On one hand, this is just so typical of members of the Cult of Climastrology: they keep saying that things are worse than they have been saying. Meanwhile, at the same time, they unintentionally tell us they that their whole backbone of “science” has been worthless
Scientists argue current climate change models understate the problem
A new study on the relationship between people and the planet shows that climate change is only one of many inter-related threats to the Earth’s capacity to support human life.
An international team of distinguished scientists, including five members of the National Academies, argues that there are critical components missing from current climate models that inform environmental, climate, and economic policies.
The article, published in the National Science Review, describes how the recent growth in resource use, land-use change, emissions, and pollution has made humanity the dominant driver of change in most of the Earth’s natural systems, and how these changes, in turn, have important feedback effects on humans with costly and serious consequences.
The authors argue that current estimates of the impact of climate change do not connect human variables—such as demographics, inequality, economic growth, and migration—with planetary changes. This makes current models likely to miss important feedbacks in the real Earth-human system, especially those that may result in unexpected or counterintuitive outcomes.
So, not only are the models crappola, they now need to involve Social Justice, which isn’t Science. It’s politics, which dovetails perfectly into what the CoC is all about.

These guys really believe they know everything about everything, don’t they? It is inconceivable to them that the entire idea is wrong. That perhaps they need to start over with a fresh, and not political perspective.
Ah yes, notice the weasel word and qualifier “may”…
What horseshit.
So the Earth is warming and will warm in the future faster than previously thought. I can see why that gives Coolists comfort. Not.