an science prove theology. But anyone with a spit of brains and an open mind must recognize that any subject pondered by great minds since the dawn of man has worth.
Christians are not asking you to “walk on egg shells” which none of you o anyhow so what would be the use. What they ask is respect for their beliefs the very beliefs that helped found this country.
We already had this conversation. You previously asked and I previously answered. Is there anyone who blogs here who does not know my answer to that question. Teach? drowningpuppies? Dana? guitarcarver? Hank? Jl? Anyone?
Our so-called president is solely responsible for any right-wing terrorist attacks in the US (he clearly contributed to the murderous right-wing attack in Quebec). We dodged a bullet with the Georgia white supremacist “experimenting” with ricin.
Imagine the hue and cry emanating from trump et al if a Muslim had been found with ricin.
You conflated God Theory with real theories, not me.
True, and scientists rarely claim proof. Scientific theories are not proven. The theory of AGW is falsifiable, as is the theory of evolution. But as you understand, the theories become less likely to be falsified as evidence accumulates.
And I’ve already stated I could be wrong regarding the existence of gods. Could you be wrong?
It sounds as if you would like the US government to rid the nation of Muslims.
What other government support for your religion do you desire? Ban abortions? Teach creationism in public schools? Prevent gays (fags and homos to you) from legally marrying? Limit religious sympbols on gov’t property to Christian symbols? Allow gov’t teachers to lead students in Christian prayers?
I’ve been wrong about a lot of things so I could be wrong about God. Interestingly, if I am wrong, so what? But if you’re wrong you’re fucked.
I didn’t realize that asking for recognition and respect translated to “supporting” something. Maybe that’s why the left is so batshit crazy about Trump. Just showing respect for and recognition of the office of President is somehow “supporting” Trump when it’s really supporting the law and the nation.
I already told you I’m not for banning abortions. I’ve explained that abortion should be a state law not federal. But I am curious as to why guaranteeing the killing of unborn children is so high on the “to do” list for leftists.
Certainly, why not? Is there some reason open minds can’t handle the view?
Gays, fags, or whatever always could marry nobody was stopping them.
If their are any other religious symbols that have to do with the founding of America bring them on. But honoring our Founding principles should be a good thing especially if you are proud of your country. I’m proud.
First off the prayers were there before the teachers were “government”. Secondly, all that is asked for is a moment of silence and the atheists get apoplectic. I guess leftism is so weak missing two minutes of brainwashing in a six hour day will undo all the nobel efforts of the Kommissariat Kollective.
This is you learning what islam really means.
So your god has terrorized you into obedience? How is that different from Islam?