We learned yesterday that Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos was finally arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement during one of her check ins. Liberal supporters of illegal alien felons had fits, blocking roads and ICE vehicles, but, still
Update: Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos deported to Nogales, Sonora this morning, per attorney Ray Ybarra-Maldonado, Mexican consulate called him.
— Daniel Gonzalez (@azdangonzalez) February 9, 2017
Well, the Editorial Board of the NY Times is having a snit fit
‘Bad Dude’? No, but Deported Anyway
By no standard of common sense or decency should Guadalupe GarcÃa de Rayos have been a priority for deportation. Ms. Rayos, a 35-year-old mother of two, was arrested on Wednesday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in Phoenix. On Thursday she was deported to Mexico, a country she left 21 years ago. Her devastated family, including her American-born children, remains in the United States.
She wasn’t a priority: this had been going on for years and years, till the system finally caught up with this felon. Martha Stewart wasn’t a bad dude, either, yet she spent time in a federal penitentiary. Same as many people who commit certain crimes that do not make them “bad dudes.”
President Trump persists in the absurd claim that America will be safe and great again only after an assault on “bad dudes†and “criminal aliens,†whom he has promised to arrest and remove by the millions.
But Ms. Rayos fits no such definition and was no threat, though she had been living in the United States illegally since she was 14. She had been known to the authorities since she was caught in a workplace raid in Phoenix in 2008. In the years since, she would check in regularly with immigration officials, who chose not to deport her, having more important things to do.
Nowhere does the screed mention she was a convicted felon, her crime being identity theft, which, while certainly not the same as felony assault, is not a victimless crime. There’s no telling the problems faced by the person(s) she stole the identity from.
Of course, Ms. Rayos is simply a vehicle for the NYTEB to bash Bush Trump
What was always most alarming about Mr. Trump’s posturing on immigration wasn’t the wall, which will never be built in the way he describes it. It is instead the prospect of ramped-up enforcement that promises to increase misery on both sides of the border. The criminalizing of law-abiding immigrants who have lived in the United States for years, and of the migrants from Central America who arrive desperate for refuge. The households sundered, the jobs lost, the brutal idiocy of it all.
She’s a convicted felon.
It is time to watch closely what Mr. Trump says, and what he and his administration do. Watch Mr. Sessions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Border Patrol, agencies with rogue officers who have abused immigrants and broken the law, and local law enforcement, like the Phoenix police, whose officers abetted ICE in subduing protesters who tried to block Ms. Rayos’s removal.
The horror! They all did their jobs! How rude!
But for countless innocent immigrant families, the hard question is what to do now. Advocates were mobilizing on Thursday night after reports of scores of immigration arrests across the country, from Southern California to Texas. Ms. Rayos’s lawyer, speaking to reporters on Thursday, said immigrants should realize that what happened to her could easily happen to them. He suggested they use great caution in dealing with ICE, and consider the possibility of seeking sanctuary in a church.l
First, illegals should realize what can happen when they are in the country illegally and commit any crime, especially a felony. Second, the NYTEB is suggesting that they continue breaking the law by seeking sanctuary. They are advocating for lawlessness. Such is the state of the Liberal News.

I believe that the paragraph:
was also supposed to be in a blockquote from the Times original.
The editors are making the same argument as the guy pulled over for speeding, protesting to the police officer that all of those other cars are whizzing past. Mrs Garcia broke the law, and she got caught; too bad, so sad, must suck to be her!
The Times made their real case:
The family separation argument can be made for every felony which results in incarceration or deportation. The law is the law, and Senora Garcia broke it. I do not care that her family are devastated, I do not care that she has successfully evaded deportation for so long; she was here illegally, she committed other crimes, and she should be gone.
Actually, she’s getting off easily: she should have been incarcerated for the felony she committed, for the maximum time allowed under the law, and then deported after serving her sentence. But, perhaps, if she was given probation, she’d have the threat of imprisonment hanging over her head if she tried to sneak back in.
This is just another example of the petty vindictiveness of the so-called president’s policies. He campaigned for a year (and has lived his entire live victimizing) against Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, women, the LGBT, the poor, the disadvantaged…
Are we not a nation of laws?
Not any more Hank_M. Now we’re a nation of leftist lawyers.
I agree Hoagie but I was curious if/when jeffry would reply.
Course, he may just ignore my comments as much as I ignore his.
Still, here he’s “defending” the illegal alien, or more accurately using her to further disparage Trump whereas in an earlier topic he was extolling the virtues or our nation being a nation of laws. (http://www.thepiratescove.us/2017/02/08/majority-of-democrats-feel-other-religions-as-violent-as-islam/#comment-317198.
