In his book SJWs Always Lie, Vox Day laid out a few principles on how to deal with Social Justice Warriors. One of them is to never, ever, give in, because they’ll use that to beat you up and demand even more. It would have been good advice for the Boy Scouts, who have already capitulated to demands to allow gay scouts and scout masters, then on allowing the gender confused in
Women’s Group Calls On Boy Scouts To Allow Girls To Join
Is a Boy Scout still a Boy Scout when the scout is a girl?
That’s the question facing the Boy Scouts of America, which recently opened their ranks to gay and transgender boys and now faces another long-simmering membership dispute: a long-shot campaign to let girls join the BSA so they have a chance to earn the prestigious status of Eagle Scout.
While girls are allowed into some programs, they are still banned from competing for the Eagle Scout rank, joining Cub Packs or Scout Troops, joining the Boy Scout honor society, and earning Merit Badges.
Just last week, after the BSA announced it would admit transgender boys, the National Organization for Women issued a statement urging the youth organization to allow girls to join.
Man, if only there was some sort of organization that girls could join that did stuff. What’s their name? Now, boys can join the Girl Scouts….if they are gender confused. Not if they identify as boys.
It’s also not the first time that SJWs are attempting to force the Boy Scouts to allow girls in, because, why not? I can understand the appeal for some who are more tom-boys, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But, why can’t males have their won clubs if they want them? If men tried to force female only clubs, gyms, etc, to accept them, think there would be a big stink and all sorts saying “no, stop it!”?
This is what happens when you give SJWs an opening.
The group released a statement urging the federal government to “prohibit any federal support for the Boy Scouts until the organization ends its discriminatory ban against girls.â€
So, should we take away federal support from the Girl Scouts? There are plenty of groups that are discriminatory in one form or fashion that receive federal support. People need to stop being victims, and stop pushing their faux victimhood on everyone else.

[…] And yes, that includes, or soon will, the Boy Scouts. William Teach explains […]
[…] And yes, that includes, or soon will, the Boy Scouts. William Teach explains […]