He’s totally surprised that government doesn’t run like a business. Just another attempted hit piece, featuring tons of anonymous sources
Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government
The new president’s allies say he has been surprised that government can’t be run like his business.Being president is harder than Donald Trump thought, according to aides and allies who say that he’s growing increasingly frustrated with the challenges of running the massive federal bureaucracy.
In interviews, nearly two dozen people who’ve spent time with Trump in the three weeks since his inauguration said that his mood has careened between surprise and anger as he’s faced the predictable realities of governing, from congressional delays over his cabinet nominations and legal fights holding up his aggressive initiatives to staff in-fighting and leaks.
I’m betting that Barack, who had no experience running anything, had some issues as well. Even those with experience running government, such as George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan, among others, surely had difficulty, particularly with an unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy.
The administration’s rocky opening days have been a setback for a president who, as a billionaire businessman, sold himself to voters as being uniquely qualified to fix what ailed the nation. Yet it has become apparent, say those close to the president, most of whom requested anonymity to describe the inner workings of the White House, that the transition from overseeing a family business to running the country has been tough on him.
Seriously, it has been three weeks, guys. Three weeks. These things do not happen overnight. They do not happen that fast in the private sector, either. Even taking over a small store doing the same as you did at another small store can take time. If this is still happening in a year, then it would be a problem.
But, the idea here is to paint things negatively for Trump, because that’s what out professional and totally unbiased media does.
There’s this anonymous quote, that anonymous quote, most of which are designed to make Trump look bad.
Last week, Trump told an associate he had become weary of in-fighting among — and leaks from — his White House staff “because it reflects on me,†and that he intended to sit down staffers to tell them “to cut this shit out.â€
That, though, despite the negative portrayal, sounds like someone who’s in charge, and is trying to implement a typical theme from the private sector about “getting on board with the changes.”
There are two actual quotes from people among all the negative anonymous nellies
Christopher Ruddy, a Trump friend and the chief executive of the conservative Newsmax Media, said “Running the federal government is something new for him, for sure.†But, Ruddy added, “I think if he’s demonstrated anything in his life, he is a very fast learner and adapts very quickly. The man is not to be underestimated.â€
“I’m not disappointed in the President’s work so far – he operates like many great CEO’s I know – and I hope he continues to manage the country in a manner worlds apart from the way we’ve seen in the past,†said Michael Caputo, who was a Trump campaign aide. “It’s about time.â€
Running the country is no easy business, especially when Trump is attempting to change the way it runs. And, it’s just been three weeks, for goodness sakes.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

Actually, I agree with the article: President Trump’s first few weeks have not gone smoothly. While I agree with most of what he’s done, some parts weren’t done well. The immigration order was pushed through too quickly, without anyone considering that permanent residents (green card holders) and people with valid visas had to be exempted.
Nothing Trump does will go smoothly. We live in a new America where debate is impossible because the left believes either they win or they destroy everything. Presidents get “honeymoons”, not this one. Just look at the seething rage in Jeffery’s comment below. He would kill if he could and so would may on his team. To them those of us on the right are not even human and unworthy of life let alone respect.
He makes some ridiculous noise about how “we pay a half million USD PER DAY to protect Mooch-lania in trump Tower, NYC.”. See how even a lady like Melania must be besmirched. Dehumanized. The guy who just loves him some immigrants finally met one he hates. And we didn’t hire new Secret Service people for Melania so they would be paid regardless of where they were, Trump Tower, NYC or Hawaii.
And taxpayers are paying Conway to shill for Ivanka’s clothing line. We paid $100,000 for Secret Service hotel fees for Eric’s trumpcorp business trip to South America. The so-called president hasn’t (and won’t) divest himself of his business interests that are hopelessly intertwined with his official duties. We pay a half million USD PER DAY to protect Mooch-lania in trump Tower, NYC.
The so-called president of these US, holder of what was once a respected position, attacked a department store for making a smart business decision concerning his daughter whose husband is an advisor to the so-called president.
trump Industries = US Gov’t = trump Industries
He’s a tinhorn diktator of a kleptocracy.
Well, he’s accomplished more in 3 weeks than any other President despite the willful and unAmerican obstruction by the dems and media.
The man has balls, big brassy ones.
So in other words they’re protecting the Trump family exactly the same way they protected the Obama family? What the hell is your point?
You’re saying the Obama kids took international business trips on the gov’t dime? And imagine the sturm und drang from the conservatards if Mrs. Obama had decided to live with the children in Chicago. But everything is OK with Mooch-lania, at $150,000,000 a year!
Only one person has Trump Derangement Syndrome and his name is Donald Trump, sock puppet to President Bannon.