It’s “petty vindictiveness” to enforce the law? Which, BTW he had nothing to do with ICE did. She was in their sights for years.
What is it about non Americans that make them so attractive to leftists? Ask yourself why it is of such paramount importance to import people when our own citizens can’t get work and those immigrants we bring in either take jobs that would have been taken by Americans or go on welfare paid for by Americans.
Now when can we expect the other estimated 13 million illegals to be booted out?
Breaking News: Huge protest planned by Victims of Identity Theft…just kidding the victims actually have jobs and are forced to work during the day.
We are in theory a nation of laws but they are variably enforced.
Millions of Americans exceed the speed limit daily, drink and drive, cheat on taxes, swindle vendors (yes, trumpy, that’s you)… and we live with it. Why don’t we set up radar on every interstate and catch every speeder? Because the cure is worse than the disease. President Bannon is going out of his way to harass hard-working brown residents, and his bitch trumpy goes along with it.
You need to cite evidence to back up your claims about immigrants and jobs.
Immigrants (illegal or not) are humans too, with as much value as you or I.
If we are able to enforce the laws, we get to control OUR borders, which every nation in the world does more cruelly than we have. This is not a war against brown people. I have to ask, who do we get to keep out? Or is America for everyone to invade because it is so friggin’ awesome? Why was she here so long and never legalized?
The world is awful, the news will sell you their tears. It’s not personal. It’s the risk she took. Grown ups understand this. Children cry and protest.
President Obama had the right idea. Secured borders, deport violent offenders and enacting comprehensive reform giving immigrants a path to legal status.
Of course that humane plan doesn’t punish brown Mexicans enough to satisfy the bloodlust of the right. Obama’s plan has the added advantage of not being as disruptive to the economy and society as President Bannon’s terrorism.
So we should give priority to people who ‘jump in line’ ahead those who legally go through the process? How is this fair?
Perhaps sometime when you’re in line to get limited tickets to an event, and hundreds of people jump in ahead of you, and you don’t get in…. maybe you’ll understand
Really Jeffery? And when did he plan to do this, in his eighth term? He neither secured the borders nor deported enough violent offenders. And you leftists don’t know what you’re talking about with this “Path to legal status” crap. You are very aware my wife is a South Korean immigrant who used the legal framework to her “path to legal status” (which was not hard since she didn’t get here illegally to start with). And guess what? She’s now an American citizen. Like Meliana Trump.
“The bloodlust of the right”? Is someone murdering Mexicans Jeffery? Nobody is trying to “punish brown Mexicans” they’re punishing Mexican criminals. Or do you believe Mexicans should be exempt from penalties for the crimes they commit?
We have now about 40 million people here of Mexican decent of which about 35 million arrived since 1965. How many Mexicans is enough, Jeffery? At what point do we stop being America and start being Mexico? We don’t need 40 million wealthy, highly educated Swedes let alone 40 million poor Mexican grape pickers. You are killing America one Mexican at a time. Your party is killing entry level and low end American jobs, the people know it and you wonder why we vote for the man who says he’ll stop it. You can’t be that blind or that stupid as a party. Maybe you can. Keep it up we’ll jus keep on winning.
Obama’s plan ruined the economy, that’s why you lost!
Obama would have won if allowed to run in 2016, so there is that. Even at that, trump lost to the hapless Clinton by 2,999,999 actual votes (Breitbart recently found one illegal voter). Americans preferred the damaged and unpopular Clinton more than trump. Yikes.
Conservatives ignoring economics and Wall Street caused trillions of dollars of damage to the economy, not Obama.
You are ignorant of facts, as usual, including that illegal immigration decreased during the Obama terms, largely due to increased enforcement.
The reality is that over 10 million American residents, almost all hard-working folks, paying taxes, sending children to school, contributing to our society and economy, live in the shadows. Comprehensive immigration reform, which the new conservative movement (NuCon) opposes, would further tighten border enforcement, but rather than terrorize 10 million residents would allow them to come out of the shadows and become legal residents or even citizens.
‘Jumping the line’ is a good bumper sticker talking point but ignores the reality.
Conservatives fall back to ‘fairness’ when pragmatic arguments fail. Are you really concerned about how legal immigration applicants feel? The undocumented residents presently in the US are not slowing legal immigration, so why care?
If an undocumented resident has worked peacefully in the US for 10 years why wouldn’t we want them here? Some imagined notion of fairness?
Presidents Reagan, H.W. and W. Bush and Obama have had it right.