But, remember, this is all a science, and it has nothing to do with politics in the least
(LA Times) Caifornia lawmakers are moving to reshape the state’s climate change policies by focusing on social justice issues such as alleviating local pollution and creating job opportunities, laying down a marker in conversations about the future of the cap-and-trade program.
The new measure, which will be introduced on Thursday by Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) and Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens), represents another step by Latino lawmakers to tie environmental policies to community-level concerns. The approach was a key part of last year’s successful effort to set a new, tougher goal for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
The cap and trade program has mostly been a failure so far, though, the supporters will say it has reduced “air pollution”, which is the way they refer to carbon dioxide, which is true, as businesses have left the state, gone out of business, or had to reduce their activities. But, as we can see from above, this is really all about pushing far left political agendas while saying “it’s for your benefit.” Progressivism has been defined as “nice fascism”, which means “fascistic/authoritarian government which knows what’s best for you.” And this is all linked in with Progressivism.
(Gov Gerry Brown) He wants a two-thirds vote in both houses of the Legislature, the threshold for approving taxes, to safeguard the program against legal challenges and preserve an important source of money for building the bullet train from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Brown has pledged to hold back cap-and-trade revenue, which is generated when the state auctions off pollution permits, until the vote happens.
Funny how so much of the science becomes policies of leftism, bigger government, and spending tax payer money on idiocy.

Is there no way we can remove California from the Union? They obviously detest everything about America so let them have their own utopian paradise.
I thought “conservatives” favored state’s rights? Now you want to cleave 15% of America’s recovering economy because the want to try something different? It’s pretty clear you want a far-right, theocratic caliphate in what was once America. America: 1776-2017 RIP.
In olden times (before 2008, aka the conservative re-asleepening), Cap-and-Trade was a conservative strategy – a market based system to reduce CO2 emissions. It was in contrast to the progressive idea of a direct carbon tax. Ah, good times. See, before 2008 even the GOP recognized the dangers of global warming. Now, since the GOP was thoroughly teabagged, it’s de rigueur to deny science. And why not, it’s our grandkids’ and great-grandkids’ problem now. We need our tax cuts, fuck the future!
But then who will pay for all the takers in our red states?
Always the drama queen. So how does a wise crack comment about throwing Cali out turn into me, a Lutheran, wanting a far-right theocratic caliphate? Which by definition is moslem. I don’t think “caliphate” means what you think it does. You should look that up.