…is carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on how things went when a lesbian Canadian Premiere visited a mosque.

…is carbon pollution created heat snow, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Creeping Sharia, with a post on how things went when a lesbian Canadian Premiere visited a mosque.
BTW, watched the entire press conference and Trump gave the corps a schooling.
Now the Media is all butthurt.
Trump signs legislation undoing restrictive coal mining regulations.
Putting miners back to work.
Rational people around the world were embarrassed by our so-called orangutan in chief.
He lied about the electoral college, and when corrected, said, “Well, that’s what I was told.” Putz. More fake facts from the fake president.
In his defense, we suspect he actually probably wants to do the right thing, but is captive to the far-right in American and The Kremlin overseas. Sad. And let’s face it, he’s just a dumbass blowhard surrounded by people who have neither his, nor America’s best interests at heart. Pathetic.
Some are saying the Russian spy ship setting just off the East Coast is in case trumpy needs to make a quick getaway to the homeland. He’s getting close to torches, pitchforks and Gaddafi territory. And in less than a month! What a talent.
So little guy didn’t watch the presser but got his little talking points from Kos or MM…
I agree. The orangutans in the media were embarrassed.
The media and you believe fake news stories all the time. You never apologize for your lies so you have to lash out like a child.
I didn’t realize that we were talking about Obama.
How dare you call Obama an “orangutan.” (Racist pig that you are, we should have expected it.)
trumpy blamed Russia’s recent belligerent acts (buzzing US Navy vessel; spy ship off the coast; deploying a new cruise missile) on the US media!! What a maroon.
Uh, no he didn’t, little guy.
You didn’t watch it so stop lying.
Yes he did.
“I inherited a mess” LOL
“running like a fine-tuned machine” LOL
At least the DC media had the class not to laugh at the so called president.
Admiral Harward told trumpy “no” regarding National Security advisor. The White House seems to chaotic.
Trumpy has been increasingly frustrated with Clumsy Spice and Kellyanne, and decided to do what he does best, pontificate. Buh bye Spicy, hello Sean Hannity. LOL
Did anyone on your campaign have any contact with the Russians? Uh… Not to my knowledge… blah blah blah.. It’s what his lawyers told him to say.
A Jewish reporter asked a question about anti-Semitic acts and der trumpenfuhrer told him to “Sit down” and complained that he expected a “simple” question.
He instructed a Black reporter to set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus for him. “Do you know the people in the Black Caucus?”
A horrible man, a horrible president.
A little more of your misinformed bullshit about that which you didn’t see.
Did you get that from KOS?
Uh, Trump has Jewish daughter so fuck that asshole “reporter”.
The black chick, asked him if he would meet with the CBC and he said “Sure, would you set it up?”
Wow, how horrible is that, little guy?
God, you’re really stupid and dishonest.
Deep Throat,
It’s difficult for me to get a free hour and a half during work. We understand that your job fluffing gay porn stars at night frees up your days.
Little guy really likes him some gay porn.
The leaks are real but the words from the leaks are fake news. LOL
Yeah, Russian hookers and golden showers.
Right, little guy?
Since the law is the law, are you disheartened by trump’s apparent “tender hearted” talk about the “Dreamers”, undocumented children brought into the US?
QUESTION: Will it be focused on specific..
(14:02:03) TRUMP: It’s a very fair question
QUESTION: …countries? And in addition, on the DACA program for immigration
(14:02:08) TRUMP: Right
QUESTION: What is your plan, do you plan to continue that program or to end it?Â
(14:02:12) TRUMP: We’re gonna show great heart, DACA is a very, very difficult subject for me, I will tell you. To me, it’s one of the most difficult subjects I have because you have these incredible kids
(14:02:22) In many cases, not in all cases. And some of the cases, having DACA and they’re gang members and they’re drug dealers, too. But you have some absolutely, incredible kids, I would say mostly. They were brought here in such a way — it’s a very — it’s a very, very tough subject
(14:02:40) We’re gonna deal with DACA with heart. I have to deal with a lot of politicians, don’t forget and I have to convince them that what I’m saying is — is right. And I appreciate your understanding on that
(14:02:51) But the DACA situation is a very, very — it’s a very difficult thing for me because you know, I love these kids, I love kids, I have kids and grandkids
(14:03:04) And I find it very, very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and you know, the law is rough
(14:03:10) I’m not talking about new laws, I’m talking the existing law, is very rough, it’s very, very rough.
–Daily Kos
Wish he’d have one of these press conferences every day. The corps beatings would continue until morale improves.
–President Trump
True quote from the presser.
Prove it. In response to a BBC’s reporters question on the three incidents, Trump never blamed the media. I can cut and paste the entire exchange, but it’s not up to me or anyone to prove what did not happen but rather for you to prove that it did.
You’re laughing at the mess Trump inherited? Wow.
Is it really your position that each time someone leaves or doesn’t want a job, that is evidence of a poorly run company?
You can’t be that stupid.
Who is this “trumpy” person or thing?
I guess Obama’s cabinet was in chaos when Eric Schmidt and others turned down offers of Cabinet positions. Maybe there was more chaos when Julian Castro turned Obama down as well.
And your point? The reporter said they were going to ask a very simple question and when they didn’t Trump called them out on their lie.
And your point? The CBC has been avoiding him. Cummings cancelled a meeting with Trump. Are you really trying to say that Trump looking for any avenue to talk with people is a bad thing? That when people won’t talk to him despite him reaching out, that he shouldn’t try other avenues to open up communications?
We all get the fact that you are so filled with hatred that you are compelled to lie about everything, but this is out of hand.
Maybe it isn’t your wife that is delusional as you claim. Maybe it is you.
So an employee of CNN gave debate questions to Hillary and we’re supposed to be upset that the Ruskies leaked emails?
CNN did more to fix the election than the Russians ever could.
Gotta admit, it was fun watching Trump bitch slap CNN.
Fucking gold!
Trump to CNN Jim Acosta

