The immigration sweeps have mostly disappeared from the news, in the few days since they occurred. Nevertheless, liberals have been howling over the sweeps, and the Democrat base is still wound up on blogs and social media. Immigration stooge Jorge Ramos had a shoot out with Sean Hannity, and couldn’t really provide any cogent, cohesive, rational, adult arguments for the illegals.
Now, we know that the sweeps, most of which were planned while Obama was still in office, targeted criminals (which begs the question, why were they not deported immediately to start with). Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wanted more details. OK
(LA Times) Federal officials on Monday released details about an immigration sweep in Los Angeles and surrounding counties last week that resulted in the arrest of 161 people living in the country illegally.
Of the 161 people arrested in L.A. and surrounding counties last week, 151 had been convicted of a crime. More than a quarter of those arrested — 42 people — had been convicted of domestic abuse, while an equal number had either drug or assault convictions, according to the statistics released Monday. Seventeen people had been convicted of a sex crime.
Three-quarters of the people arrested came from Mexico, with the rest coming from 12 other countries. Men accounted for most of the arrests, with only seven women in the group.
Some in the group who reentered the U.S. after previously being deported will now face possible criminal prosecution or be deported immediately. By Friday, more than three dozen Mexicans had been deported.
The ICE statement highlighted the more serious criminals in the group, which included a Honduran man who had previously been deported and had convictions for drug trafficking, spousal battery and petty theft, and a Mexican man who already had been ordered deported by an immigration judge and had convictions for drug trafficking, a weapons violation and spousal battery.
The group also included a felon from Jamaica who had prior convictions for a weapons violation, drug trafficking and domestic violence, and an Australian man taken into custody in West Hollywood who was previously convicted of lewd and lascivious acts with a child.
And that’s just the Los Angelos area.
These are the people Democrats are losing their minds over. These are the people Democrats threw their support behind. The Daily Kos, one of the leading leftist blogs, discussed the “racist immigration raids.” Latinos held a “day without Latinos” march in Milwaukee. There was another protest march in Baltimore. And plenty of other marches and shows of support.
They’re showing support for hardcore criminals. This is what it has come to on the political left.
Crossed at Right Wing News.

The elected Demonkrats are mostly criminals, so support for the criminal brethren is only natural.
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