Best Presidential Press Conference….ever.
CNNs Acosta said: When you call our news “fake news” it makes people lose confidence in the media.
Nah, reporting fake news does that.

Fuck yeah!
Rim shot!
The media absolutely has no idea how to act when somebody fights back.
And Trump’s a fighter.
And great posts, by the way.
So, little dips hit guy who never knows what he writes about, would you prefer your President and family be left unprotected?
Did you whine when Obama and his family and Valerie Jarrett were provided with security 24/7?
And where do you get the idea of the “typical” costs of security for a President?
Is it kinda like the “average” global temperature or what?
It really is a little early for your kind of stupidity, little one.
drowningpuppies, you gotta understand morons don’t suddenly get smarter just because they have discovered a new angle. They are just stupid in a different direction.
Someday on the 11 o’clock news I fully expect to see the cops loading a guy identified only as “Jeffery from St. Louis” wearing a suit of human skin into a squad car.
…and a pussy hat on his little head and screaming “But I volunteered, I signed up, I joined the Army during the Vietnam War, AARRGH!!!

But I never served, haters. So there!”
“…and that little thing with the grandson was just that one time, THAT ONE TIME, GODDAMIT, and you can’t prove it anyway, haters!!!”
I report, you deny.
Racists on the right (redundant, I know) criticized President and Mrs. Obama (remember “Moochelle”?) as lazy deadbeats for their vacations, but refuse to criticize the current Orangutan-in-Chief for even greater spending! In addition, we’re having to pay for his estranged wife refusing to live with him in DC and,,, and for his sons jet-setting all over the globe turning taxpayer funding into personal wealth! And the 39% think it’s all OK!
Modern Day Marie Antoinette
You leftist democrats have been calling us conservatives “racist” ever since we feed your slaves.
You need to explain how your Marxist addled brain starts at the cost of Secret Service protection for the first family and ends at race? Can a white man take a piss without you calling him a racist?
the right criticized President and Mrs. Obama (remember “Moochelle�) as lazy deadbeats for their vacations.
His extreme golfing was criticized but I don’t recall anyone calling them lazy deadbeats.
Care to back that up with proof?
Neither do I, Hank.
A half-black marxist closet bisexual islamic atheist married to a Klingon Sasquatch.
Yep, that one I recall…